Thursday, December 18, 2008

Selangor says no to Zakaria’s family - malaysiakini

The Selangor state executive council has rejected the appeal by Datuk Zakaria Md Deros’ family for temporary occupation of the state land next to the late politician’s famous mansion in Port Klang.

Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim said the executive council would now leave it to the Klang district office and municipal council to decide on what action to take.

“We will ask the district office and municipal council to hold a dialogue with the surrounding residents to gather feedback on the use of the state land.

“We will leave it to the residents in the area to decide on whether to turn the land into an open area or sell it to the family,” he told a press conference after chairing the state executive council meeting here yesterday.

Zakaria’s family had submitted a letter of appeal to the district office on Nov 17 following Khalid’s announcement on Nov 12, that an earlier application for temporary occupation of the 2,267sq m of state land had been rejected.

The family had fenced up the land next to the mansion and planted fruit trees on it.

On another matter, Khalid said, he hoped that the state government would be able to obtain the Public Works Department and the Malaysian Public Works Institute’s (Ikram) report on the Bukit Antarabangsa landslide tragedy by today.

“We promised to let the residents who were evacuated whether they can return home by Friday but we need a day to study the report,” he said.

1 comment:

  1. orang salah tetap salah,benar tetap benar.satu malaysia tahu perihal datuk zakaria ni.jangan bagi muka kat family dia...


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