Thursday, December 04, 2008

Happy Birthday LGE: Penang takes down illegal banner - malaysiakini

A giant banner with birthday wishes for Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng was taken down from a shophouse in Jalan Magazine after it was found to have been put up illegally.

Penang Municipal Council (MPPP) president Datuk Zainal Rahim Seman said the banner, put up on Tuesday, was removed by council workers at 10am yesterday.

“People seem to be putting up banners and streamers wherever they like and the council is getting tough. We have already taken down more than 12,000 banners and streamers on the island since January,” he told newsmen at the scene.

Lim, who was attending a function at the Caring Complex, said he instructed Zainal to issue a fine to the company – Banner King – for putting up the banner without a permit.

“It doesn’t mean that if you put my face up, you can break the law,” said Lim, who turns 48 on Monday.

Komtar assemblyman Ng Wei Aik said anyone wanting to use any state leader’s picture must also get the state government’s permission first.

Banner King owner Chan Boon Chong, 33, said all he wanted to do was extend birthday greetings to Lim.

“I did not apply for a council permit as it was a hassle and would have taken days to get the permit approved. I do not know why they are making it an issue,” said Chan, who spent RM1,000 on the banner.

1 comment:

Mintak maaf banyak-banyak geng, pihak Perisik Rakyat telah mengesan adanya cubaan menggodam laman web ini melalui ruangan komen, jadi kami terpaksa mengaktifkan "word verification" untuk keselamatan.

Mekasih Untuk Komen Korang... Korang Nak Maki Ke, Nak Puji Ke, Itu Korang Punya Pasal... Dosa, Pahala Sendiri Tanggung..! Paham..?