Friday, December 19, 2008

Penang Hill railway resumes service

The country's only funicular train up Penang Hill resumed service today after a five-month shutdown with the state government spending RM700,000 in repairs.

The service was stopped in June due to cable problems, and the cable supplier recommended that a new cable be fixed.

In relaunching the service today, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said the state government had to find its own resources to replace the cable as the federal government refused to fund repair work on the basis that it had approved RM40 million for upgrading work.

“The state government had hoped that the upgrading work by the federal government could be done quickly but when there was no indication of any progress, the state government had no choice but to repair at its own cost.”

The resumption of service up the scenic hill will be welcomed by tourists and visitors to the island at the year-end school holidays.

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