Monday, November 03, 2008

Malaysiakini - Brazil 50 EC725 Cougar/$1B+ ... Malaysia???

Pagi ni bukak email, aku dapat email dari Rocky Bruak.isi emailnya cukup ringkas... cerita ni dah lama pun, dah ramai yang tau tapi mungkin ramai jugak yang tak pernah baca berita asalnya.

Jadik hari ni saje je aku nak share dengan korang sebab orang dah share dengan aku.


"Brazil’s Defense Minister Nelson Jobim reportedly said that the country intended to buy 50 “Super Cougar” models, the first of which would be delivered in 2010. The deal’s value is reportedly around $1.2 billion."

maknanya Brazil belanjakan rm4billion untuk 50 buah EC725 Cougar, Malaysia pula rm2billion untuk 12buah EC725 Cougar Eurocopter..... pelik bukan dan kenapa kerajaan dan pihak tentera ambil mudah dalam pertahanan negara...

sudah tentu pembelian Sukhoi, Submarine dan Kereta Kebal juga ada keraguan di dalam pembeliannya....

Berita asal dari Defense IndustryDaily bertarikh 02-Jul-2008 19:36 EDT bertajuk - Brazil Signs $1B+ Production MoU for Cougar Helicopters.

In November 2007, “Brazil Embarking Upon F-X2 Fighter Program?” discussed both the revived fighter competition, and Brazil’s surprising 50% boost to its defense budget. Other programs mentioned in that article included Brazil’s selection of a medium transport helicopter and of an attack helicopter, with other programs to follow. After decades of neglect, Brazil is reconstituting both its armed forces, and a defense industry that once offered an array of competitive products on the global stage.

The medium transport helicopter competition featured 3 established players: AgustaWestland’s EH101 has found success in Britain, Europe, Japan, and even in America as the next Presidential helicopter. Eurocopter’s EC725 Cougar is an updated version of the popular AS332/532 Super Puma, and has been ordered in limited quantities by the French government for special forces and search and rescue roles. An up-to-date version of Russia’s widely used Mi-17 was the 3rd contender; like the Super Puma, Mi-8 and Mi-17 helicopters are already in wide use within Latin America.

In truth, however, Eurocopter always had an edge. The Brazilian Amy’s Aviacao do Exercito already uses the AS532/”HM-3” Super Puma, basing them in the Amazon at Manaus. Its Navy also uses Super Puma variants: AS332s and AS532s both serve in the Navy as the UH-14, flying from Brazil’s NAe Sao Paulo aircraft carrier and from the southeastern base of Sao Pedro da Aldeia in support of Brazil’s Marines. Now, Eurocopter’s offering will become Brazil’s medium-lift helicopter across all services…

Baca berita penuh dekat [sini].

1 comment:

  1. broo.....

    brazil beli tk complete set....
    tak dak kipas sb tu lah murah!!!!!!!!

    kwang... kwaanngggg... kwaaaaannnggg.....


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