Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said Sarawak, which has 30 members of parliament, holds the key to the formation of the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) government in the country.
"When Sarawak changes its course, the Barisan Nasional government will collapse," he said at a dinner organised by "Friends of PKR" at the Sibu Trade and Exhibition centre here last night.
He said leaders in the PR coalition like Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang of Pas, Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng of DAP and himself and his wife would continue to meet and hold discussions with BN MPS to get them to cross over.
About 3,000 people were present at the dinner, the biggest so far for a PKR function here.
Those present included PKR vice-president Datuk Seri Dr Jeffery Kitingan, Sarawak DAP leader Wong Ho Leng, former Sri Aman MP Jimmy Donald and Baginda Minda, the former Parti Rakyat Sarawak Balleh branch publicity chief, who caused a furore with his statement accusing the state dominant BN party, the Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu, of being a bully.
At the function, Anwar received membership application forms from Gabriel Adit Demong, one of two independent state assemblymen, and from 11,752 individuals from throughout the state.
Anwar said Sarawakians were now ready for change, saying Adit had volunteered to lead a recruitment drive for more members for PR.
"Do not be surprise if what had happened in five peninsula states in the March general elections could happen here," he said, adding that PR was prepared to face the coming state election.
He also claimed that several people from the state had visited him to express their interests to join PKR.
Meanwhile, Adit said a lot of BN members were "waiting in the wing" to join him and that his decision in joining PKR was "the first of many instalments" over the next few months.

"Mengikut Perjanjian itu, tiap-tiap Negeri akan menerima 5% daripada nilai petroliam yang dijumpai dan diperolehi dalam kawasan perairan atau di luar perairan Negeri tersebut yang dijual oleh PETRONAS atau ejensi-ejensi atau kontrektor-kontrektornya".- Tun Abdul Razak, Dewan Rakyat (12hb. November, 1975)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
ISA: Raja Petra belum fikir saman kerajaan

Ketika dihubungi, Raja Petra yang turut dikenali sebagai RPK berkata, beliau belum lagi membuat sebarang keputusan mengenainya kerana masih mempunyai masa, malah sudah ada rayuan di pihak kerajaan.
"Belum lagi, lagi pun kerajaan kata hendak membuat rayuan... kita tunggu dulu, tengok siapa yang menang (dalam rayuan).
"Selepas menang dan kalah nanti, kita akan memutuskan (tindakan saman)," kata beliau.
Malah, menurut beliau, lagi pun tindakan menyaman menuntut ganti rugi boleh dibuat dalam tempoh enam atau tujuh tahun.
"Jadi ada masa lagi," kata beliau.
Raja Petra dibebaskan daripada tahunan ISA pada 7 November lalu. Pembebasannya diarahkan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam.
Raja Petra mengemukakan permohonan mencabar penahanan di bawah Seksyen 8 ISA.
Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi, Datuk Syed Ahmad Helmy Syed Ahmad berkata, walaupun Seksyen 8 ISA selaras dengan Artikel 149 Perlembagaan Persekutuan tetapi dalam kes ini alasan penahanan yang dibuat oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar tidak termasuk dalam skop Seksyen 8 akta itu.
Raja Petra telah memohon writ habeas corpus bagi mendapatkan pembebasan dirinya daripada penahanan mengikut ISA dengan alasan bahawa penahanannya tidak sah dan tidak mengikut perlembagaan.
Beliau menamakan Syed Hamid sebagai responden.
Ketika dibebaskan, Raja Petra berkata, keputusan mahkamah menunjukkan dengan jelas bahawa ISA tidak boleh digunakan untuk kepentingan politik.
Sehari selepas dibebaskan, Syed Hamid berkata, pihaknya akan merayu terhadap keputusan mahkamah membebaskan Raja Petra.
Kata Syed Hamid, walaupun kementeriannya tidak bersetuju dengan keputusan mahkamah itu, keputusan tersebut tetap dihormati.
Raja Petra juga berkata, beliau menerusi peguamannya sudah dikemukakan notis rayuan kerajaan.
"Peguam saya sudah diserahkan dengan notis rayuan," katanya.
-mSTAR Online
Peaceful anti-ISA protest in PJ
breaking news update 9.55pm About 200 people this evening gathered at the Petaling Jaya Civic Centre to hold a peaceful protest against the Internal Security Act.
Howeverf unlike last Sunday, they were not dispersed by the police and no one was arrested.
The reason being this time around the organisers have obtained a police permit to hold the protest. People started gathering at the venue since 7.30pm.
Last Sunday, the police dispersed a group of protesters and arrested 23 persons as a result. Among those arrested included several top politicians.
PJ city councillor Richard Yeoh told Malaysiakini that he had applied for a police permit to hold the gathering last Friday and was given an approval on Saturday.
