Semua kene tengok video pendek ni sampai habis..!

"Mengikut Perjanjian itu, tiap-tiap Negeri akan menerima 5% daripada nilai petroliam yang dijumpai dan diperolehi dalam kawasan perairan atau di luar perairan Negeri tersebut yang dijual oleh PETRONAS atau ejensi-ejensi atau kontrektor-kontrektornya".- Tun Abdul Razak, Dewan Rakyat (12hb. November, 1975)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Kak Pidah Dalam Majlis Tertinggi Gerombolan - malaysiakini
PETALING JAYA : Bekas Ketua Wanita Umno, Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz merupakan antara mereka yang dilantik menganggotai barisan Majlis Tertinggi (MT) kali ini. Ia diumumkan oleh Presidennya, Datuk Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak. Rafidah tewas kepada Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil.
Mengulas lanjut mengenai rasional pelantikan kedua-dua pemimpin berkenaan Najib berkata, pelantikan mereka dilihat mampu untuk memberikan sumbangan kepada parti. "Mereka boleh buat sumbangan kepada parti, jadi kita ada kesinambungan dan kita ada pembaharuan," katanya.
TPU - hehehe... Madey sudah masuk daun... muakhakhakha... suami Najib tak bley buat ape-ape dah sekarang...
Madey dok rumah pakai remote sambung terus dekat kepala Isteri Rosmah... kah kah kah kah kah...!!!
Welcome Madey...!!!
Mengulas lanjut mengenai rasional pelantikan kedua-dua pemimpin berkenaan Najib berkata, pelantikan mereka dilihat mampu untuk memberikan sumbangan kepada parti. "Mereka boleh buat sumbangan kepada parti, jadi kita ada kesinambungan dan kita ada pembaharuan," katanya.
TPU - hehehe... Madey sudah masuk daun... muakhakhakha... suami Najib tak bley buat ape-ape dah sekarang...
Madey dok rumah pakai remote sambung terus dekat kepala Isteri Rosmah... kah kah kah kah kah...!!!
Welcome Madey...!!!
Jam 3.00 - 5.00 petang di Pesta Buku Antarabangsa bangunan PWTC.
Tukar Tiub akan menanda tangani buku Keganasan, Penipuan & Internet.
Jam 8.00 Malam - Amanat Untuk Pejuang
Anjuran Pentas 152 – kumpulan cool tapi masih belum se cool Dum Dum Tak bersama Pak Janggut A. Samad Said dan Mat Bunga, Mat Rock dan Mat Cool.
Tempat : No 17 Seksen 16/4, Petaling Jaya.
Kalau sesat sila hubungi : Syafiq Sunny +6017 279 3252.
Atau kalau tak malas nak naik ngang sikla layari laman porn... oops maaf…
Jam 3.00 - 5.00 petang di Pesta Buku Antarabangsa bangunan PWTC.
Tukar Tiub akan menanda tangani buku Keganasan, Penipuan & Internet.
Jam 8.00 Malam - Amanat Untuk Pejuang
Anjuran Pentas 152 – kumpulan cool tapi masih belum se cool Dum Dum Tak bersama Pak Janggut A. Samad Said dan Mat Bunga, Mat Rock dan Mat Cool.
Tempat : No 17 Seksen 16/4, Petaling Jaya.
Kalau sesat sila hubungi : Syafiq Sunny +6017 279 3252.
Atau kalau tak malas nak naik ngang sikla layari laman porn... oops maaf…
Ahmad, Idris & Keris - malaysiakini
Quot dari malaysiakini - Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh berkata, beliau boleh bekerjasama dengan Menteri Besar, Datuk Ahmad Said untuk kepentingan rakyat dan Umno negeri itu.
Masa baru habis PRU-12 dulu pun Ahmad Said ada jugak cakap macam tu - "saya boleh bekerjasama dengan Idris Jusih"...
Lepas tu kalut... Deris tak mau berganjak dari kerusi Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan UMNO Negeri, Ahmad pulak dok tuntut kerusi tu dengan alasan itu adalah adat turun temurun parti karat UMNO, MB besar sevara automatik adalah Pengerusi Perhubungan UMNO Negeri...
Maka penyu-penyu pun bergaduh... gaduh... gaduh... gaduh... gaduh... gaduh...
2-3 hari lepas berlaku rombakan... negeri-negeri lain Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan UMNO Negeri dilantik dikalangan MB UMNO (negeri-negeri dibawah UMNO) manakala yang lain tak jadi persoalan...
Terengganu pulak tak pasal-pasal Hang Keris dilantik Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan UMNO Negeri... kah kah kah kah kah... sah masalah tak setle lagi...
Timbul lagi 1 persoalan...
Mat Said boleh bekerja dengan Idris Jusoh...
