Friday, May 14, 2010

Zul Noordin Barua UMNO Cuba Jatuhkan Kerajaan Kedah Sebab Dia Palsu kan Dokumen

Nota Editor: Mengikut pendedahan Raja Petra yang terbaru, rupanya Zul Noordin tidak fail penyata kewangan untuk tahun 2004. Lepas tu, apabila kes tersebut di bawa ke mahkamah, Zul Noordin telah cuba memalsukan penyata kewangan. Malangnya, penipuan Zul Noordin telah diketahui oleh UMNO. kalau hanya setakat tidak menghantar penyata kewangan, Zul cuma akan hilang kerusi Parlimen sahaja. Namun, kesalahan memalsukan dokumen bakal menyebabkan Zul merengkok dalam penjara.

Tapi, Najib bijak dan menggunakan peluang ini membeli Zul Noordin untuk bekerja untuk Najib. Tugas utama Zul Noordin adalah menjana kejatuhan Kerajaan Kedah.

Sememangnya penggerak UMNO dan BN adalah penjenayah. Macam si Zul Noordin.Selamat membaca.

Zul’s assignment is to return Kedah to Barisan Nasional
Raja Petra Kamarudin

The issue is simple, really. Every candidate who contests the state and parliamentary elections is supposed to file a copy of his or her statement of accounts or statement of expenditure with the Elections Commission. This to ensure that no one violates the Election Offences Act by spending more than RM100,000 for a state seat and RM200,000 for a parliament seat.

Now, if you fail to file your statement of accounts/expenditure or your statement shows you have spent more than the allowed figure or your statement is in error, such as many expenses are missing from your statement, then the Elections Commission can disqualify you.

In short, you lose your seat.

Zulkifli Noordin, the PKR candidate who won the Kulim parliament seat in the 2008 general election, did not submit his statement of expenditure for the 2004 general election. And the Umno candidate who lost, Abdul Aziz Sheikh Fadzir, had proof of this. So Aziz filed an election petition to ask the court to disqualify Zul. (Remember Aziz, the man who wanted to burn down the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall about ten years ago?)

Zul panicked. So he quickly doctored a set of accounts with forged documents and bills to buttress his case in court. Unfortunately, Zul got caught. Now it is no longer a simple case of failing to file your statement of accounts, which is a mere disqualification. It is now a case of fraud, which is a criminal offence that attracts a jail sentence.

The Prime Minister saw a golden opportunity in Zul’s predicament. Zul has been caught with his pants down. So the PM summoned Zul for a meeting and told the latter that Umno will withdraw the election petition and help save his arse. But he must first agree to a deal. And the deal is: Zul need not go to jail, but he would have to ensure the return of Kedah to Barisan Nasional.

In short, Zul will act as Umno’s Trojan Horse in Pakatan Rakyat.

Zul agreed to the deal and the PM instructed Aziz to withdraw the election petition. Aziz was mad as hell (he knew Zul was dead meat) but he had no choice in the matter. He reluctantly withdrew the election petition and Zul was saved. But now Zul works for Umno, no longer for Pakatan Rakyat.

Now can you understand why Zul is doing the things he is doing? No doubt it appears odd that Zul is doing all sorts of things that is hurting the opposition. But that was the deal. And once Kedah falls then Zul would have paid his dues and he can then officially join Umno.

When you lie to cover a lie you eventually get caught. And Zul got caught. If he had not tried to cover his mistake by forging his statement of accounts then at worse he just loses his seat. But because he forged his statement of accounts it is now more than a simple disqualification. It is fraud. And the crime of fraud is more serious. You can go to jail.

Umno just loves criminals. Criminals can be used. And since Zul made the mistake of doing something criminal, Umno is able to use him. And use him Umno did, and still is.


Kulim poll petition hearing put off to Aug 19

22 July 2008 (Malaysiakini) -- The High Court, which is due to hear the Kulim-Bandar Baharu election petition today, has postponed it to Aug 19.

This is the second time that the hearing for the election petition has been put off - the court was to hear the case two days ago.