It is learnt that the gathering, which is organised by a group of concerned citizens, would be held at the same spot on a weekly basis.Previously this group had gathered on Sundays at the Padang Timur, opposite the Amcorp Mall to show their opposition to the preventive detention law.
Last Sunday, the police had removed the group from the field with some deciding to march to the Civic Centre, located about 2km away, to hold their protest.
The police moved into the group and made a number of arrests while they were in the midst of singing the national anthem.
Today, the police presence at the gathering spot was markedly reduced to a handful of plainclothes officers.
Twelve Conditions
One of the organiser of the gathering, lawyer and blogger Haris Ibrahim told Malaysiakini that the police had given permission for the gathering on the conditions that, among others, no candlelight vigil was held, no anti-ISA T-shirts were worn by the participants and no speeches by politicians - all main ingredients of the past gatherings.
However, just as the gathering gained momentum today, many of those in the crowd started lighting up their candles. Some were wearing anti-ISA T-shirts. There were also some political speeches.
Yeoh told the crowd that there were actually 12 conditions, which also included a prohibition against the organisers from conducting activities that suggest sympathy towards ISA detainees and no distribution of banners or leaflets.
Yeoh said that the individuals concerned would have to face the law if they were caught breaking the conditions of the police permit.
Haris however said that it was the right of the people to protest against an unjust piece of legislation.
Among those present at the gathering were Klang parliamentarian Charles Santiago, Seputeh MP and Selangor exco member Teresa Kok and recently released ISA detainee Raja Petra Kamarudin.
The crowd also held a one-minute silence for Paula Khoo who was arrested last night in Penang for co-organising a peaceful anti-ISA candlelight vigil in the Esplanade. She was released on police bail some four hours later.
The crowd dispersed on their own accord without any untoward incident at about 9.30pm.
Motion For A Pay Cut
Earlier, Kok told the crowd that it was wise for the police not to interfere with the gathering.
She said that a diplomat had recently told her that Malaysia was labelled by the European Union as a ‘crisis country' because of its use of the ISA.
This, she said, would have a negative impact on foreign investment.
"I have also filed for a motion in the Parliament to propose a RM10 pay cut against Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar and Inspector-General of Police Musa Hassan," she said.
Kok herself was arrested and detained under the ISA for a week in September for allegedly raising Islamic issues.
Last week, she filed a law suit against Syed Hamid and Musa for abusing their position to use the ISA on her.
Santiago meanwhile said that the gathering tonight showed that the people did not fear in expressing their protest against the ISA.
"The crackdown last week had prompted many people to come out today. Form this, you can see that there is a building of movement around the country that detest this law," he said.
Howeverf unlike last Sunday, they were not dispersed by the police and no one was arrested.
The reason being this time around the organisers have obtained a police permit to hold the protest. People started gathering at the venue since 7.30pm.
Last Sunday, the police dispersed a group of protesters and arrested 23 persons as a result. Among those arrested included several top politicians.

It is learnt that the gathering, which is organised by a group of concerned citizens, would be held at the same spot on a weekly basis.Previously this group had gathered on Sundays at the Padang Timur, opposite the Amcorp Mall to show their opposition to the preventive detention law.
Last Sunday, the police had removed the group from the field with some deciding to march to the Civic Centre, located about 2km away, to hold their protest.
The police moved into the group and made a number of arrests while they were in the midst of singing the national anthem.
Today, the police presence at the gathering spot was markedly reduced to a handful of plainclothes officers.
Twelve Conditions

However, just as the gathering gained momentum today, many of those in the crowd started lighting up their candles. Some were wearing anti-ISA T-shirts. There were also some political speeches.
Yeoh told the crowd that there were actually 12 conditions, which also included a prohibition against the organisers from conducting activities that suggest sympathy towards ISA detainees and no distribution of banners or leaflets.
Yeoh said that the individuals concerned would have to face the law if they were caught breaking the conditions of the police permit.
Haris however said that it was the right of the people to protest against an unjust piece of legislation.
Among those present at the gathering were Klang parliamentarian Charles Santiago, Seputeh MP and Selangor exco member Teresa Kok and recently released ISA detainee Raja Petra Kamarudin.
The crowd also held a one-minute silence for Paula Khoo who was arrested last night in Penang for co-organising a peaceful anti-ISA candlelight vigil in the Esplanade. She was released on police bail some four hours later.
The crowd dispersed on their own accord without any untoward incident at about 9.30pm.
Motion For A Pay Cut
Earlier, Kok told the crowd that it was wise for the police not to interfere with the gathering.
She said that a diplomat had recently told her that Malaysia was labelled by the European Union as a ‘crisis country' because of its use of the ISA.
This, she said, would have a negative impact on foreign investment.
