Thursday, September 18, 2008

Operasi Lalang 2: Kickdefella Dibawa Ke KL

Blogger Syed Azidi Syed Abdul Aziz is expected to be brought to Kuala Lumpur today for police questioning after remand proceedings in Kota Bharu.

Kelantan deputy police chief SAC II Amir Hamzah Hussin said that Syed Azidi would be brought to federal capital because the report against him was lodged at the Dang Wangi police district.

kickdefella syed azidi syed abdul azizThis morning, Syed Azidi was at the Kota Bharu Magistrate Court awaiting remand proceedings.

Syed Azidi is an accomplished film-maker-turned-blogger and also works for the Kelantan government.

He runs the popular kickdefella blog which often lampoons Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in mock movie posters.However, his online campaign to fly the jalur gemilang upside down last month caused a furore and stern warnings from Abdullah.

He was arrested yesterday under the Sedition Act at his home in Kota Bharu. He is likely to be probed by the Multimedia Unit of the Commercial Crimes Investigation Department (CCID).
In another development, several bloggers would be holding a candlelight vigil at the police station which Syed Azidi is expected to be detained tonight as a mark of protest.

Spokesperson for the bloggers, Amin Iskandar, said that the bloggers aim to create public awareness about the Sedition Act which granted the authorities wide ranging powers to determine what is deemed seditious.

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