Monday, November 10, 2008

DAP duo allege rough handling by police

Opposition representatives Tony Pua and Lau Weng San have claimed that Selangor police were rough with them when dispersing participants of a
candlelight vigil
in Petaling Jaya last night.

Also refuting comments by Selangor police chief Khalid Abu Bakar, they told a press conference in the Parliament lobby today that the cops had started moving in while participants were in the midst of singing the national anthem.

tony puah lau weng san parliament bersih police brutality pc 101108 04Among those present at the press conference were DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang and secretary-general Lim Guan Eng.

Pua, the Petaling Jaya Utara MP, said a commotion erupted when the police began ordering participants to disperse while they were singing national anthem.

“Prior to that, I had told them (the police) that we would disperse peacefully afterwards. But halfway through the national anthem, they were already coming towards us,” he said.

tony puah lau weng san parliament bersih police brutality pc 101108 05He denied that the police had given numerous warnings prior to the dispersal and the arrests.

Pua said Selangor exco member Ronnie Liu had earlier informed the police that participants would cooperate fully.

“As I was looking for (Liu), the CPO shouted at me, asking aggressively what I was doing there.

"But before I could explain myself, he called for other police officers to arrest me and they started to push me,” alleged Pua.

“So, I shouted at them (the police, saying) they should not push me because I would walk. That’s when my shirt was torn, and I was pushed to the (police) truck.”

Pua further alleged that the police had kicked him in the stomach and on the leg, saying this was “uncalled for”.

bersih 1st year anniversary pj vigil arrest 111108 police charge at crowd 2He condemned the arrest of Malaysiakini videographer Syukri Mohamad who “should not have been arrested for performing his duties”.

Liu was arrested at the Petaling Jaya district police headquarters where he had gone to assist the 23 people who were arrested.

All except one were released at 7am today on police bail.

'Punched In The Face'

Lau, the Kampung Tunku assemblyperson, also narrated his side of the story.

bersih 1st year anniversary pj vigil arrest 111108 crowd at amcorp mallHe claimed that he had been punched twice in the face while was assessing the situation in his capacity as an elected representative.

“When I got there I was told that several people were being arrested. As I was approaching the crowd, one police officer shouted at me 'Keluar! Keluar!' (Get out!, Get out!),” said Lau.

“I told him repeatedly that I’m a YB (Yang Berhormat), but he ignored me and started pushing me away. I asked him to speak politely and that is when the officer got emotional.

“He lost his patience and started dragging me to a police truck. He also punched me twice in the face even though I told him that I would go voluntarily.”

tony puah lau weng san parliament bersih police brutality pc 101108 02Lau showed journalists scratches and bruises on his right cheek and upper lip.

Expressing disappointment, he also said the police had failed to tell him why he was being taken into custody.

“He did not even show his identification card and refused to give his name but I can definitely recognise his face,” said Lau.

He added that he had lodged a police report at 4.29am and that he may consider legal action.

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