Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pas No. 2 defends talks with Umno

IPOH, Aug 14 — The deputy president of Pas yesterday defended the move by several top party leaders to hold secret talks with Umno. Nasharudin Mat Isa said that his party had not forgotten the bitter history between the traditional enemies.

“Yes, Umno was a political enemy of Pas, and then an ally and now an enemy again,” he said. “Should they continue to be left aside or should we not make an effort to get close to them?”

Nasharudin was speaking ahead of an annual meeting that is expected to debate the controversial secret talks.

His hour-long speech, at the opening of Pas Youth meeting, is certain to gain the support of the so-called Terengganu Group which sees nothing wrong with mending bridges with Umno.

The group includes top leaders from Terengganu — Pas president Abdul Hadi Awang, party strategist Mustafa Ali and cleric Harun Taib.Nasharudin, who is not from the state, is seen as part of this Terengganu Group, party insiders say.

Allegations that de facto opposition chief Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had engaged in sodomy again had also soured some Pas leaders on the Pakatan Rakyat coalition that he leads.

But on the other side are Pas leaders, privately labelled the “Anwarisma” Group, who distrust Umno and favour staying with Pakatan Rakyat.

This group includes Pas spiritual adviser Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat, vice-presidents Husam Musa and Ahmad Awang, and Youth chief Salahuddin Ayub.

The meetings have split Pas — one group says the party should stay loyal to Pakatan as the coalition had together captured five of the 13 Malaysian states in the March general election.

Those who want to leave Pakatan Rakyat say the coalition does not guarantee Malay and Islamic dominance in the country, as Anwar has talked about replacing the pro-Malay New Economic Policy.

Youth leaders from Perlis state yesterday filed a surprise motion for the wing to debate whether Pas should leave Pakatan or not.

Salahuddin, who spoke at the same function as Nasharudin, said the party should strengthen Pakatan while accommodating other groups.

“But we must never compromise if our politics of accommodation is used to start political cooperation or power-sharing between Pas and Umno-Barisan Nasional,” he said.


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