Friday, August 15, 2008

Petra cakap: IKUT SUKA AKU LA..!

KUALA LUMPUR: Blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin is adamant that he would not reveal his sources for three articles on his blog which were considered defamatory of lawyer Datuk Muhammad Shafee Abdullah.

This is despite the High Court ordering him on Wednesday to reveal the sources for the articles as well as the identities of those who had posted their comments and messages on the three articles.

He had been given until tomorrow to do so.

Raja Petra was also ordered to remove the three articles by today.

This followed a writ of summons taken out by Muhammad Shafee over the articles which Raja Petra had posted on his blog at the Malaysia Today website on Aug 6, 7 and 11.
Raja Petra said yesterday that he had not received the court order and would decide later whether to take down the articles.

However, he said he would never reveal his sources and he did not know the identity of his commentators.

"Of course, I won't. I never reveal my sources," he said in a report, adding that he had expected "some sort of backlash" from his articles.

"I expect anything in my line of business. I'm always prepared and never surprised."

Raja Petra claimed that Muhammad Shafee knew that what was written in the articles was true and this was why the lawyer wanted to know the identities of the sources.

In an article posted at 4.18pm on Malaysia Today yesterday, Raja Petra said there were actually six people who had provided him with information.

He claimed that three of them were Datuk.

"These informers know what they saw and heard.

"And I too know what they told me," Raja Petra wrote.

The blogger has also been sued for defamation relating to the publication of comments, posts and statement that had been posted on the blog by visitors and commentators in relation to the three earlier articles.

Further injunctions were also given prohibiting Raja Petra from publishing or causing to be published or continuing to publish the three offending articles or further articles similar in content to the said articles.

The articles were entitled "Shafee Abdullah: Sodomologist Extraordinaire"; "Money, Power and Sex: What Motivates Man", and "The Real Dalang Behind the Anwar Sodomy Allegation".

Muhammad Shafee had said that he wanted Raja Petra to defend himself in court, which set Sept 2 to hear the application.


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