Friday, August 15, 2008

Siapa Che Mat Che Ali (JAWI)

hop...sebelum aku gerak...

Dapat sikit maklumat...Pengarah Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (Jawi) iaitu Datuk Che Mat Che Ali dan pegawai dari Jawi.

Sapa dia ni?

Dia ni la saksi masa Say Fool angkat sumpah tadi...korang tau tak dia ni dalam kategori mana?

Korang pikir sendiri la ikut maklumat ni...

Syeikh ni pernah pecat seorang Imam Masjid di Labuan sebab Imam Masjid tu jemput Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz berceramah dimasjid di Labuan...boleh pakai ke saksi macam ni?

Ok...kalau ada apa-apa aku update lagi...tu pun kalau kat hentian ada coverage...


  1. salam Bro...

    Memeng lah dikalangan macam ni kenalah cari yang boleh menyokong pemuda lembik ni.. dalam tak rela alih-alih benda anwar tu lolos je masuk ke bentengnya yang dah pecah tu...auwww tak rela I you...

  2. petikai saksi pulak dah..
    bukan saksi tu yang terima sumpah bawak pegi langit..
    tuhan yang aprove sumpah tu.. tapi kalau dah sebut nama Allah tu.. kira hebat la ... begegar jugak hati..

  3. Saiful: I feel that the time is right for me to do my duty as a Muslim and Malaysian by doing what is right.”

    Me: I ponder, He said he felt today was the right time to do his duty as a Muslim after 2 months by doing what is right? So, what was right thing to do? Swear on the Quran was the right thing to do? I do agree. But then, would it be taken to mean that the earlier meeting with Najib, Dr Mohamed and negotiating with a police officer and ultimately making a police report was in itself never the right thing? If he wants to do his duty he should in the first place had sworn by the Quran and thereon leave it to Allah to punish Anwar. But he is so passionate to want so much publicity and gaining compassion. By his own words, “it is between him and anwar and Allah”; if that is so, then why he wants so much publicity to proof that his arse was on the line of fire? I am puzzled and perplexed!

    Saiful: “He swore in the name of Allah and in accordance to the teachings of Islam and as advised by religious scholars and teachers that I was sodomised by Anwar Ibrahim.”

    Me: There seems to be a catch - did he say that he was advised by religious scholars and teachers that he was sodomized by Anwar? He was advised to swear that he was sodomized? Or he was advised that he need to swear? And he said it was done in accordance with the teaching of Islam? Tell me in which Surah gave such teachings on swearing? I have not found a phrase in the Quran pertaining to swearing as an victim; the victim was suppose to get the necessary witnesses as espoused; that’s the rule of syariah.

    Saiful: “I’ve taken this oath to prove that my allegations are completely true. Allah is the only place where I can complain to.”

    Me: If Allah is the ONLY place to complain, then why did he go everywhere, including to Najib to complain. Najib is not Allah! And he don’t have to take an oath to prove that his allegation is completely true. If the sodomy is true, Allah surely knows; the Quran said Allah knows everything; so you don’t need to prove to Allah that you did not lie. If you believe in Allah, you must also believed that Allah is all knowing and Allah is omnipotent and omnipresent.

    Saiful: “I’ve done this for God … and I do not wish to lie to the world as he [Anwar] has done.”

    Me: Ehm!!! You did this for God? Oh my God! You can’t be doing this for God; you are doing this for yourself and to convinced us human beings that you did not lie; you don’t do this swearing for God and God do not need you to do this for Him.

    Saiful: “I’ve not been hiding but I was quietly gathering enough courage to answer all the allegations against me, especially by Anwar Ibrahim. It needs mental and spiritual strength as taking an oath is not something trivial or easy. The consequences can be very dire in the eyes of God. Nevertheless, Allah has given me the strength to take the oath today.”

    Me: Why do he need mental and spiritual courage to tell God? If you believed that God is all knowing, it must mean that He already knows whether you tell Him or not. Of course the consequences of falsely swearing to God is dire in the eyes of God. But if the sodomy was a factual act committed, he never need to fear about telling this truth to God because he already knows that God knows of what had happened to his arse. I don’t need strength to tell God because I know that God is omnipotent and omnipresent irrespective whether I tell Him or not.

    Saiful: “This is not a political matter, it is a private matter between me and Anwar Ibrahim.”