"I have also filed for a motion in the Parliament to propose a RM10 pay cut against Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar and Inspector-General of Police Musa Hassan," she said.
Kok herself was arrested and detained under the ISA for a week in September for allegedly raising Islamic issues.
Last week, she filed a law suit against Syed Hamid and Musa for abusing their position to use the ISA on her.
Santiago meanwhile said that the gathering tonight showed that the people did not fear in expressing their protest against the ISA.
"The crackdown last week had prompted many people to come out today. Form this, you can see that there is a building of movement around the country that detest this law," he said.
Bubar Majlis Peguam Jika Mahu Berpolitik
Majlis Peguam Malaysia perlu dibubarkan jika badan itu bertindak tidak ubah seperti sebuah parti pembangkang, mempersoalkan hak-hak pribumi di negara ini.
Presiden Persatuan Peguam Muslim Malaysia Tan Sri Abu Zahar Ujang berkata badan itu kini tidak lagi memainkan peranan yang sepatutnya kepada peguam-peguam yang menjadi anggotanya.
"Saya menasihatkan supaya Majlis Peguam dibubarkan dan mereka yang terbabit menubuhkan sebuah parti jika ingin aktif dalam politik," katanya ketika berucap di program wacana isu perundangan dan hak-hak pribumi dalam perlembagaan di Memorial Tun Hussein Onn di sini hari ini.
Beliau juga meminta semua peguam Melayu di negara ini supaya bersatu dalam menangani isu bangsa mereka yang berada dalam keadaan "amat tertekan sekali" ketika ini.
Katanya, isu berhubung hak-hak keistimewaan orang Melayu sering dibangkitkan lebih-lebih lagi selepas Pilihan Raya Umum 8 Mac lepas dan "saya tidak sanggup lagi menghadapi situasi seperti yang berlaku pada 13 Mei 1969."
Dalam ucapannya, Abu Zahar yang juga anggota jawatankuasa Lembaga Disiplin Umno berkata lembaga itu tidak akan teragak-agak untuk mengambil tindakan terhadap mereka yang didapati mengamalkan rasuah atau politik wang.
Presiden Persatuan Peguam Muslim Malaysia Tan Sri Abu Zahar Ujang berkata badan itu kini tidak lagi memainkan peranan yang sepatutnya kepada peguam-peguam yang menjadi anggotanya.
"Saya menasihatkan supaya Majlis Peguam dibubarkan dan mereka yang terbabit menubuhkan sebuah parti jika ingin aktif dalam politik," katanya ketika berucap di program wacana isu perundangan dan hak-hak pribumi dalam perlembagaan di Memorial Tun Hussein Onn di sini hari ini.
Beliau juga meminta semua peguam Melayu di negara ini supaya bersatu dalam menangani isu bangsa mereka yang berada dalam keadaan "amat tertekan sekali" ketika ini.
Katanya, isu berhubung hak-hak keistimewaan orang Melayu sering dibangkitkan lebih-lebih lagi selepas Pilihan Raya Umum 8 Mac lepas dan "saya tidak sanggup lagi menghadapi situasi seperti yang berlaku pada 13 Mei 1969."
Dalam ucapannya, Abu Zahar yang juga anggota jawatankuasa Lembaga Disiplin Umno berkata lembaga itu tidak akan teragak-agak untuk mengambil tindakan terhadap mereka yang didapati mengamalkan rasuah atau politik wang.
Palm oil prices to plunge 50%
Palm oil prices could fall by 46 percent next year due to oversupply and waning demand for biofuels, despite measures to cut production in Southeast Asia, a brokerage group has said.
CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets has slashed its forecast for palm oil prices by 46 percent in 2009 and 32 percent in 2010, from current levels of about RM1,455 per tonne.
In a report released last week, the brokerage said it expects the commodity to trade at RM1,000 per tonne next year and RM1,250 in 2010.
Prices of palm oil have plummeted by 68 percent since a March high of RM4,486 per tonne due to the financial crisis and the falling price of crude oil - which reduces demand for palm oil to supply the biodiesel industry.
Malaysia's palm oil inventory in October hit a record 2.1 million tonnes - a 14 percent increase from the previous year - due to a production surge and a slowdown in exports to China and the Netherlands.
CLSA said that the inventory build-up is much worse in Indonesia.
"The biofuels story is waning, providing less demand support. We are also sceptical about effectiveness of government initiatives to boost CPO (crude palm oil) prices," it said.
Malaysia and Indonesia, which account for 85 percent of global palm oil output, plan to replant old trees and mandate biodiesel use to cut supply and bolster prices.
However, Buddhika Piyasena from Fitch Ratings was less gloomy, saying that prices had "pretty much bottomed out" at current levels and that the risk of further losses was limited.
