Friday, December 05, 2008

PAS chief: No alcohol ban in Selangor

There will be no ban on the sale of alcohol beverages in Selangor, announced state exco and PAS Selangor commissioner Dr Hasan Ali today.

hasan ali hassan aliThe PAS leader revealed this at a press conference convened to explain certain issues which have been brewing in the Pakatan Rakyat-governed state.

Previously, it was reported that the Islamic-based PAS, which is one of three component parties in the opposition alliance, is pushing for a statewide ban on alcohol.

The issue became a hot topic after receiving prominent coverage in the Chinese media.

Following this, Selangor Mentri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said the state does not intend to impose a blanket ban on the sale of alcohol but is seeking to step up enforcement on existing restrictions.

On Nov 27, Malaysiakini reported that the PAS councillor who was behind the proposal for a blanket ban, reversed his decision at the last minute as he did not want the issue to be politicised

Mohd Termizi Ismail said he was initially planning to push forward the proposal at the Klang City Council (MPK) monthly meeting the day before.

He said he had to cancel his plan after he was advised by well-wishers that the proposal could become controversial if it was blown out of proportion.

[Full report to follow]


  1. Bagaimana dgn SAUBER Petronas???

    Honda Motor quits Formula One
    Fri, 05 Dec 2008 07:13:42 GMT

    Japan's giant carmaker Honda Motor has pulled out of Formula One motor racing because of global financial crisis, the chief executive says.

    "Honda must protect its core business activities and secure the long term as widespread uncertainties in the economics around the globe continue to mount," Takeo Fukui told Reuters on Friday.

    The decision not to spend the estimated annual budget of $500 million for the F1 team comes in the wake of shrinking car markets triggered by the global economic crisis.

    "We will enter into consultation with associates of Honda Racing F1 and its engine supplier Honda Racing Development regarding the future of the two companies. This will include offering the team for sale," he said.

    Fukui added that a return to the sport could take time and there were no plans to continue as an engine supplier.

    Honda would have little time to find a buyer with the 2009 season starting in Australia on March 29.


  2. memalukan...
    pas tunduk pd tekanan rakan dlm pr
    aku sbg pemuda pas agak terkilan la dgn perjuangan pas skang nih....

  3. Dulu lagi saya dah kata...PAS hanya parti boneka dalam Pakatan Rakyat. Pandangan dan cadangan mereka hanya didengar sekadar sedapkan hati saja tapi hakikatnya, cadangan DAP lebih diutamakan.. Kepada warga PAS, masih tak sedar lagikah seteleh diperlakukan sedemikian rupa oleh Anwar?...

  4. PAS diperlekeh dan dipermainkan dalam Pakatan Rakyat... Itulah kenyataan yang tak dapat disangkal lagi...

  5. Nampak sangat DAP lebih diutamakan dalam PR. PAS hanya sekadar alat untuk mencukupkan kerusi je...


Mintak maaf banyak-banyak geng, pihak Perisik Rakyat telah mengesan adanya cubaan menggodam laman web ini melalui ruangan komen, jadi kami terpaksa mengaktifkan "word verification" untuk keselamatan.

Mekasih Untuk Komen Korang... Korang Nak Maki Ke, Nak Puji Ke, Itu Korang Punya Pasal... Dosa, Pahala Sendiri Tanggung..! Paham..?