Menteri Besar Perak, Datuk Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin mengakui bahawa Pakatan Rakyat sedang menimbangkan kemungkinan membubarkan dewan undangan negeri bagi membolehkan satu pilihanraya mengejut diadakan.
"Kita dalam proses memikirkannya. (Anda akan tahu) bila tiba masanya," katanya ketika menjawab soalan media.

Mohd Nizar memberitahu pemberita demikian malam tadi selepas mempengerusikan satu mesyuarat di kediamannya yang dihadiri oleh sebahagian besar ahli dewan undangan negeri (Adun) Pakatan serta pemimpin utama dari PAS, DAP dan PKR.
Kelmarin, dua Adun Pakatan - Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (PKR-Behrang) dan Osman Jailu (PKR-Changkat Jering) - keluar parti, menyebabkan kerusi Pakatan kini tinggal 30 daripada 59 kerusi di dewan undangan negeri Perak.
Barisan Nasional (BN) hanya perlukan dua Adun berkenaan dan seorang lagi wakil rakyat menyertai gabungan itu bagi membolehkannya mengambil kuasa daripada Pakatan yang mentadbir Perak sejak 10 bulan lalu.
Walaupun kerajaan negeri mungkin mengadakan pilihanraya mengejut untuk mengelak wakil rakyatnya melompat parti menyertai BN, langkah Pakatan seterusnya untuk menyelesaikan situasi yang genting itu ialah mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap keputusan Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya (SPR) yang tidak mengiktiraf surat peletakan jawatan Jamaluddin dan Osman.
'Hee masih bersama kita'Exco kanan kerajaan negeri Perak, Ngeh Khoo Ham, yang turut hadir di sidang akhbar tersebut berkata, Pakatan berhasrat untuk mendesak SPR mengadakan pilihanraya kecil bagi kedua-dua kerusi terbabit yang "dikosongkan" oleh Jamaluddin dan Osman.
Beliau yang juga pengerusi DAP Perak berkata, pihaknya akan memfailkan semakan kehakiman dan memohon perintah mahkamah untuk mendesak SPR melaksanakan tugasnya.
Mengenai kedudukan Adun Jelapang, Hee Yit Foong yang tidak gembira dengan kepimpinan Pakatan, terutamanya DAP, Mohd Nizar berkata perselisihan pendapat membang perkara biasa dalam pakatan tersebut.
*versi bahasa inggeris.
Pakatan Mulls Snap Polls In PerakPerak Menteri Besar Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin has conceded that Pakatan Rakyat is considering the possibility of dissolving the state assembly to pave the way for a snap polls.
"We are in process of thinking about it. (You'll know) when the time comes," he said in response to a question.

Mohd Nizar was speaking to reporters late last night after chairing a meeting at his official residence in Ipoh attended by most of the Pakatan state reps and top state leaders from PAS, DAP and PKR.
Yesterday, two Pakatan state reps Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (PKR-Behrang) and Osman Jailu (PKR-Changkat Jering) '
defected', leaving the coalition with just 30 seats in the 59 seat state assembly.
Barisan Nasional merely needs the duo and another rep to join the coalition in order to wrest back the state from Pakatan and bring an end to their 10-month reign.
Though the state government may call for a snap polls to prevent Barisan from enticing cross overs, Pakatan's next step to resolve the fragile situation is to seek legal redress against the Election Commission’s decision not to recognise the resignations of
'Hee's Still With Us'Perak senior exco member Ngeh Khoo Ham, who was also at the press conference, said Pakatan intends to compel the EC into calling by-elections for the two seats 'vacated' by the duo.
"We will file for a judicial review and apply for leave to obtain a mandamus from the court to compel the EC to carry out its public duty," said the state DAP chair.

On Jelapang state rep Hee Yit Foong's subtle hints that she was unhappy with the Pakatan leadership, in particular DAP, Mohd Nizar said disagreements were normal in an alliance.
"That is very normal in Pakatan Rakyat. We are very happy with that actually. I have disagreed with my party and its leadership (before). It is part and parcel of the process," he said.
On Hee's whereabouts, since she did not attend the meeting, Mohd Nizar jokingly replied in Cantonese: "
Ngor mm chee (I don't know)".
"We have contacted her. She has some matters to attend to. She is with us (as a team)," he said, adding that Hee was busy with family matters.
Rumours are rife that Hee would quit DAP and become an independent state rep. The rumours intensified after she
skipped an important state function yesterday morning.
Attempts to contact Hee and her husband today had been futile. Media representatives had even staked out at her house and the DAP Jelapang service centre to no avail.
Speaker: I've Absolute AuthorityMeanwhile, Perak state assembly speaker V Sivakumar told the same press conference that he had received the letters from Jamaluddin and Osman stating that they had resigned from their seats, in two separate envelopes at his house.
He said that the anonymous messenger came to his house in a car on Feb 1 and passed him the envelopes and said: "These are very important documents for you".
It was earlier reported that the resignation letters from the two former PKR state assemblypersons - believed to have been sent from the party headquarters - were faxed to the Perak speaker.

Sivakumar stressed that he had the absolute authority to declare the Behrang and Changkat Jering seats vacant after being satisfied with the letters.
He added that the duo would not be allowed to enter the House as elected reps when the state assembly reconvenes in April.
"They can sit at the public gallery," Mohd Nizar added.