Wednesday, December 24, 2008

'DAP will continue to support PAS'

Despite conflicting views on the Islamic state issue and hudud laws, the DAP has pledged its support to PAS’ candidate in the upcoming Kuala Terengganu by-election.

Speaking to reporters at the Shah Alam High Court today, the party's national chairperson Karpal Singh said DAP will continue to support PAS, especially by campaigning for the party in Kuala Terengganu. He, however, cautioned that recent upheavals in the opposition coalition have affected DAP's enthusiasm.

karpal singh 231208"PAS should refrain from rocking the boat after the March 8 tsunami. It is quite obvious that the public want an alternative and we can attain that alternative in the next election. I think PAS should hold its peace," said Karpal.

The opposition stalwart was referring to the furor over PAS vice-president Husam Musa’s comments about hudud laws in a public debate in Kota Bharu recently. He had said that PAS would have implemented the Islamic law had Pakatan Rakyat taken over the federal government on Sept 16.

Husam had made the statement in reply to Umno Youth chief aspirant Khairy Jamaluddin's challenge to state PAS' plans were it to take over the federal government.

DAP top guns like Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng had then slammed the PAS leader for his statement, as DAP has persistently disagreed with the institution of a Islamic state.

The issues was further aggravated by PAS spiritual leader Nik Aziz Nik Mat who called on DAP leaders to explain the reasons behind their rejection of PAS' Islamic drive.

'There Are Limitations To Our Patience'

Karpal also today said time has come for DAP to tell PAS that there is a limit to what they can do and there is a limit to their (DAPs) political patience.

"I have repeated a number of times that the five-men bench (Supreme Court) in 1988, then headed by Lord President Salleh Abas had delivered judgement which heard that Malaysia is a secular state, not an Islamic state.

"So PAS cannot defy the constitution and the judicial pronouncement by the highest court of the land," said Karpal.

husam musa 01When asked whether the controversy would affect the votes of non-Muslims in the by-election, Karpal said, "Since Husam had retracted his statement, we go back to square one.

"What was done is an exercise in futility. I think this is certainly an attempt to break the values of Pakatan but I hope they would be more careful in future."

Karpal also reiterated that Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim must break his silence on the issue.

"He (Anwar) cannot afford to keep quiet. This is a very fundamental issue and PAS has been harping on it for a long long time."


  1. Haha... Nampaknya Anwar serba salah dan takut nak bersuara berhubung isu Hudud baru-baru ini. Sehingga hari ini Anwar masih membisu seribu bahasa.. Serba salahlah tu. Nak cakap macam ni, takut PAS terasa. Nak cakap macam tu, takut DAP terasa.. Padan muka... Dulu kat PAS janji lain. Kat DAP janji lain. Sekarang baru kelam kabut...

  2. Ah diorang ni, benda yang menguntungkan mereka, baru lah sokong. Nak luaskan lagi pengaruh, sah2lah diorang taknak BN menang. poodah!


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