Friday, January 08, 2010

Gereja Desa Melawati Di Bakar "Pejuang" Gila..!

A church has been fire-bombed in an attack that gutted its ground floor, church officials said, escalating a dispute over the use of the word 'Allah' by non-Muslims.

Al least four other churches are also believed to have been attacked in the oast 12 hours in the Klang Valley, including the Assumption Church in Petaling Jaya.

A fire department official said all stations were on alert for more blazes at religious buildings, ahead of planned nationwide protests today by Muslim groups angry over the use of the word as a translation for 'God' by Christians.

The three-storey Metro Tabernacle church in Desa Melawati, Kuala Lumpur, part of the Assemblies of God movement, was set ablaze in the attack which took place around midnight, said church leader Peter Yeow, 62.

"Witnesses saw four people smash the glass and throw incendiaries into the church building. They came on two motorcycles," he told AFP at the scene as fire department forensic officers picked through the wreckage.

There were no casualties in the attack on the church, which occupies the corner lot of a row of shop houses and which Yeow said draws some 1,500 people weekly.

"The fire destroyed the administrative part of the church. We do not know if the prayer hall on the third floor suffered any damage," he said, warning all other churches to "double their guard" against any attacks.

Anuar Harun, who headed the fire department operation, said that forensic experts were working with the police and a canine unit to probe the blaze.

"We are investigating the cause of fire. We cannot provide any more details. It is a sensitive issue," he said when asked if it was a case of arson.

"We have asked all our fire stations to be on alert for such fires on religious premises," he told AFP.

Meanwhile Kuala Lumpur police Sabtu Othman said the police found one spanner and a kerosene container at the scene, along with two scorched helmets.

He said that the police were investigating the matter under Section 436 of the Penal Code which can punish an offender to 20 years' jail and a fine.

Meanwhile the Assumption church, which is located next to the Assunta Hospital, is believed to have come under attack at about 4am today.

Church officials said that homemade firebombs were thrown into the Catholic church but fortunately they did not explode.

Building erupted into flames

The High Court last week ruled in favour of the Catholic weekly, The Herald newspaper, which has used 'Allah' as a translation for "God" in its Malay-language section. The government has said the word should be used only by Muslims.

The ruling was suspended on Wednesday pending an appeal, after the government argued the decision could cause racial conflict in multicultural Malaysia, where Muslim Malays make up 60 percent of the population.

The security guard at the Metro Tabernacle church, 65-year-old V Mariappan, said he had just walked away from the main entrance of the building to use the bathroom when the building erupted in flames.

"When I came back, there was a huge fire inside the church building. There was a few loud explosions like bombs exploding," he said, adding he saw two motorcycle helmets lying on the road in flames.

The Herald's editor Father Lawrence Andrew has warned of a campaign of intimidation including hacker attacks against the weekly's website, protest plans and widespread criticism in the media over last week's ruling.

"We believe these actions (are designed) to create a climate of fear and a perceived threat to national security so as to pressure the court in reversing its decision," he said this week.

The Herald, which is printed in four languages, has been using the word 'Allah' as a translation for 'God' in its Malay-language section, but the government argued 'Allah' should be used only by Muslims.

More than half of Malaysia's Catholics are from indigenous groups, most of whom live in Sabah and Sarawak and who mainly speak Bahasa Malaysia.

Sumber - Malaysiakini


  1. maka kejap lagi dengan kebodohan TP and the gang keluar la statement itu kerja org umno.......hahhaha

  2. Malaysiakini kata gereja dibakar tapi TP tambah cerita gereja dibakar "Pejuang Gila" . Bunyinya lebih kristian dpd kristian.

    Ugama apa agaknya yg dianuti oleh TP nih..Nampaknya TP dah nak jadi "pastor" nak membela kristian. Lepas ni boleh lah kita panggil TP a.k.a Pastor, itu yg lebih sesuai.

    Dah berjaya dah puak kristian ni mem"baptis" TP. Tahniah TP sbb hang dah jadi "pastor".