"We might see these levels continue in the US$450 (RM1,625) per tonne range for a while," Piyasena told AFP, noting that both the world's top producers, Indonesia and Malaysia, are implementing measures to push up prices.
Gov't Vehicles To Use Biofuel
Deputy commodities minister Kohilan Pillay said Malaysia aims to fell some 200,000 hectares of old palm oil trees and all government vehicles will start using biofuel in the next few months.
The replanting scheme will involve trees of more than 25 years old as the yield from these trees is low at about 17 tonnes per hectare annually.
Smallholders will be given a RM1,000 incentive by the government for each hectare replanted.
"A good price for CPO is at the RM2,000 range and this is what we are aiming for," he said.
Fitch's Piyasena said that if the measures to mandate the use of biofuel in both countries are fully implemented, it could absorb up to 1.0 million tonnes of palm oil.
CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets has slashed its forecast for palm oil prices by 46 percent in 2009 and 32 percent in 2010, from current levels of about RM1,455 per tonne.
In a report released last week, the brokerage said it expects the commodity to trade at RM1,000 per tonne next year and RM1,250 in 2010.
Prices of palm oil have plummeted by 68 percent since a March high of RM4,486 per tonne due to the financial crisis and the falling price of crude oil - which reduces demand for palm oil to supply the biodiesel industry.
Malaysia's palm oil inventory in October hit a record 2.1 million tonnes - a 14 percent increase from the previous year - due to a production surge and a slowdown in exports to China and the Netherlands.
CLSA said that the inventory build-up is much worse in Indonesia.
"The biofuels story is waning, providing less demand support. We are also sceptical about effectiveness of government initiatives to boost CPO (crude palm oil) prices," it said.
Malaysia and Indonesia, which account for 85 percent of global palm oil output, plan to replant old trees and mandate biodiesel use to cut supply and bolster prices.
However, Buddhika Piyasena from Fitch Ratings was less gloomy, saying that prices had "pretty much bottomed out" at current levels and that the risk of further losses was limited.
"We might see these levels continue in the US$450 (RM1,625) per tonne range for a while," Piyasena told AFP, noting that both the world's top producers, Indonesia and Malaysia, are implementing measures to push up prices.
Gov't Vehicles To Use Biofuel
Deputy commodities minister Kohilan Pillay said Malaysia aims to fell some 200,000 hectares of old palm oil trees and all government vehicles will start using biofuel in the next few months.
The replanting scheme will involve trees of more than 25 years old as the yield from these trees is low at about 17 tonnes per hectare annually.
Smallholders will be given a RM1,000 incentive by the government for each hectare replanted.
"A good price for CPO is at the RM2,000 range and this is what we are aiming for," he said.
Fitch's Piyasena said that if the measures to mandate the use of biofuel in both countries are fully implemented, it could absorb up to 1.0 million tonnes of palm oil.
Tuition teacher arrested at anti-ISA vigil
Penang A peaceful anti-ISA candlelight vigil in the Esplanade of Penang's Georgetown on Saturday night was marred by the arrest of the event co-organiser, tuition teacher Paula Khoo.
Khoo, 47, a first-timer in organising such a vigil, was however released on police bail four hours later - at about 1am - when her husband, BS Khor, 51, signed the bail order.
She is required to report at the Jalan Patani police station on Nov 28.Her arrest, minutes after the 40-minute vigil ended at 8.40pm drew criticisms from activists who described the police action as "unwarranted, irrational, and high-handed".
Earlier, some 200 activists took part in the vigil, organised by a group called Penang Anti-ISA Network.
The vigil was part of a public effort to urge the government to repeal the draconian Internal Security Act, which allows detention without trial.
The event was about to end when a police team, including a Light Strike Force unit, led by Lebuh Pantai police station chief Chief Inspector Alimin Ali told the crowd to disperse, which the activists duly obliged.
Khoo, a mother of two, was standing on the side of the road waiting for her husband's car when a group of police officers told her to follow them to the city police headquarters in Jalan Patani to give a statement.
She, who appeared surprised, was subsequently whisked away in the police van.
Arrested For Illegal Assembly
At the police headquarters, Khoo was informed by an investigation officer that she was being arrested under Section 141 of the Penal Code for taking part in an illegal assembly
DAP parliamentarians Liew Chin Tong and Jeff Ooi, former Gerakan national women leader Rhina Bhar, social activist BK Ong and 15 other anti-ISA activists were at the police headquarters to show their support for Khoo.
Upon her release, a tired but cheerful-looking Khoo told journalists that her brief ordeal had made her more appreciative of the plight of ISA detainees and their families.
She said the police have sought to compel her to ‘tell all' about the anti-ISA vigil and the organisation behind it.
According to Ong (centre in photo), her arrest was unnecessary since the vigil had ended and the crowd was already leaving the venue.
Liew said the police should exercise restrain in their handling of peaceful assemblies.
