Sunday, May 02, 2010

Another "Win-Win Situation" By UMNO/APCO..?

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak is confident that talks to resolve sea and land boundary issues between Malaysia and Brunei will result in a win-win solution for both countries.

najib visit to kuala kubu 030410 05He said that both countries were negotiating the matter as a package, covering all aspects such as the role which Petronas could play with regard to exploration and development, and investment opportunities for Brunei corporations in Malaysia.

"The Sultan of Brunei Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah has always said he wanted to see a solution which is based on a mutually-beneficial formula," he said.

The prime minister was speaking to reporters after attending a luncheon and presenting Pingat Jasa Malaysia (PJM) medals to 32 armed forces veterans from Sarawak at Rascom Camp at the Ninth Infantry Brigade in Jalan Ulu Oya, near Sibu, today.

He said that both countries reached an in-principal agreement on the issue last year and that both countries were now looking at the matter in terms of demarcation surveys which would be done in a manner that would benefit both countries.

petronasNajib was asked to comment on the statement by former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, questioning in a blog posting on Thursday why two oil-rich blocks were no longer belonged to Malaysia and said that the loss could cost the country at least US$100 billion (RM320 billion).

Mahathir claimed that his successor Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had surrendered the two blocks to Brunei in exchange for Limbang.

Abdullah, who signed an Exchange of Letters between both countries last year, clarified that the land and sea agreement with Brunei was approved by the Malaysian cabinet and that Malaysia would be allowed to participate in joint development of oil and gas on commercial basis in the two areas for a period of 40 years.

The national oil corporation, Petronas, said yesterday that it had been invited by Brunei to develop two offshore exploration areas formerly designated as Blocks L and M on a commercial arrangement basis.

Petronas said it had set up a team and had begun negotiations with Brunei to work out the terms for the development of the two blocks now known as Blocks CA1 and CA2.

Source - malaysiakini


  1. Sumber pun drp yg memang banyak memutar belitkan cerita..nampaknya siTP ni dah tak ada cerita nak tulis maka copy paste lah drp web tu...

    Apa jawab Husam ttg upah RM4 juta kpd Kicdefella ya...banyaknya duit tu, upah nak burukkan orang lain..
    Topeng, ko dapat berapa sen pulak ya...???

  2. Duit berjuta-juta daripada tanah kawasan orang lain mencuri namanya, Duit hasil curi duit haram. Sama juga dengan duit yang bukan milik kita. dan kita tuntut untuk jadi milik kita macam Kerajaan Kelantan buat, juga duit haram. Upah RM 4 juta untuk bloger Pakatan rakyat. banyak tu.

  3. he,he orang melayu memang senang dibodohkan oleh pemimpin umno-apco!


    p/s: aku dapat ganjaran bodohkan orang melayu he,he..

  4. Kalau setakat copy paste, budak tadika pun boleh buat. Lepas tu ambik mcm sendiri punya kerja...Bodoh piang si Poji ganja ni..kakit "plagiat".

  5. perghh..antu raya pagi2 da mengilai..


  6. alahai..pengor bebenor otak pencacai yahudi nih..

    lantak pi la poji nak letak artikel perpon..dah dia nya website...

    ko tak suka,pegi la layan facebook ke..lpas tu wat la kenyataan nak bunuh orang..


    perangai yahudi pior...


Mintak maaf banyak-banyak geng, pihak Perisik Rakyat telah mengesan adanya cubaan menggodam laman web ini melalui ruangan komen, jadi kami terpaksa mengaktifkan "word verification" untuk keselamatan.

Mekasih Untuk Komen Korang... Korang Nak Maki Ke, Nak Puji Ke, Itu Korang Punya Pasal... Dosa, Pahala Sendiri Tanggung..! Paham..?