Judge Balia Yusoff Wahi has last month set July 20 to hear the petition after dismissing preliminary objection raised by the winning candidate Zulkifli Noordin from PKR to strike out the petition.

The petition was filed by Umno candidate Abdul Aziz Sheikh Fadzir on the grounds that Zulkifli had failed to submit his statement of expenditure from his 2004 general election campaign.

Under the Election Act, candidates who do not submit their statement of expenditure to the Election Commission can be disqualified from contesting in future elections.

In the 2004 general election, Zulkifli contested the Kuala Langat parliamentary seat in Selangor but lost to Umno's Dr Shafie Mohd Salleh.

In the election petition, Abdul Aziz also claimed that the returning officer had failed to act against Zulkifli despite having documents confirming his failure to submit the statement of expenditure.


Aziz Sheikh Fadzir Withdraws Petition Against Zulkifli Noordin

ALOR STAR, 13 Oct 2008 (Bernama) -- The Alor Star High Court today struck out the election petition for Kulim/Bandar Baharu parliamentary seat after Barisan Nasional (BN) candidate Datuk Abdul Aziz Sheikh Fadzir decided to withdraw the petition.

Justice Datuk Balia Yusof Wahi made the decision after Abdul Aziz's counsel, Firoz Hussein Ahmad Jamaludin told the court of his client's decision.

The withdrawal allows Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) candidate Zulkifli Noordin to continue as MP for Kulim/Bandar Baharu.

In the petition filed by Abdul Aziz in April this year, he had named Zulkifli, the returning officer and the Election Commission (EC) as the first, second and third respondents respectively.

Abdul Aziz had sought that the court declared the March 8 election results for the Kulim/Bandar Baharu seat null and void. Zulkifli won the seat, polling 22,255 votes against Abdul Aziz's 16,672 votes.

In the petition, Abdul Aziz claimed that Zulkifli had failed to submit his statement of expenditure when he contested the Kuala Langat parliamentary seat in the 2004 general election, which contravenes the Election Act.

He also claimed that the returning officer had failed to act against Zulkifli's nomination despite the fact that the EC had the documents confirming Zulkifli's failure to submit his statement of expenditure.

Abdul Aziz when met outside the court said that his decision to withdraw the petition was made after a discussion with BN leaders.

He said the decision was made after taking into consideration the current global economic instability and the price hikes caused by the erratic oil price, the increasing depression felt by the people and various other problems that needed attention.

"In the interests of the people in Kulim Bandar Baharu and the country, I am willing to sacrifice my right to challenge Zulkifli so that the people and the government can work together to stabilise the country's political situation, economy and unity that are in critical condition right now," he said.

He said that he also respected the decision made by the voters in the March 8 general election and would continue to serve the people in Kulim Bandar Baharu through a Barisan service centre that he had set up since April.


BN withdraws Kulim-Bdr Baru election petition

ALOR STAR, 13 October 2008 (The Star) -- A High Court here has struck out an election petition for the Kulim-Bandar Baru parliamentary seat after Barisan Nasional candidate Datuk Abdul Aziz Sheikh Fadzir withdrew his petition.

Justice Datuk Balia Yusof Wahi made the decision after Abdul Aziz's counsel Firoz Hussein Ahmad Jamaludin told the court of his client's decision on Monday.

The withdrawal allowed PKR candidate Zulkifli Nordin to continue as Member of Parliament for Kulim-Bandar Baru.

When met outside the court Monday, Abdul Aziz said that his decision to withdraw the petition was made after discussions with Barisan leaders.

He said the decision was made after taking into consideration the current economic situation.

“I am willing to sacrifice my right to challenge Zulkifli so that the people and the government can work together to stabilise the country's political, economic and unity situation, which are in critical condition right now,” he said.

He said that he also respected the decision made by Kulim-Bandar Baru voters in the March 8 general election.

Abdul Aziz also said that he would continue to serve the people in Kulim-Bandar Baru through a Barisan service centre that he had since set up.

In the petition he filed in April this year, he had named Zulkifli, the returning officer and the Election Commission (EC) as the first, second and third respondents respectively.

