Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Zaid to attend “Free Teresa Kok” caucus meeting

Sassy MP

Zaid Ibrahim to attend - “Free MP Teresa Kok” parliamentary caucus inaugural meeting tomorrow

MP for Batu Gajah, Fong Po Kuan, co-ordinating secretary convening the inaugural meeting of the “Free MP Teresa Kok” parliamentary caucus in Parliament tomorrow (Wednesday 17.9.08) at 3 p.m. has informed me that Datuk Zaid Ibrahim will attend.

I phoned up Zaid from Kota Kinabalu where I am attending a Sabah DAP forum “Malaysia - Towards a New Era” and the first Minister in the nation’s history to have resigned from the Cabinet on a point of principle confirmed his concern for the incarceration of MP Teresa Kok under the Internal Security Act (ISA) and that he would attend the meeting of the proposed “Free MP Teresa Kok” parliamentary caucus.

I hope to see Barisan Nasional Ministers and MPs, as well as the Speaker and Deputy Speakers, attending the meeting to demonstrate the maturity of the Malaysian Parliament where Parliamentarians can distinguish between parliamentary and party considerations and unite on a single footing to advance the cause of a first-world Malaysian Parliament.

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