Thursday, November 27, 2008

Nirmala Bonat abuse case: Housewife found guilty - malaysiakini

Abused Indonesian maid Nirmala Bonat finally got justice after a long drawn trial.

Housewife Yim Pek Ha was found guilty by the Sessions Court here today of three counts of causing hurt to Nirmala four years ago.

Judge Akhtar Tahir held that the injuries sustained by Nirmala, 23, were not self-inflicted.

Yim, 40, a former air stewardess, was found guilty of causing hurt to Nirmala with a hot iron and hot water at Villa Putera, Jalan Tun Ismail here in January, March and April 2004.

She was acquitted and discharged of a fourth charge of causing hurt with a metal cup at the same place on May 17 2004. Yim, dressed in a white blouse and black skirt, sobbed after the verdict was read.

The case stunned Malaysians when the story first broke in 2004. Nirmala, then 19, told a harrowing tale of how she was repeatedly burnt with an iron and scalded with boiling water by her employer's wife.

Nirmala told reporters she had been abused on a daily basis for five months. Newspapers carried front-page photos of her horrific bruises and scars.

Nirmala's plight was exposed after a guard at the condominium saw her crying, and spotted the horrific bruises on her face. He immediately called the police, who were shocked to find that several parts of the maid's body - including her breasts and back - were severely burnt.


  1. Betina yang berstatus binatang tu selayaknya diletakkan dalam zoo kandang rimau putih kat s'pore sana tu...

  2. dah diputuskan bersalah barulah Yim tu nak menangis.huh!.yang dulu selama 5 bulan tiap-tiap hari Normala menangis takde pulak dia tunjuk rasa simpati langsung.

    Yim pernah tuduh Normala "mencederakan diri sendiri".satu tuduhan yang amat bodoh.akhirnya Yim dikenakan hukuman setelah bertahun kes ini dibicarakan.

    dalam suratkhabar bukan main lagi Yim buat-buat seperti tak bersalah dan membuat gesture "loving couple" bersama suaminya.

    ya.sepatutnya Yimlah yang diletakkan dalam kandang harimau putih di Singapura.

  3. lahanat punye Yim...mahu nafikan lagi suami pulak taknak bagitau kat mahkamah yang memang isterinya buat..nak defend lagi orang macam tu..apa nama suami dia? heeeee..geram nyeeea aku orang macam ni..kejam..

  4. i was before this torn to believe either Nirmala or Yim.once we were told by Yim that Nirmala was accused of "self-inflicting injuries".then i know that was a bullshit.i can accept if one or two times but no one really hurt themself for everyday in 5 months!.

    after that i somehow had the strong feeling that Yim is really guity for the crime she did.and yes now she really is guilty for abusing her maid.justice has been served.

  5. sama bunyinya seperti cerita bekas PM dulu..."Mantan tu hantuk mata dia kat lutut!" katanya...alih2 bila dah tak ada kuasa (nyayuk) mengaku pulak yg dia yang punya angkara...BAPA KEHANCURAN UMNO!


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