Abdul Aziz had requested the court to declare that the March 8 election results for the Kulim-Bandar Baru seat be null and void.

Zulkifli won the seat, polling 22,255 votes against Abdul Aziz's 5,583.

Zulkifli was recently embroiled in the controversy involving the Bar Council forum on Muslim conversion.

The PKR disciplinary committee is inquiring into his action, but has not taken any disciplinary measure yet.

In the petition Abdul Aziz claimed that Zulkifli had failed to submit his statement of expenditure when he contested the Kuala Langat parliamentary seat in the 2004 general election, which contravenes the Election Act.

Abdul Aziz also claimed that the returning officer had failed to act against Zulkifli's nomination despite the fact that EC had the documents confirming Zulkifli's failure to submit his statement of expenditure.


  1. sumber raja putar kamarudin lg ke..hahahaha..xde sumber lain ke org2 pas oi..memalukn btul.

  2. tahun 2004???

    masa tu zul nordin dlm PR

    mmg org PR ni kerjanya asyik menipu dan membohong

  3. pak lebai zul ini bukan ada perinsip.dia kelentong je lebih.awat dia tak letak jawatan kat parlimen kulim.kalau dia ingat strong.aku yakin dia dapat habuan dan durian runtuh dari umno.sebab itu yang dia jadi harimau lapar yang baru nasi kandak.rupanya dia pun dah pandai bohong.dia dengan radhi lunas serupa.depa kira duit sahaja.

  4. spin bro spin bro... apa dah jadi aduan tulang berat kat pas... senyap aje dah kena pecat ke puak puak UG yang ko benci tu... wa.. kha..kha...

  5. wakakakakakakakakak...

    zul cakap ada pemimpin pr suruh dia fitnah sama itu jibon...

    kasi nama la zul,kalo lu bran...wat report polis maa

    wakakakakakakakakak..bukti jgn simpan dalam buntut,nanti jadi taik...


    kpala otak zul dah kena spin masa kena tahan dalam isa....satu geng ngan ezam....

    itu pasal judi2 halal,zul taknak komen ke????.....


    mungkin dalam songkok,dia simpan kad tarot....


  6. "his decision to withdraw the petition was made after discussions with Barisan leaders"

    "the decision was made after taking into consideration the current global economic instability and the price hikes caused by the erratic oil price, the increasing depression felt by the people and various other problems.."


    alasan stendet la! UMCO kan..!!


    pencacai bengong, nak tegak benang basah. piiraahhh...

  7. ini macam punya loyar pun ada ka? tipu punya loyar!


  8. RPK RPK... Ni Raja perang media... Raja Spin.. Kalu TB pun percaya TB pengkhaianat negara macam RPK.. orang-orang lain yang baca percaya dua kali ngok lebih daripada TB... alahai.. zul tu ahli pas.... RPK tak berani kuar banyak sangat makan duit haram fitnah orang lain... anuar tak berani sumpah takut sumpah makan diri... zul kalu jadi nah baru rasa.... sejarah perak akan berulang... berapa banyak lagi umno kena bagi duit 25 juta, 75 juta.. banyaknya...

  9. rpk kalo balik malaysia,konfem kena bom ngan c4.....

    wakakakakakakakakakakak..rpk sedang bersuka ria kat great briten...

    wakakakakakakakakakakakaka..polis malaysia ngaga je la.... link dengan interpol x bagus ke ???

    wkakakakakakakakak..nak tangkap rpk kantoi,nak jejak itu boyfren elizabeth fail...nak bawak balik balasundram pon tak berhasil....


    polis malaysia hanya bleh tembok mat rempit jeee...


    "apasal saya nak mintak mahap,ni bukan time raya"ujar ketua inspektor sahab pada pemberita...

    wakakakakakakakakakakakaka..musang dah mareeee...


  10. kira-kira RPK & TP dah mengiktiraf yg si Najib ni memang bijak orangnya...PR ada senjata bagus tapi selalu makan tuan....wakakaka. Kiok lah PR n Al Juburi.

