Friday, August 15, 2008

Pimpinan PAS Kena Bambu Dek Penyokong2 & Ahli2.

IPOH, Aug 15 — Several top leaders of Pas came under unprecedented attacks from its Youth chiefs yesterday.

While party leaders often face criticisms on the policies they implement, the direct attacks on who-did-what-wrong are rare even for a party that prides itself on allowing open debates at its annual meetings.

The personal attacks in the speeches of some two dozen speakers reflected the sense of anger and angst among the grassroots five months after the Islamic party and its two coalition partners in the opposition Pakatan Rakyat captured five states in the general election.

The attacks were so severe that the permanent chairman of the meeting, Misbahul Munir, asked the speakers to stop identifying the target of their unhappiness. “In sensitive issues and in giving certain views, do not mention their names as they do not have the opportunity to defend themselves here,” he said.

But he was ignored.

Several of the leaders yesterday downplayed the attacks, saying the criticisms showed that democracy is alive in Pas.

“I am okay with what they have said. It means that they want us to improve,” said Youth chief Salahuddin Ayub, who was criticised for saying he would campaign hard for de facto opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Said information chief Mahfuz Omar: “It's good that members are allowed to have their say.” He was picked on for lying that there were no secret talks between Pas and Umno. He said later he was told to lie by party chiefs.

Other leaders who bore the brunt of the attacks include deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa and vice-president Husam Musa.


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