At the vigil, Bukit Mertajam MP Chong Eng, Parti Rakyat Malaysia vice-president Gary GV Nair, PAS Bayan Baru assistant information chief Raziz Mohd Nor and several others spoke about the ‘evil' of ISA and called for the repeal of the preventive detention law.

She is required to report at the Jalan Patani police station on Nov 28.Her arrest, minutes after the 40-minute vigil ended at 8.40pm drew criticisms from activists who described the police action as "unwarranted, irrational, and high-handed".
Earlier, some 200 activists took part in the vigil, organised by a group called Penang Anti-ISA Network.

The event was about to end when a police team, including a Light Strike Force unit, led by Lebuh Pantai police station chief Chief Inspector Alimin Ali told the crowd to disperse, which the activists duly obliged.

She, who appeared surprised, was subsequently whisked away in the police van.
Arrested For Illegal Assembly
At the police headquarters, Khoo was informed by an investigation officer that she was being arrested under Section 141 of the Penal Code for taking part in an illegal assembly

Upon her release, a tired but cheerful-looking Khoo told journalists that her brief ordeal had made her more appreciative of the plight of ISA detainees and their families.
She said the police have sought to compel her to ‘tell all' about the anti-ISA vigil and the organisation behind it.

Liew said the police should exercise restrain in their handling of peaceful assemblies.
At the vigil, Bukit Mertajam MP Chong Eng, Parti Rakyat Malaysia vice-president Gary GV Nair, PAS Bayan Baru assistant information chief Raziz Mohd Nor and several others spoke about the ‘evil' of ISA and called for the repeal of the preventive detention law.
Proxy fight between Pak Lah and Mahathir
A new generation of leaders in Malaysia is fighting for control of the ruling party - in disarray since heavy election losses - with the premier's son-in-law battling his predecessor's son.
The successors of current leader Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and former premier Mahathir Mohamad are shaping up to continue hostilities that have raged between the two veterans for the past few years.
After disastrous election results in March, Abdullah has been forced to stand down early next year, unleashing an unprecedented contest for top posts in Umno.
Drawing intense interest is the tussle for the influential role of youth wing chief - a nurturing ground for future leaders.
Abdullah's son-in-law is pitted against Mahathir's son, in a fight that could determine which of the rival clans will control Malaysia's future.
The two patriarchs have had a very public falling-out since the 2003 leadership handover, and Mahathir's constant sniping is one of the major factors behind Abdullah's impending departure.
"It is obvious that the person who wins will determine whether the party's future will be more aligned to Abdullah or Mahathir, as they have each got their favourite proxy in the race," said Tricia Yeoh from the Centre for Public Policy Studies.
Mukhriz Mahathir, a sophisticated 44-year-old businessman, is the front-runner for the Youth chief job.
His father will forever be remembered as the man whose two-decade rule brought prosperity to Malaysia, transforming a tropical backwater into one of Southeast Asia's most prosperous nations.
But Mukhriz says he is his own man and is looking to reform the youth movement, which along with the ruling party has lost much support and credibility over the years.
"One of the reasons we were rejected in the last general elections and recent by-elections was the perception that we misuse, worse still abuse, our positions in government for political purposes," he told AFP.
"So I want an arm's-length relationship between the party and the government."
The Umno-led coalition, which has run Malaysia since independence in 1957, suffered its worst-ever setback in March elections, losing five states and a third of parliamentary seats - effectively ending Abdullah's career.
Meteoric Rise Of Son-In-Law
Abdullah had been criticised as weak and ineffective, but many Malaysians believe a major factor in his downfall was the antics of his 32-year-old son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin.
The Oxford-educated Khairy was an aide to Abdullah before marrying the boss's daughter in 2001, sending him on a meteoric rise that landed him the deputy Youth chief position in 2004.
Eloquent and expensively dressed, Khairy (far left in photo) cuts an impressive figure but his naked ambition and alleged influence with his father-in-law have seen him vilified on political websites and in water-cooler gossip.
Mahathir has accused Abdullah of pandering to the demands of Khairy, whom he said was influencing government policy, contracts and appointments - charges he denies.
"I've gotten used to it. As far as I'm concerned, nobody has substantiated any of this innuendo with any facts or evidence, I have consistently denied it but people persist on perpetuating this perception," Khairy told AFP.
Khairy, who also has big reform plans for Umno Youth, says his reputation has been unfairly smeared.
"I'm not merely up against Mukhriz. There looms behind him someone, something, much larger. That is exactly what I'm up against," he said.
"Mahathir has... openly campaigned for Mukhriz, has repeatedly criticised and denigrated me and who am I when compared to Mahathir? He is a statesman and a PM of 22 years and I'm just starting off in politics."
