Thursday, August 07, 2008

Sodomy II strengthens Anwar's support for Permatang Pauh by-election

AUG 7 – Conspiracy or not, the latest sodomy charge against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today is definitely additional ammunition for his Permatang Pauh by-election campaign.

Already gaining support from many quarters who find it repulsive that the authorities are charging the former deputy prime minister with sodomy again, Anwar is not the only one who is facing pressure to exonerate himself. The onus will be on Barisan Nasional to explain its stand.

As the case will only be mentioned on Sept 10, Anwar has ample time to garner more sympathy votes from his former constituents, particularly the 17,000-strong Permatang Pauh Umno members. There are 58,459 voters in the constituency with some 68 per cent Malay voters.

Anwar's wife, three-term MP Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail, who vacated the seat to make way for her husband to contest won the recent general election with a 13,000-plus vote majority.

Anwar's aim to return to Parliament is also to strengthen his plan to entice BN MPs and state assemblymen to cross over to his Pakatan Rakyat side. Until now, he's technically a "nobody", just a de facto this and that.

But after Aug 26, barring any untoward incidents, he will make his comeback as a legitimate lawmaker. If the crossover occurs, he's all prepared to become the next Prime Minister – at least that's what his supporters want to believe.

Quick thinking from Pakatan Rakyat leaders also contributed to Anwar's campaign strategy. Today, DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang announced that the PKR de facto leader would officially take over as the Parliamentary Opposition leader after polling day.

"This was one of the decisions taken unanimously by Pakatan Rakyat leaders of PKR, Pas and DAP at a meeting last night," he said.

While BN is still searching for its most formidable candidate to face off against Anwar, the federal opposition has already won the battle of public relations. Judging by recent surveys on the unpopularity of Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Anwar is also expected to win the battle of perception.

It was victory over perception that gained the opposition five states and 83 parliamentary seats, denying BN a two-thirds majority, in the March 8 general election.

The Sodomy II allegations do not seem to have swayed the public perception against Anwar but rather remind them of the cruelty imposed on him a decade ago during Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's administration.

Even the man who sacked Anwar from his government in 1998 couldn't believe the same charge, albeit different circumstances, was being used against his former political nemesis.

"Can it be that the present government is so stupid and unimaginative as to use the same 'ploy', especially after it was so happy over the release of Anwar? Surely it could come up with another story which would be more credible if it is deliberately plotting or conspiring against Anwar,' Dr Mahathir wrote in his blog last month.

Perhaps that's the reason Penang Umno leaders declared recently that they would not resort to Sodomy II as part of their election campaign, knowing it could easily backfire against the federal ruling coalition.

However, as the state opposition leader Datuk Azhar Ibrahim said, he couldn't guarantee BN campaigners from outside Penang would not.

Judging by Anwar's popularity in communicating simple messages of hope, including promises to reduce fuel prices and improve the economy, at his recent political roadshows, it is not far-fetched to think that his hometown audience will also be receptive.

A quick trip to the Permatang Pauh area, both the rural and semi-rural Penanti and Permatang Pasir state constituencies, shows the slow but steady development over the past 30 years. The urban Seberang Jaya constituency is bustling with commercial activities. Even Penang's Universtiti Teknologi Mara is located here.

To many locals, these are Anwar's contributions since he became MP in 1982. Politically he has fended off strong Pas challenges when he was in the BN government. Even when he was in jail, his wife Dr Wan Azizah managed to hold the fort for three terms, turning a strong BN stronghold into the opposition's.

Last Sunday night Anwar visited the constituency again, sharing with them details of the Sodomy II allegations which touched the audience's heart and confirmed their belief that the former deputy prime minister is indeed a victim of political conspiracy.

Anwar who has been lenient on Abdullah, usually mocking him only for his economic policies, came out strong against the Prime Minister yesterday when he accused him of being personally responsible for Sodomy II.

The battle lines have been drawn. Seizing upon Abdullah's current unpopularity, Anwar is assembling all available resources to create an impact for his homecoming by-election. With DAP leading the Pakatan state government in Penang, Anwar is also expected to get the fullest support from the same voters who chose his wife as their MP as well as those who may want to change their mind after voting BN in the recent general election.


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