Saturday, September 20, 2008

NIK AZIZ: ISA is wrong in Islam

KOTA BARU: Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat said yesterday he hoped that Parti Keadilan Rakyat adviser Da-tuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim would not be detained under the Internal Security Act.
"I hope he will not face it as the public has been condemning the use of the ISA. Even a minister was willing to step down to protest it. I hope that in the spirit of Ramadan, this will not happen."

The Pas spiritual leader said this after meeting Terengganu Pas commissioner Datuk Mus-tafa Ali yesterday.

Nik Aziz said the government should consider the wishes of the public, especially with the resignation of de facto law minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, who spoke out against recent ISA arrests.

"The ISA does not give the accused a chance to defend himself.

This is wrong as in Islam, the accused is allowed to defend himself.

Meanwhile, the meeting yesterday was believed to be an effort to mend fences bet-ween the two over Mustafa's statement criticising Pakatan Rakyat for giving false hope to its supporters on the purported Sept 16 takeover of the government.

Nik Aziz, who was upset by the statement, had criticised Mustafa in the party's organ, Harakah.


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