With Abdullah almost out of the picture, Khairy's star may be fading but analysts say that in the arcane business of Umno internal politics, Mukhriz cannot yet count on victory.
"But whatever the outcome, it will finally determine whether Mahathir or Abdullah has the last say," said Yeoh.
The successors of current leader Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and former premier Mahathir Mohamad are shaping up to continue hostilities that have raged between the two veterans for the past few years.
After disastrous election results in March, Abdullah has been forced to stand down early next year, unleashing an unprecedented contest for top posts in Umno.
Drawing intense interest is the tussle for the influential role of youth wing chief - a nurturing ground for future leaders.
Abdullah's son-in-law is pitted against Mahathir's son, in a fight that could determine which of the rival clans will control Malaysia's future.

"It is obvious that the person who wins will determine whether the party's future will be more aligned to Abdullah or Mahathir, as they have each got their favourite proxy in the race," said Tricia Yeoh from the Centre for Public Policy Studies.
Mukhriz Mahathir, a sophisticated 44-year-old businessman, is the front-runner for the Youth chief job.
His father will forever be remembered as the man whose two-decade rule brought prosperity to Malaysia, transforming a tropical backwater into one of Southeast Asia's most prosperous nations.
But Mukhriz says he is his own man and is looking to reform the youth movement, which along with the ruling party has lost much support and credibility over the years.
"One of the reasons we were rejected in the last general elections and recent by-elections was the perception that we misuse, worse still abuse, our positions in government for political purposes," he told AFP.
"So I want an arm's-length relationship between the party and the government."
The Umno-led coalition, which has run Malaysia since independence in 1957, suffered its worst-ever setback in March elections, losing five states and a third of parliamentary seats - effectively ending Abdullah's career.
Meteoric Rise Of Son-In-Law
Abdullah had been criticised as weak and ineffective, but many Malaysians believe a major factor in his downfall was the antics of his 32-year-old son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin.
The Oxford-educated Khairy was an aide to Abdullah before marrying the boss's daughter in 2001, sending him on a meteoric rise that landed him the deputy Youth chief position in 2004.

Mahathir has accused Abdullah of pandering to the demands of Khairy, whom he said was influencing government policy, contracts and appointments - charges he denies.
"I've gotten used to it. As far as I'm concerned, nobody has substantiated any of this innuendo with any facts or evidence, I have consistently denied it but people persist on perpetuating this perception," Khairy told AFP.
Khairy, who also has big reform plans for Umno Youth, says his reputation has been unfairly smeared.
"I'm not merely up against Mukhriz. There looms behind him someone, something, much larger. That is exactly what I'm up against," he said.
"Mahathir has... openly campaigned for Mukhriz, has repeatedly criticised and denigrated me and who am I when compared to Mahathir? He is a statesman and a PM of 22 years and I'm just starting off in politics."
With Abdullah almost out of the picture, Khairy's star may be fading but analysts say that in the arcane business of Umno internal politics, Mukhriz cannot yet count on victory.
"But whatever the outcome, it will finally determine whether Mahathir or Abdullah has the last say," said Yeoh.
'Saya harap kami dapat selesai insiden malang ini' - Angkasawan Negara
Datuk Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Sheikh Mustapha, angkasawan pertama Malaysia, mengaku ada menerima sumbangan apabila beliau memberikan ceramah tetapi menafikan dakwaan yang beliau meminta bayaran bagi sesi berkenaan.
Bercakap kepada pemberita ketika ditemui selepas mengambil bahagian dalam acara jalan kaki "Sixth Batik Fun Walk 2008" anjuran Yayasan Budi Penyayang (Penyayang) di sini hari ini, katanya, beliau biasanya memberi ceramah di sekolah-sekolah dan melakukannya secara percuma.
"Saya telah berjumpa dengan Timbalan Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi Fadilah Yusof dan memberikan penjelasan terperinci. Dan beliau berpuas hati dengan penjelasan saya.
"Saya harap kami dapat menyelesaikan insiden malang ini kerana kesan negatifnya akan menjejaskan kewibawaan saya untuk terus memberikan ceramah di seluruh negara," kata Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar berhubung dakwaan beliau menerima bayaran RM8,000 bagi satu jam berceramah.
Sementara itu, Pengerusi Penyayang Nori Abdullah gembira dengan jumlah penyertaan dalam acara itu berikutan dana yang dikumpul akan disumbangkan kepada pesakit kanser.
"Saya amat gembira dengan jumlah penyertaan pada tahun ini iaitu kirakira 1,200 orang.
"Angka ini berganda daripada penyertaan tahun lepas. Saya amat gembira dengan sokongan yang diberikan mereka terhadap industri batik tempatan.
"Dan juga amat terharu dengan kesediaan peserta ini memberikan sokongan dan bantuan untuk meringankan bebanan pesakit kanser," katanya yang tampak berseri dan cergas walaupun sedang mengandung.
