Sunday, December 07, 2008

Ampang’s hill of death

Just four days short of the 15th anniversary of the Highland Towers tragedy which claimed 48 lives, another landslide in Bukit Antarabangsa claims four lives and destroys 14 bungalows.

There had been warning signs over the past years and even days before the devastating landslide that struck at about 3.30am yesterday when residents were mostly fast asleep.

Death from above: Four people were killed when a huge landslide hit Taman Bukit Mewah in Ampang, destroying 14 bungalows and forcing thousands to evacuate. The landslide occurred just kilometres from the site of the fateful Highland Towers disaster in 1993.
Flattened houses, buckled roads, uplifted vehicles, uprooted mature trees, fallen electric poles and layers of mud and debris marked the carnage that left many injured, crying, in shock and in fear of more landslides.

Among the heart wrenching stories are that of a father who tracked his son down in the rubble by calling him on his mobile phone only to find his hand sticking out still holding onto the phone; a mother who rushed in to save her son but lost her life; and a mother of a two-month-old baby who perished while the baby survived.

Even as rescuers using their bare hands and shovels raced against time in the late afternoon to rescue two people believed to be buried alive under tonnes of earth, it rained afresh, causing greater concern among all.

Police from the air-wing unit airlifted 13 people who needed immediate medical attention – two pregnant women, two heart patients, a kidney patient and a stroke patient – from a makeshift helicopter-pad to the hospital here on time.

About 2,000 residents of Bukit Antarabangsa were evacuated on foot as two sliproads were created to give them access out of the vicinity when their sole exit was cut off.

The VIPs who came to the site all sent out the same message – no more hillside development projects – even as many who have lived in the landslide-prone water catchment area for years swore to sell off their properties.

The dead have been identified as veterinarian Dr N. Yogeswari, 40, accountant Ng Yee Ping, 30, and IT student Shaiful Khas Shaha­ruddin, 20. The fourth victim is Indonesian Surina, 30.

Selangor Chief Police Officer Deputy Comm Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar said the search and rescue operation would continue for 24 hours a day unless the rain gets too heavy.

“The rain is not helping. The area covered by the landslide is more than 10 acres (4ha),” he told reporters at a press conference near the site.

There were VIPs involved, too. The Prime Minister’s principal private secretary Datuk Tha­­­juddeen Abdul Wahab rushed home to his ruined house to rescue his boss’ diary.

The sole missing person is believed to be his security guard.

Singer Datuk Siti Nurhaliza who lives nearby was shocked to see a cousin’s house des­troyed.

And Dr Benjamin George, who survived the Highlands Tower disaster, was not convinced that things would get better.

“In three months, the tractors will start work again. I have survived long enough to see all this nonsense repeated,” he said.

Related Stories: -The Star Online

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