Tuesday, December 02, 2008

MCA slams Mukhriz's suggestion to abolish vernacular schools

MCA president Datuk Ong Tee Keat has wasted no time in condemning Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir's suggestion to abolish vernacular schools.

"Mukhriz is just one of the many who are now repeating the same polemics that are a few decades old, simply because of the advent of their party's poll," the Transport Minister said.

"It is saddening because politicians cannot think out of the box," he wrote in a blog posting.

In a press conference in Parliament today, the candidate for Umno Youth chief in the March party elections said that all schools should teach subjects in Bahasa Malaysia except for language subjects.

He said the proposal to have one unified school system could help address the problem of non-Malays misunderstanding the concept of "Ketuanan Melayu," or Malay Supremacy, which has become a source of tension between Malays and non-Malays.

Mukhriz argued that such misunderstandings were a result of a lack of national unity, which he blamed on the existence of vernacular shools.

Also in Parliament, MCA vice president Datuk Liow Tiong Lai said there was no reason to change the education system as the current one was accepted by all.

"The present system is still the best to ensure unity and harmony in our multiracial country," the Health Minister said.

He added that it was an old fallacy that vernacular primary schools caused unity problems.

He reasoned that at secondary level, the students were still able to integrate.

"He might not understand that teaching in your mother tongue is more effective at the primary level," Liow added.


  1. Have to agree with Mukhriz. How is it possible to unite if we talk in different languages. The oneness of Malaysian could be expressed by using one language. It should be the identity. Bahasa Malaysia for Malaysia. then we could say Malaysian Malaysia.

  2. one efficient way to instill unity among malaysians... i agree with mukhriz.. chinese and indian students should be allowed to study in their mother tongue while at the same time mix and mingle with the malays...

    Ketua Pemuda Gombak MCA Yip Jiun Hann
    “U” Punya Bapa YIP KUM FOOK melakukan hal jahat, tipu wang orang, tipu WANITA, merosakan keluarga orang lain, makan duit Tokong………….telah membangkitkan orang ramai naik marah.
    “U” sepatut menasihat Bapa berkelakuan baik tetapi dengan dukacita sebaliknya “U” membangkitkan nama pemimpin Negara kita PM Najib Tun Razak dan Ketua MCA Dr chua Soi Lek pun bersama kelakuan mengapa orangramai tidak menyoalkan?
    “U” memang kurang ajar, sebagai seorang ketua pemimpin Pemuda MCA Gombak sepatutnya menjunjung pemimpin dan hormat Negara, bukan membusukan pemimpin dan menburokkan nama kebaikan Malaysia.
    Sekiranya “U” tak suka Negara Malaysia, lebih baik “U” dan Bapa “U” keluar Negera ini.
    Kita harap pemimpin kita mengambil tindakan kepada dia. Supaya nama kebaikan Malaysia dapat di pertahankan.
    Sekian, Terima Kasih.

    MCA Youth chief Gombak Yip Jiun Hann
    "U" Your father YIP KUM FOOK do evil, cheated money, deceit WOMEN, family confuses others, eat Temple money ............. Temple crowd are very angry.
    "U" should advise your father to do good things but with sadly "U" try to put bad name of our PM Najib Tun Razak and MCA chief Dr Chua Soi Lek , why people did not question it?
    "U" was rude, as head of MCA Youth leader should honour and respect our leaders, not try to destroy our leaders and make bad name of Malaysia.
    If "U" does not like Malaysia, the better "U" and your father can out of this Country.
    We expect our leaders to take action on him. So that the good name of Malaysia can be defended.

    Thank you,
    People Who Love Malaysia


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