Suaminya yang juga Ahli Parlimen Rembau Khairy Jamaluddin juga merupakan seorang daripada peserta sebagai tanda sokongan terhadap program anjuran isterinya itu.
Bercakap kepada pemberita ketika ditemui selepas mengambil bahagian dalam acara jalan kaki "Sixth Batik Fun Walk 2008" anjuran Yayasan Budi Penyayang (Penyayang) di sini hari ini, katanya, beliau biasanya memberi ceramah di sekolah-sekolah dan melakukannya secara percuma.
"Saya telah berjumpa dengan Timbalan Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi Fadilah Yusof dan memberikan penjelasan terperinci. Dan beliau berpuas hati dengan penjelasan saya.
"Saya harap kami dapat menyelesaikan insiden malang ini kerana kesan negatifnya akan menjejaskan kewibawaan saya untuk terus memberikan ceramah di seluruh negara," kata Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar berhubung dakwaan beliau menerima bayaran RM8,000 bagi satu jam berceramah.
Sementara itu, Pengerusi Penyayang Nori Abdullah gembira dengan jumlah penyertaan dalam acara itu berikutan dana yang dikumpul akan disumbangkan kepada pesakit kanser.
"Saya amat gembira dengan jumlah penyertaan pada tahun ini iaitu kirakira 1,200 orang.
"Angka ini berganda daripada penyertaan tahun lepas. Saya amat gembira dengan sokongan yang diberikan mereka terhadap industri batik tempatan.
"Dan juga amat terharu dengan kesediaan peserta ini memberikan sokongan dan bantuan untuk meringankan bebanan pesakit kanser," katanya yang tampak berseri dan cergas walaupun sedang mengandung.
Suaminya yang juga Ahli Parlimen Rembau Khairy Jamaluddin juga merupakan seorang daripada peserta sebagai tanda sokongan terhadap program anjuran isterinya itu.
Jakim: Protes bogel miskin idea, tidak waras
Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim), Datuk Wan Mohamad Sheikh Abd Aziz menyifatkan hasrat Gerakan Reformis Rakyat Malaysia (Reformis) yang mengancam untuk berbogel sebagai tanda protes kepada kerajaan Selangor sebagai "miskin idea dan tidak waras."
Beliau berkata, orang yang bijaksana akan memprotes dengan cara lain yang melambangkan kewarasan dan berasaskan etika.
"Ada banyak cara (untuk memprotes). Cara seperti separuh bogel atau berbogel adalah sikap yang melampau.
"Adakah telah miskin idea untuk menzahirkan protes sehingga boleh berfikir hendak berbogel?" katanya ketika dihubungi mStar Online hari ini.
Wan Mohamad berkata, kumpulan itu perlu kembali kepada kewarasan dan memikirkan kesan jangka panjang terhadap keluarga mereka jika meneruskan demonstrasi 'bogel' tersebut.
Jumaat lalu, Presiden Reformis, Ramlan Abu Bakar mengancam untuk berbogel di hadapan Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah (SSAAS) yang menempatkan pejabat Menteri Besar dan Exco bagi mendesak kerajaan negeri agar tidak membuat tindakan yang tidak menguntungkan rakyat.
Antara perkara yang menyebabkan kemarahan Reformis adalah tindakan kerajaan negeri menaikkan sewa bulanan rumah Projek Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) daripada RM124 sebulan kepada RM250 sebulan yang didakwa membebankan penyewanya yang kebanyakannya berpendapatan RM500 sebulan.
Semalam, Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS), Datuk Muhammed Khusrin Munawi berkata, pihaknya akan mengambil tindakan terhadap Reformis jika mereka masih berkeras mahu mengadakan demonstrasi 'bogel' tersebut.
Katanya, tindakan terhadap mereka boleh dikenakan di bawah peruntukan mengikut Seksyen 31, Enakmen Jenayah Syariah Selangor yang menetapkan denda maksimum RM1,000.
Beliau berkata, orang yang bijaksana akan memprotes dengan cara lain yang melambangkan kewarasan dan berasaskan etika.
"Ada banyak cara (untuk memprotes). Cara seperti separuh bogel atau berbogel adalah sikap yang melampau.
"Adakah telah miskin idea untuk menzahirkan protes sehingga boleh berfikir hendak berbogel?" katanya ketika dihubungi mStar Online hari ini.
Wan Mohamad berkata, kumpulan itu perlu kembali kepada kewarasan dan memikirkan kesan jangka panjang terhadap keluarga mereka jika meneruskan demonstrasi 'bogel' tersebut.