Idris Jusoh boleh bekerja dengan Mat Said...
Sebab 2-2 eko "Natang" ni orang Terengganu...
Boleh ke Mat Said dengan Idris Jusoh bekerja dengan Keris..?
Nampaknya masalah belum setel lagi... lepas ni Najib kena kerja kuat lagi, Keris kene lanyak dari kiri-kanan... "mu nok aku support mu, mu wi mende aku nok..!" kata-kata yang datang dari kiri dan kanan... keris makin bengkok lepas ni... sekali kene gertak ngan Deris, sekali Keris memberat ke Jertih, lepas tu kene jerkoh di Mat Said pulok, kone gi tah ke Kijal...
Lepas tu Keris jeng... PRU-13 GGanu jatuh ke tangang Pakatang Rakyat...
Kah kah kah kah kah...!!!
Mat Said denge Deris tok kang buleh kije nge orang luwo gu... Najib dok kenal lagi sek-sek Gganung ni..!
Masa baru habis PRU-12 dulu pun Ahmad Said ada jugak cakap macam tu - "saya boleh bekerjasama dengan Idris Jusih"...
Lepas tu kalut... Deris tak mau berganjak dari kerusi Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan UMNO Negeri, Ahmad pulak dok tuntut kerusi tu dengan alasan itu adalah adat turun temurun parti karat UMNO, MB besar sevara automatik adalah Pengerusi Perhubungan UMNO Negeri...
Maka penyu-penyu pun bergaduh... gaduh... gaduh... gaduh... gaduh... gaduh...
2-3 hari lepas berlaku rombakan... negeri-negeri lain Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan UMNO Negeri dilantik dikalangan MB UMNO (negeri-negeri dibawah UMNO) manakala yang lain tak jadi persoalan...
Terengganu pulak tak pasal-pasal Hang Keris dilantik Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan UMNO Negeri... kah kah kah kah kah... sah masalah tak setle lagi...
Timbul lagi 1 persoalan...
Mat Said boleh bekerja dengan Idris Jusoh...
Idris Jusoh boleh bekerja dengan Mat Said...
Sebab 2-2 eko "Natang" ni orang Terengganu...
Boleh ke Mat Said dengan Idris Jusoh bekerja dengan Keris..?
Nampaknya masalah belum setel lagi... lepas ni Najib kena kerja kuat lagi, Keris kene lanyak dari kiri-kanan... "mu nok aku support mu, mu wi mende aku nok..!" kata-kata yang datang dari kiri dan kanan... keris makin bengkok lepas ni... sekali kene gertak ngan Deris, sekali Keris memberat ke Jertih, lepas tu kene jerkoh di Mat Said pulok, kone gi tah ke Kijal...
Lepas tu Keris jeng... PRU-13 GGanu jatuh ke tangang Pakatang Rakyat...
Kah kah kah kah kah...!!!
Mat Said denge Deris tok kang buleh kije nge orang luwo gu... Najib dok kenal lagi sek-sek Gganung ni..!
My 500th day under ISA
From malaysiakini.
Today April 26, 2009, marks my 500th day under Umno’s captivity without being charged, tried or found guilty in a court of law. I suppose this is ‘justice’ for me, an Indian ethnic minority and human rights lawyer of 18 years.
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s continued unilateral decree is that I be made to serve a jail sentence of two years and indefinitely thereafter under his regime. There are prisoners here at Kemta Kamunting, Taiping, serving their eighth year of their ISA sentences.
But I have no regrets. I know in my heart that every day of my imprisonment will liberate and open up a thousand new minds against Umno’s atrocities and injustices in their marginalisation, discrimination, suppression, oppression and the exclusion of Indians from the mainstream of national development in Malaysia.
Today, I have grown 500 days older. Today, I have lost 500 days of my precious freedom. Today, it is 500 days since I shaved my beard or combed my hair to protest my ISA detention. Today, it is 500 days since I have been made to wear the very same two pairs of dark blue baggy pants and white restaurant waiter-like prison uniform.
My left foot
On Jan 31, 2009, I had accidently injured the last toe of my left foot, which had gotten worse because of my long standing diabetic condition. From day one of my injury, I had repeatedly asked to be treated at the Gleneagles private hospital as I no longer have confidence in the independence of government-service doctors, which I believe had been compromised by the Home Ministry and its Special Branch police officers.
Under protest, I agreed to be treated at a government hospital on Feb 3, 2009. As I had anticipated, the doctor refused to admit me despite my swollen leg and blackening left foot condition. The doctor told me there were no hospital beds and neither did she want to refer me to an orthopedic surgeon or a consultant physician, as well as a cardiologist to treat my silent heart attack during my ISA detention.
