Monday, August 18, 2008

Alex joins DAP

Only about five hundred supporters turned up for a brief ceremony at the Dewan Hamzah in Klang this morning to watch my friend Alex Thiagarasan (photo, left) hand over membership application forms to DAP leader Ronnie Liu (photo, center), the Selangor state Local Government and Research Committee chairman and also ADUN for Pandamaran.

Former MIC Klang division chief Alex was expecting at least a thousand Klang MIC members to join him en bloc today but claims that SMS messages went out late last night to inform members that the ceremony has been postponed to a later date after the Permatang Pauh by-election. Alex vows to find out the culprits behind the hoax and to organise a bigger turnout at a future date.

Alex is undeterred after being expelled from MIC recently. He is also facing a RM10 million defamation suit by Samy Vellu after he had lodged reports with the police and ACA alleging that the MIC boss had misappropriated huge funds meant for the Indian community. Samy has also obtained an injunction barring him from making any statements relating to the issue.

-The Ancient Mariner

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