    Me: This certainly is a private matter between 2 person and God alone. Saiful is right on this. But then he chose to go to Najib for advice; Najib was the first to know. After that, he then went to some specific police officer for advice at a hotel room to discuss the sodomy; thereafter, he went to so Dr Mohamed and then to HKL before he went to make a police report. By involving so many parties it was no more a private matter; it has become a public issue.

    It must have been a great courage for him to come out now to meet the press after the swearing. The swearing was suppose to be a private matter; but he went to the press to pronounce the swearing for reasons all can imagine. To say that he has “gathered courage” after 2 months while all along he was taunting Anwar and flashing victory signs at the media camera is quite cheap and shows the stupidity of the forces who are behind him. Evil is their thought! Did it take two months for him to gather courage while all along he was blogging about anything he could imagine about his relations with Anwar and PKR? Hogwash!

    Copied from somewhere. Have a good day.

  4. Janganlah kita jadi orang yang berat sebelah adalah lebih baik jika kita berada ditengah-tengah pihak yang bertelaga kerana orang seperti ini lebih boleh dipercayai.Takkan Pakatan Rakyat selalunya benar dan UMNO selalunya salah begitu juga disebaliknya takkan UMNO selalunya benar dan Pakatan Rakyat selalunya salah.Antara Saiful dan Anwar tak tahu pula siapa yang benar atau dusta tapi sekurang-kurangnya untuk kebenaran bersediakan kita bersumpah atas nama ALLAH dan bukan pula atas nama saksi.Tapi Anwar bila lagi?Sangat berharap bila Anwar dah bersedia untuk bersumpah atas nama ALLAH dicadangkan supaya Dr. M bolehlah dipanggil sebagai saksi jika Anwar boleh.Kepada Perisik-Rakyat, sebencimana pun kita pada seseorang harap jangan sampai pula menterbalikkan gambar mereka itu kerana apa pun mereka,mereka adalah seorang pemimpin no. 1 dan 2 dan yang lebih penting lagi mereka itu adalah seagama dan sebangsa serta serupa dengan awak.TAPI BEGITULAH MELAYU UNTUK MENTERBALIKKAN GAMBAR BUSH MEREKA TAK SAMPAI HATI WALAUPUN BUSH ADALAH PEMBULI NEGARA-NEGARA ISLAM.....

  5. Salam sedara...

    Kite tgu je SAPE YG KENA...

    Tuk blah bdk ni, dia dh wat la ape yg dia ase patut....

    Walaupon byk kisah psl
    "drama" dia ni diragui......

    Takpe,sangka baik dulu....

    Kebenaran kan terselah jua,insyaALLAH

  6. banyak autalah kalau dah tak buat takut apa ,buat mcn sepol tu jugak kira selesai

  7. Tuk anon 7:26 pm,

    Kot ye pon,tgu la....Aku pon tgh tgu gak DSAI ni tuk wat gitu....

    Tapi ikut cara yang btul2 la,jgn dok follow cara bersumpah ala Kristian..

  8. Hairan..siapa yg jemput pengarah JAWI jadi saksi sumpah tu? Bukankah JAWI sedang mengendalikan satu kes kazaf yg diadukan oleh DSAI? dah tentu bias ni...
    Mengapa JAWI terima sumpah ala kristian?
    Banyak btul persoalan...Bagaimana pula Najib kata say fool jumpa dia mengadu hal liwat..sebelum say fool diliwat spt dlm sumpahnya 26 jun?
    Say fool kata dalam sumpah..dia diliwat sekali jer...
    Lagi pelik..yer..kenape dia yg bersumpah? bukan dia yg kena tuduh..tapi yang menuduh..patut anwar dulu sumpah x buat liwat..pastu baru say fool balas dgn sumpah bahawa dia kena liwat...
    Satu persoalan..patut ker BPR siasat Pengarah JAWI kerana terlibat dalam sumpah menyumpah ni..sedang pihaknya sedang siasat kes kazaf...amacam..

  9. Haiya.. kalau lu tak tonggeng, apa macam itu batang boleh masuk?
    Lu pikirlah sendiri..


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Mekasih Untuk Komen Korang... Korang Nak Maki Ke, Nak Puji Ke, Itu Korang Punya Pasal... Dosa, Pahala Sendiri Tanggung..! Paham..?