  3. Dari tulisan komen yg pertama dan kedua itu... engkau orang tentu faham siapa yang tulisnya,...... betul tak?... geng tu lah... geng bakar church tapi mengaku Islam. pastinya mereka ini..... yang itulah... yang biasa orang tuduh tu...lah.. betul...betul.. betu.betul.

  4. said

    1 malaysia my foot

    1 malaysia my arse


  5. Yang taksub sangat tentang Islam ni sebenar nya ahli PAS aje.

    UMNO dari dulu hingga sekarang mana ade kesah sangat tetang Islam.

    Jadi yang buat kerja tu pasti dari kaum PAS gila.

  6. upin dan ipin ko buat lawak katun.
    org macam ko mmg xde semngat keislaman langsung..ko hanyalah watak sampingan suara2 sumbang api perpecahan..yg ko tahu tuduh menuduh ...betul kan???betul..betul...betul....

  7. Ini perbuatan sekelompok manusia yg jelas tidak mengambarkan mereka itu seorang islam. Kerana islam tidak pernah mengajar kita perbuatan yg sebigini.Ini hanyalah perbuatan sekelompok manusia yg lebih fanatik kepada semangat kebangsaan.Semoga agama islam yg suci murni ini tidak akan dipandang serong atau menyebabkan org yg bukan islam jauh dari islam diatas perbuatan dan kelakuan segenlitir manusia yg jelas bertentangan dgn islam.

  8. anon 3.06

    kejadian ini kite belum tau siapa dalangnya samada islam or non islam.ok?
    mungkin dalang daripada golongan yg lebih suka melihat sengketa antara islam vs islam, melayu vs islam dan islam vs non pikir2kanlah.....

  9. kpda tulang ikan

    senang je hal ni kita kan masuk dalam 1Malaysia, 1Malaysia tau siapa buat, 1Malaysia tau ketuanan Melayu jangan digugat. Eh siapa guna ketuanan Melayu ye? 1Malaysia tau... kan kan kan

  10. Gila depapun ada semangat yang diwarisi dari Khalid Al Walid!!!Depa gila sebab Islam mula dipedajai dan unsur naik kepala oghang kristian malaysia terhadap Islam!!!Sekurang-kurangnya "peringatan" pada orang lain!Islam tidak boleh dipermainkan!!!!
    Hang TP!!!!Tak dak teloq!!!!!

  11. mari bunuh mat2 kristien pulak

  12. anon 5:31..... beraninya ko... jangan cakap jer nak bunuh kristian, bunuh amno pun ko xkan berani... amnoi tu lagi aula' dibunuh dulu, dah habis baru la kristian.....ada berani ka?????

  13. Sesiapa yg berkenaan klau kau pandai baca al-quran,kau cari ayat d al-zuqruf 61........tq....TQ

  14. This matter is all from politic issue, mereka menyebut hal ini semata2 untuk kepentigan mereka sendiri untuk menaggani isu2 politik..nama "kalimah" itu memang sudah lama di guna di indonesia dan di sini khas bila mereka bersenbahyang dalam bahasa malaysia..Jika ia salah kenapa tidak dari dahulu ???????? kenapa baru sekarang isu ini keluar...adakah ini sudah di rancang untuk tahun 2010?? Tolonglah jangan guna hal agama semata - mata untuk isu - isu politik.

    @mari bunuh mat2 kristien pulak :
    - Ko pernah baca sejarah 13 mei.
    - malaysia kecik aje,jgn suruh amerika serang malaysia.
    - Belajar cr duit lg bagus dari ko nak belajar bunuh membunuh.
    - Bercakap jgn lah besar.
    - Harimau serang ko pun ko dah kecing seluar.


Mintak maaf banyak-banyak geng, pihak Perisik Rakyat telah mengesan adanya cubaan menggodam laman web ini melalui ruangan komen, jadi kami terpaksa mengaktifkan "word verification" untuk keselamatan.

Mekasih Untuk Komen Korang... Korang Nak Maki Ke, Nak Puji Ke, Itu Korang Punya Pasal... Dosa, Pahala Sendiri Tanggung..! Paham..?