Saturday, November 01, 2008

S'wak PKR shoots down Soi Lek's 'return' to cabinet

Two Sarawak PKR leaders have scoffed at talks of Dr Chua Soi Lek’s return to the Federal Cabinet.

dominique ngSarawak PKR chair and Padungan state assemblyperson Dominique Ng came out strongly, albeit in sarcastic fashion, against certain members of the cabinet.

“In a cabinet filled with ‘suspicious characters’ of all shades, which allegedly include a high-class woman assaulter and corrupt-tainted people, surely a reformed corruptor of morals would not be out of place?

“Indeed, he [Dr Chua] is in fine company and I might say to be merely among his high-flying peers!,” said Ng.

Ng was among several people who spoke to Malaysiakini today on wide speculations that Chua could be brought back to the cabinet through the Senate.

mca agm 181008 chua soi lekChua, who beat MCA secretary-general Ong Ka Chuan and two others in the recent party elections, was at the centre of the ‘Minister in the Sex Video’ scandal last year which forced him to resign his ministerial and party posts. Chua was also not re-nominated as a BN candidate in the March 8 general election.

After his surprise victory in the party polls, there were talks that the party may be recommending him to be a senator in order to return to the cabinet. By tradition, the deputy president of the MCA gets a ministerial post.

This has become a hot issue in the national press and DAP chairperson Karpal Singh was recently quoted in a national daily as saying that he has no wish to see a “porn star in the cabinet.”

penans meet suhakam 130208 see chee howSarawak PKR Stampin division chairperson See Chee How (right) asked whether Chua is really a changed man now.

“He was in the cabinet before and he has nothing to show, from his records, that he dares to stand up against Umno's dominance in BN,” See pointed out.

With his fall before the general election and rise after the party election, Chua may have given all MCA members and others a glimpse of hope but will MCA risk its position to shake Umno’s dominance,” he asked.

See opined that Chua’s presence in the cabinet could put MCA in a more vulnerable position as he (Chua) would even be more reluctant to speak up against Umno’s dominance and wrongdoings because of his own skeleton in the cupboard.

See said Umno's dominance is the root cause of the country's racial polarisation, corruption and poor governance and mismanagement of the various arms of government.

According to him, the appointment of Chua as a senator and cabinet minister, if it happens, will allow the Umno-dominated BN to keep the forces in MCA in check more easily.

Why? Surely, you cannot expect someone with a dark cloud hanging over his head to speak his mind against Umno people who are or could be just as ‘colourful’ as him, See added in jest.

Extra Maritial OK In W Malaysia?

patau rubisOpposition State Reform Party (Star) president Dr Patau Rubis, one time described as a maverick and who was sacked by Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud in 1995 from the Sarawak Cabinet allegedly on ground of indiscipline, preferred ‘to withhold any comment until it is done.’

“Furthermore, it is an internal affair of the MCA and it is up to West Malaysians to settle their problems,” Patau, a Bidayuh, told Malaysiakini.

“We (the party) prefer to leave it to them both to decide whether extra-marital affairs are permissible in West Malaysians politics,” the Star chief said, clearly aware of what might be the grounds for objection to Chua’s return to the cabinet.

violet yongPending DAP state assemblyperson for Pending Violet Yong opined that “Chua’s (imminent) return to the cabinet is because of his position as the No 2 in the party.

“Although Chua is tainted with the sex scandal, the fact remains that MCA members have accepted him. So this is the party’s choice and it has to be accepted.

“His victory in the MCA elections shows that the party has no other leaders who can match with Dr Chua, in spite of his tainted record. I must say that’s a great shame for MCA,” Yong added.

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