No cast was put on my leg. No medication was prescribed. This doctor told me that my leg would heal on its own. My suspicion was confirmed when the doctor, who had written my medical notes in a police file, gave it back to the police officers accompanying me.
By the second week, my leg got even worse and despite repeated pleas, the prison authorities refused to take me even to a government hospital, which I agreed to go under protest. I had lodged four police reports but again zero action was taken. Even my statement was not recorded.
The worst case scenario ran across my mind. I may lose my left foot. For the first time, I realised that as a lawyer, I could not even save myself. There was nothing I could do, I was a prisoner.
But even then, I had thought to myself that should the worst happen, I would put on a prosthesis (artificial leg) and keep walking. I feel that at the end of the day, it was the prayers held at scores of Hindu temples nationwide by supporters of Makkal Sakthi that had actually saved my leg and ensure my well-being in prison.
Surviving on bread and biscuits
On March 22, 2009, I found pieces of beef in the chicken sambal served to me. Mohamad, a Pakistani national, and Abdul Sarjon, a Sri Lankan national, and fellow detainees who worked at the prison kitchen confirmed that chicken and beef were cooked in the same pot after which the chicken was scooped out and served.
I immediately lodged a police report. But again nothing happened as usual. But had it been the other way round - the victimisation a Malay Muslim - a different set of rules would be applied by Umno.
But I suppose this is all part and parcel of PM Najib’s One Malaysia policy. One Malaysia, two systems. Since that day, I have refused to consume cooked food from the prison kitchen in protest against the violation of my religious rights in contravention of Article 11 of the Federal Constitution. As a Hindu, I do not consume beef. I am now surviving basically on bread and biscuits.
Throughout these 500 days, there was never a single day that I ever regretted starting and spearheading this struggle. I believed in justice, including for the minority ethnic Indians, in Malaysia.
In these 500 days, I have refused to meet any of the Special Branch officers who came to meet detainees once in every two to three months to “plead for my release”. I have done no wrong and I am not prepared to beg for my freedom. I had earlier also refused to meet Umno’s home minister, knowing fully well that my release from prison is in his hands, for the very same reason.
My biggest satisfaction and what keeps me going in prison is the true and sincere spirit of the struggle through Hindraf’s Makkal Sakthi.
It moved me to see thousands of Hindraf supporters who had braved FRU’s tear gas and water cannons, who were roughed up and beaten by the police, arrested, handcuffed, thrown into jail, prosecuted in court and bravely standing up in the dock to face possible jail sentences, losing their jobs, and with their wife and children suffering.
All these sacrifices, just for a public cause to put to an end to Umno’s racism, religious extremism and exclusion of the Indians from the mainstream of national development. To all of you, I salute you and I am proud of you. Makkal Sakthi Valga.
I miss my freedom
I am suffering from this imprisonment daily. I miss my freedom. I miss my family, my wife and children.
But I am prepared for the worst, even if it means another 500 days or more of imprisonment. I will do this just for the cause of Hindraf. Umno can imprison me but they cannot imprison the forces of Hindraf’s Makkal Sakthi.
Makkal Sakthi was the tipping point in the March 8, 2008 general elections. It was the triggering factor which resulted in Umno/BN losing two-thirds majority in Parliament as well as political power in four west-coast states.
Makkal Sakthi once again showed its prowess at the Bukit Selambau and Bukit Gantang by-elections. I never, even in my wildest dream, thought I would see Makkal Sakthi forces to this extent in my lifetime.
I am no Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela, but Umno has to understand and accept that it was the genuine grievances of the people - the pent-up pain and suffering, misery and heartache - that brought about the unprecedented 100,000-strong Hindraf rally on Nov 25, 2007.
Please be patient. Umno will not change, but we will change Umno in the 2012/2013 general elections. We will put an end to Umno’s bully tactics and its rule by fear. We have waited 52 long years.
Please be patient. In another three or four years, there would hopefully be a new beginning, a new political structure and a Malaysia with equality and equal opportunities, including for the Indians. A Malaysia where the Indians would be a part of the mainstream in national development.
Every day and every moment of my imprisonment, my thoughts and prayers are with Makkal Sakthi. I have plans for our further struggle. Please pray for my freedom, and for Umno’s end of its rule so that justice will finally prevail.
Umno may have punished me with this 500 days of imprisonment but you, the Makkal Sakthi, will in turn punished Umno/BN where it hurts them most - the ballot box.
God bless.
P Uthayakumar
Kamunting Detention Camp, Perak
Today April 26, 2009, marks my 500th day under Umno’s captivity without being charged, tried or found guilty in a court of law. I suppose this is ‘justice’ for me, an Indian ethnic minority and human rights lawyer of 18 years.