    Dibawah Najib yg bijak ni KDNK dah naik 10% beb. Satu pencapaian yg telah diiktiraf oleh banyak badan bebas. Satu lagi kejayaan Najib. Lain2 kejayaan yg sedang dinikmati termasuklah memporak peranda dan mengharu birukan sistem politik PR yg diketuai oleh DSAI Al Juburi......wakakakaka. Kioqlah lu PR/TP ganja/Tulang Babi a.k.a Rahman Babi....... wakakakakaka....

  11. dulu kau bukan main lambung si zul ..... aikk tiba2 ngutukk plakk.

    katakan la lepas ni zul masuk pas pulak. jadi ko lambung dia lagi laa...

    memang sah parti kau ni parti serpihan.

  12. anon 4:40 yg bodoh.
    si zul lembu nei selepas dia keluar dr pkr pas dah declare x nak kan dia.
    x payah tggu dia nak msk pas.
    Lain kali rajin2 lah membaca.

  13. biasa ler pemuda umco.
    bahan mrk hanya dari utusan meloya,berita hairan,tv3 suku,rtm1-rtm2 x yah crt lah kompom pr jer yg jahat.
    pernah ker korang semua dgr yg pr nei d angkat dlm media kroni diaorg nei?
    sebab tu ler mentaliti diaorg nei d tahap jubur si saiful tu.

  14. Syabas Zul.. mu bercakap berdasarkan facts.. hari yb wee dah kuar... esok sapa lak... gobala pun dah tunggu masa je..

    TB melalaklah... zul memang power dan benar-benar sekali.. TB je yang penipu besar... sayabas sekali lagi..

    Aku yakin akan tumbang satu lagi state gov di utara.. Zul punyai facts .. yan facts ya fact...kita tunggu aje ye...

    TB jangan gelabah buatlah keje baik-baik di sibu tu...

  15. apa x factnya dia yg merancang, dia tahu ler siapa yg akan keluar.
    bodoh lah kau nei anon 6.40

  16. Kira BN ni terer le ye.. Boleh pasang trojan horse kat mana- mana; kat PKR ada; dua tiga orang trojan horse;Zul;Zahrain, saiful.

    Kat PAS pasang Kickdefella..gitu ke.

    PAS perabih RM4j untuk kondemkan Pak Lah..terima kasih buat kerja untuk UMNO kerana orang UMNO pun nak dia berhenti..Sekarang ni Kickdefella hentam pulak PAS.. UMNO tak bayar sesen pun, macam mana rasa peluru penabur Kickdefella.. best kan?

    Ha ha tegolak den.. Yang bangang sebenarnye ; PAS dan PKR..kuda tunggangan DAP

  17. Anon 10.19

    Alamak dah bocor la perancangan Zul.. tu..

    Ko tau semua tu ye.. buat la repot polis ke, SPRM ke, atau repot kat abang nuar ke.. kat LGE ke... atau TGNA ke, Tak kan diam je.. kesian kat ustas Azuizan

  18. ISLAM ade mengatakan..
    di dalam kubur akn ditanya sape la ketua kamu..
    korg nk ckp NAJIB ker??
    klu aku la,aku xberani nk sebut nama dia.
    baik sebut nama org yg ade pegangan agama ISLAM yg kuat.
    skrg ni dh heboh Presidan IRAN tu pengkhianat ISLAM.
    kite ingt dia tu ISLAm tp sebenarnye x.
    kpd yg sokong UMNO tu.
    ape faedah yg korg dpt dr UMNO?
    xkn duit,kesenangan n kemewahan je yg korg pilih?
    dh lupa dkt akhirat ker?
    fikir2 la klu korg ni ISLAM yg sebenar.

  19. korang cuba tgk org umnonok pya ckp....kat org melayu dua ckp pas dn pkr kuda tunggangan kat cina dia kata bahaya pas klu jd ketua...mmg dasar rasis pya parti..

  20. muka tak malu,berlakon macam orang alim rupanya penipu besar,pepat di luar rancong didalam , orang islam apa ini?


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Mekasih Untuk Komen Korang... Korang Nak Maki Ke, Nak Puji Ke, Itu Korang Punya Pasal... Dosa, Pahala Sendiri Tanggung..! Paham..?