Tuesday, August 19, 2008


THIS post is disgustingly dedicated to PARIAHS who call their fellow-human beings Pariahs. Pariahs are commonly referred to dogs without certificate. Pariahs have their origin as being the untouchables in the Indian caste system.Being social outcasts, they are employed in the most unmentionable jobs like excreta collectors. However some from this caste do inch up a little bit and have "acquired" (I did not say they bought anything....I said acquired) certification into some professional bodies.

But coming from where they originated, they are full of shit and these shit bags contribute nothing but shit to society. One such shit bag, last night called my friend Raja Petra a pariah. He called, I was reliably informed, a member of the Selangor Royal Family, the cousin of HRH The Sultan of Selangor, a pariah on TV.

The Sultan of Selangor should do a favor for his state subjects by banishing this shit bag from Selangor. Before the proverbial shit hits the fan, the Sultan should do us this favor. This shit bag has insulted the royal family gig time. The Sultan should shit-can this shit bag before it explodes in this premier state of Selangor. The State has already been mired by one late istana Zak; we got rid of one cosmetically fair-faced top dog, and now we have this shit bag. Must things come in threes in this state of Selangor?

The mainstream media was surprisingly kind enough to inform us with a few shitty mouthing from this shitty-bag:
He challenged RPK to sue him and advised that RPK could appoint his own judge in the process.Now this shitbag is saying that any judge can be bought. This shitbag should be debarred. Revered members of the Bench, you still allow this denigrating defamation? Shame on you all if you do not take this shitbag to the cleaners for shitting on you all. Then he accuses RPK of hiding behind his spouse Marina Lee. When shit bags cannot hold anymore shit they want to shit on anything and do the meanest.....defecate on their victim's next of kin. wife of their victim. This is abhorrent. This is despicable. This is pure unadulterated shit, such that discerning maggots would not want to come near this type of shit.

The Bar Council should strike off this shit bag that has polluted their registry. Lingam seems an angel compared to his shitbag shit head. This shit bag must be relegated to pariah status - a social outcast, for bring disrepute to the Council. Don't sweep it under the carpet. It will still stink.

I posted this pic yesterday and it climbed the popularity chart astronomically fast such that a few readers have emailed me and asked me to dedicate this pic to this shit bag. I will do it but his ass may reject the intrusion....anyway I do listen to my readers for fear that they may throw this shit bag in my direction.


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