Sunday, November 09, 2008

Gov't to appeal RPK release

The government is to appeal the release of leading blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin, who was detained under controversial internal security laws and freed last week, according to reports today.

Raja Petra was released by the High Court on Friday after it ruled that the government had acted outside its powers by ordering Raja Petra to serve two years in detention without trial.

"I am disappointed but I respect the court decision," Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar told the New Straits Times newspaper.

However, he said his ministry would direct the attorney-general to appeal against the decision, the paper reported.

"We need to find out how the court interpreted the home minister's discretionary power" as laid out under the country's tough Internal Security Act (ISA), he added.

raja petra kamaruddin habeas corpus case 071108 12Raja Petra, founder of the popular Malaysia Today website, which has outraged top leaders with its stream of critical stories, was detained in September for writing articles that allegedly insulted Islam.

Raja Petra is best known for his articles on politics, and has already been charged with sedition and defamation for linking Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and his wife to the sensational murder of a Mongolian woman.

There has been a rash of detentions in recent months under the ISA, which allows for renewable two-year periods of detention without trial and which critics say have been increasingly used against political opponents rather than national security threats.

1 comment:

  1. sebenarnya bukan senang-senang kerajaan boleh menahan seseorang dibawah akta ISA.kena ada sebab dan bukti juga kena seseorang itu perlu ditahan.

    kalau kita ingat kes kickdefella kena tahan sebab mencuba untuk memulakan kempen menterbalikkan bendera Malaysia atas alasan "nation in distress",dalam semiggu lebih selepas kickdefella memulakan kempen tersebut barulah dia ditahan.

    kalau kerajaan tahan seseorang secara sewenang-wenangnya silap haribulan kerajaan boleh kena saman sebab mengenakan tahanan ISA ataupun menahan seseorang itu dalam prosedur yang salah.dah ada bekas tahanan ISA yang menang kes saman terhadap kerajaan.


Mintak maaf banyak-banyak geng, pihak Perisik Rakyat telah mengesan adanya cubaan menggodam laman web ini melalui ruangan komen, jadi kami terpaksa mengaktifkan "word verification" untuk keselamatan.

Mekasih Untuk Komen Korang... Korang Nak Maki Ke, Nak Puji Ke, Itu Korang Punya Pasal... Dosa, Pahala Sendiri Tanggung..! Paham..?