Tuesday, July 15, 2008

DAP For All

email dari : kent chong

Hi Malaysian,
DAP not racist and not just for chinese, it's for all Malaysian.

Yesterday my office organised a free health screening for the residents in the SS13 flats at the 3K hall. The program started at 9am and ended at 1pm.

This program was made possible by a volunteer doctor who lives in Subang Jaya. He came to my office right after the election and offered his assistance to serve the people alongside me. His wife, also a doctor joined the team as well. There were young medical graduates from Subang Jaya who were also part of the team.

We provided free random blood sugar and cholesterol test, free blood pressure check, body mass index measurement and height and weight test.

The residents of different races came to do their check-ups and there were some who came to accompany their spouse but were reluctant to do a check-up for themselves. When asked why, they simply replied "I don't want to know because I know the reading will surely be high". Such is the mindset of many Malaysians when it comes to health checks. Look at our eating habits. We can't afford the price of ignorance. Health is priceless. Treasure it and work on it.

There was also a talk on cataract. The senior citizens living there received much from the talk. Remember the senior citizen mentioned in my blog titled "Enriching lives" who has an eye condition? We brought him to see the eye specialist here and I'm pleased to tell you that he will be given a free and thorough check-up by this doctor.

1 comment:

  1. Is that all....bullshit! I'm not angry with you perisik rakyat...



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