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s continued unilateral decree is that I be made to serve a jail sentence of two years and indefinitely thereafter under his regime. There are prisoners here at Kemta Kamunting, Taiping, serving their eighth year of their ISA sentences.

Today, I have grown 500 days older. Today, I have lost 500 days of my precious freedom. Today, it is 500 days since I shaved my beard or combed my hair to protest my ISA detention. Today, it is 500 days since I have been made to wear the very same two pairs of dark blue baggy pants and white restaurant waiter-like prison uniform.
My left foot
On Jan 31, 2009, I had accidently injured the last toe of my left foot, which had gotten worse because of my long standing diabetic condition. From day one of my injury, I had repeatedly asked to be treated at the Gleneagles private hospital as I no longer have confidence in the independence of government-service doctors, which I believe had been compromised by the Home Ministry and its Special Branch police officers.
Under protest, I agreed to be treated at a government hospital on Feb 3, 2009. As I had anticipated, the doctor refused to admit me despite my swollen leg and blackening left foot condition. The doctor told me there were no hospital beds and neither did she want to refer me to an orthopedic surgeon or a consultant physician, as well as a cardiologist to treat my silent heart attack during my ISA detention.
No cast was put on my leg. No medication was prescribed. This doctor told me that my leg would heal on its own. My suspicion was confirmed when the doctor, who had written my medical notes in a police file, gave it back to the police officers accompanying me.

The worst case scenario ran across my mind. I may lose my left foot. For the first time, I realised that as a lawyer, I could not even save myself. There was nothing I could do, I was a prisoner.
But even then, I had thought to myself that should the worst happen, I would put on a prosthesis (artificial leg) and keep walking. I feel that at the end of the day, it was the prayers held at scores of Hindu temples nationwide by supporters of Makkal Sakthi that had actually saved my leg and ensure my well-being in prison.
Surviving on bread and biscuits
On March 22, 2009, I found pieces of beef in the chicken sambal served to me. Mohamad, a Pakistani national, and Abdul Sarjon, a Sri Lankan national, and fellow detainees who worked at the prison kitchen confirmed that chicken and beef were cooked in the same pot after which the chicken was scooped out and served.

But I suppose this is all part and parcel of PM Najib’s One Malaysia policy. One Malaysia, two systems. Since that day, I have refused to consume cooked food from the prison kitchen in protest against the violation of my religious rights in contravention of Article 11 of the Federal Constitution. As a Hindu, I do not consume beef. I am now surviving basically on bread and biscuits.
Throughout these 500 days, there was never a single day that I ever regretted starting and spearheading this struggle. I believed in justice, including for the minority ethnic Indians, in Malaysia.
In these 500 days, I have refused to meet any of the Special Branch officers who came to meet detainees once in every two to three months to “plead for my release”. I have done no wrong and I am not prepared to beg for my freedom. I had earlier also refused to meet Umno’s home minister, knowing fully well that my release from prison is in his hands, for the very same reason.
My biggest satisfaction and what keeps me going in prison is the true and sincere spirit of the struggle through Hindraf’s Makkal Sakthi.

All these sacrifices, just for a public cause to put to an end to Umno’s racism, religious extremism and exclusion of the Indians from the mainstream of national development. To all of you, I salute you and I am proud of you. Makkal Sakthi Valga.
I miss my freedom
I am suffering from this imprisonment daily. I miss my freedom. I miss my family, my wife and children.
But I am prepared for the worst, even if it means another 500 days or more of imprisonment. I will do this just for the cause of Hindraf. Umno can imprison me but they cannot imprison the forces of Hindraf’s Makkal Sakthi.
Makkal Sakthi was the tipping point in the March 8, 2008 general elections. It was the triggering factor which resulted in Umno/BN losing two-thirds majority in Parliament as well as political power in four west-coast states.
Makkal Sakthi once again showed its prowess at the Bukit Selambau and Bukit Gantang by-elections. I never, even in my wildest dream, thought I would see Makkal Sakthi forces to this extent in my lifetime.

Please be patient. Umno will not change, but we will change Umno in the 2012/2013 general elections. We will put an end to Umno’s bully tactics and its rule by fear. We have waited 52 long years.
Please be patient. In another three or four years, there would hopefully be a new beginning, a new political structure and a Malaysia with equality and equal opportunities, including for the Indians. A Malaysia where the Indians would be a part of the mainstream in national development.
Every day and every moment of my imprisonment, my thoughts and prayers are with Makkal Sakthi. I have plans for our further struggle. Please pray for my freedom, and for Umno’s end of its rule so that justice will finally prevail.
Umno may have punished me with this 500 days of imprisonment but you, the Makkal Sakthi, will in turn punished Umno/BN where it hurts them most - the ballot box.
God bless.
P Uthayakumar
Kamunting Detention Camp, Perak
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