Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another round of ISA for Anwar?

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has left observers wondering if Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim could once again be detained under the Internal Security Act.

During a press conference at Putrajaya this afternoon to announce a reshuffle of cabinet portfolios, the premier made remarks that appear to indicate the possibility of an ISA arrest for the maverick politician.

Among others, Abdullah described the opposition leader as a "threat to the country's economy as well as a possible threat to (national) security."

abdullah ahmad badawi pm pc 160908 02This in itself provides sufficient grounds for the authorities to invoke the security law which provides detention without trial against Anwar.

And when asked what action the government would take against him, Abdullah refused to reveal his cards, saying: "I will not indicate what plan I have."

Employing the ISA against Anwar would undoubtedly have severe repercussions but such a move would not come as a surprise since the opposition leader had been constantly flirting with this possibility.

Takeover Bid

Since the March 8 general election, Anwar had been a major thorn on the side of Barisan Nasional by threatening to launch a political coup.

pakatan rakyat 916 gathering kelana jaya 150908 anwar.jpgThe two-time ISA veteran claimed that he has enough ruling MPs willing to cross over into the opposition alliance Pakatan Rakyat in order for him to form government with a simple majority.

Anwar had failed to initiate the coup yesterday (Sept 16) - the date which he had set - but reiterated that he had the numbers and the toppling of the BN-led government was imminent.

The 61-year-old politician had also requested to meet Abdullah to discuss a transition of power plan and urged the premier not to resort to drastic measures, like declaring an emergency, to thwart the takeover.

Abdullah, however, rejected the meeting and dismissed the takeover claims as lies.

Anwar, who is currently facing a court battle over a sodomy charge, was first arrested under the ISA in 1974 in connection with a student protest. The former student leader was incarcerated for 20 months.

More than two decades later, he was once again briefly arrested under the ISA after spearheading a series of protests against his sacking as deputy premier in 1998.



  2. Ekonomi negara jatuh merundum, Najib terpaksa ambil alih kalau tidak malaysia akan jadi negara bangkrap. Jika kerajaan tidak prihatin rakyat semua parti akan menderita.

  3. DSAI mmg layak diISAkan,.elok diberi kunci kemunting setelah gagal merampas kunci putrajaya.

    DSAI,..klu di spore,lama dah anda ditangkap,klu di thailand dah lama anda ditembak,klu di pakistan dah lama anda dibom,..

    Kerajaan BN/UMNO masih mengamalkan dasar berlemah lembut terhadap DSAI wpun jelas DSAI merupakan ancaman terhdp kesejahteraan rakyat terbanyak dan negara.

    Berjuang demi kepentingan rakyat konon tapi mengenepikan "rakyat" yg mengundi BN.

    Kerajaan telah memberi masa berbulan lamanya dan sanggup menunggu hingga
    16 sept utk DSAI membuktikan sokongan MP dan rakyat terhadapnya.

    Walhal jika pak lah takut,pak lah dgn kuasa yg ada padanya, boleh mengenakan ISA kpd DSAI sedari awal lagi utk mengelak "peralihan kuasa" pd tarikh tersbt. Tapi Pak Lah cukup 'gentlement' dan berani menghadapi DSAI,.bravo Pak Lah!!(klu TDM,..dah lama dahh!!)

    Tak cukup kah tempoh itu?? sampai bilakah kacau-bilau ini akan berakhir??

    Sepatutnya setelah gagal,DSAI wajib berhenti mengganggu-gugat kerajaan sedia ada yg menyebabkan rakyat resah gelisah dan menakutkan pelabur.

    Namun dasar muka tak tahu malu,masih mahu terus menipu rakyat dgn dakyah palsu

    Bagi saya DSAI sudah melampaui batas sbg pembangkang,sudah sampai masanya amaran keras diberi dan ISA dihadiahkan jika masih terus ingin "merampas kuasa".

  4. a??? kacau bilau??? kat mana kacau bilau???

    nape x kerah polis pergi kat tempat yang kacau bilau tu???

  5. TP,..jgn pura2 xtahu,.saya maksudkan kacau-bilau politik

  6. antisodomu - kerajaan yang kuat & mantap x kan terganggu hanya dengan seorang makhluk yang dianggap "pengacau".

    kacau bilau berlaku bila kerajaan yang ada terlalu lemah & tak dapat menangani masalah sekecil itu.

    apa ada pada seorang manusia bernama anwar?

    berapa ramai menteri dalam kabinet? tak kan sorang pun x upaya nak tangkis apa yang anwar buat?

    lemah kan???

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


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