Jumaat lalu, Presiden Reformis, Ramlan Abu Bakar mengancam untuk berbogel di hadapan Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah (SSAAS) yang menempatkan pejabat Menteri Besar dan Exco bagi mendesak kerajaan negeri agar tidak membuat tindakan yang tidak menguntungkan rakyat.
Antara perkara yang menyebabkan kemarahan Reformis adalah tindakan kerajaan negeri menaikkan sewa bulanan rumah Projek Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) daripada RM124 sebulan kepada RM250 sebulan yang didakwa membebankan penyewanya yang kebanyakannya berpendapatan RM500 sebulan.
Semalam, Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS), Datuk Muhammed Khusrin Munawi berkata, pihaknya akan mengambil tindakan terhadap Reformis jika mereka masih berkeras mahu mengadakan demonstrasi 'bogel' tersebut.
Katanya, tindakan terhadap mereka boleh dikenakan di bawah peruntukan mengikut Seksyen 31, Enakmen Jenayah Syariah Selangor yang menetapkan denda maksimum RM1,000.
Gabriel Adit Secara Rasmi Sertai PKR
SIBU, 16 Nov (Bernama) -- ADUN bebas bagi kawasan Ngemah Gabriel Adit Demong, 58, telah menyertai Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).
Beliau menyerahkan borang permohonan menyertai parti itu kepada presidennya Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pada satu majlis di sini Sabtu malam.
Turut menyertai tindakan Adit itu ialah 11,752 individu dari seluruh kawasan negeri ini.
Adit adalah Adun Ngemah selama empat penggal, tiga daripadanya atas tiket BN ketika beliau menjadi naib-presiden Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS) yang dibubarkan, sebuah parti komponen BN negeri yang dianggotai majoriti kaum dayak dan dibatalkan pendaftarannya ekoran krisis kepimpinan dalaman.
Berikutan tindakan Adit itu, PKR kini mempunyai dua anggota di dewan undangan negeri.
Seorang lagi ialah Dominique Ng yang juga pengerusi PKR negeri dan ADUN Pedungan.
Beliau menyerahkan borang permohonan menyertai parti itu kepada presidennya Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pada satu majlis di sini Sabtu malam.
Turut menyertai tindakan Adit itu ialah 11,752 individu dari seluruh kawasan negeri ini.
Adit adalah Adun Ngemah selama empat penggal, tiga daripadanya atas tiket BN ketika beliau menjadi naib-presiden Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS) yang dibubarkan, sebuah parti komponen BN negeri yang dianggotai majoriti kaum dayak dan dibatalkan pendaftarannya ekoran krisis kepimpinan dalaman.
Berikutan tindakan Adit itu, PKR kini mempunyai dua anggota di dewan undangan negeri.
Seorang lagi ialah Dominique Ng yang juga pengerusi PKR negeri dan ADUN Pedungan.
Ini Berita Betul Ke, Gimik Je???
Plus Expressways Berhad (Plus) dijangka menurunkan kadar tol di lebuh raya kendaliannya dan pengumuman mengenai perkara itu akan dibuat oleh syarikat berkenaan Selasa ini, kata Menteri Kerjaraya, Datuk Mohd Zin Mohamed.
Beliau bagaimanapun enggan mengulas lanjut mengenai perkara itu, tetapi menjelaskan persetujuan berkenaan dicapai selepas kerajaan mengadakan rundingan dengan semua syarikat pemegang konsesi, termasuk Plus bagi menilai semula bayaran tol lebuh raya di seluruh negara, sejak beberapa bulan lalu.
"Saya yakin pengumuman berkenaan akan memberi khabar gembira kepada sebahagian besar pengguna lebuh raya di negara ini," katanya ketika ditemui pemberita selepas merasmikan bangunan baru Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (SJKC) Tche Min, Sungai Pelek, di sini semalam.
Sebelum ini, Plus dilaporkan sudah menyediakan semua maklumat yang diminta kerajaan berhubung rancangan untuk mengkaji semula perjanjian konsesi bagi mengurangkan kadar tol.
-Berita Minggu
Beliau bagaimanapun enggan mengulas lanjut mengenai perkara itu, tetapi menjelaskan persetujuan berkenaan dicapai selepas kerajaan mengadakan rundingan dengan semua syarikat pemegang konsesi, termasuk Plus bagi menilai semula bayaran tol lebuh raya di seluruh negara, sejak beberapa bulan lalu.
"Saya yakin pengumuman berkenaan akan memberi khabar gembira kepada sebahagian besar pengguna lebuh raya di negara ini," katanya ketika ditemui pemberita selepas merasmikan bangunan baru Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (SJKC) Tche Min, Sungai Pelek, di sini semalam.
Sebelum ini, Plus dilaporkan sudah menyediakan semua maklumat yang diminta kerajaan berhubung rancangan untuk mengkaji semula perjanjian konsesi bagi mengurangkan kadar tol.
-Berita Minggu
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