Before this, we always take any African nation, India or other third world nation as the example of corruptions, but now the world can take Malaysia as the best example for corruptions. In reality, we are in all-time low puts us on par with Namibia, Samoa, Slovakia and Latvia in our Transparency International (TI) corruption ranking 2009. In 2003, when Pak Lah took office, Malaysia was ranked 37. It dropped to 39 in 2004/2005, 44 in 2006 and 43 in 2007. Last year it was ranked 47, and now when Najib turns to perform, our corruption ranking slipped 9 notches to 56th.
Let me tell you the story about our neighbour. Singapore is now the world 3rd least corrupted country. Can you see the differences between us? In fact, the independent that Singapore is enjoying now was given by Malaysia, but Singapore’s government became more matured ever than Malaysian government. Look what has happened to our beloved country! Tun Dr.M, Pak Lah and Dato Seri Najib, look what you have done!
Even though Malaysia suffered a major blow in terms of combating corruption today when it fell to its worst ranking and score in 15 years in Transparency International's corruption perception index for 2009. But these politicians won’t change their old habit, they will still comparing ourselves with Ghana, Afghanistan and other third world nations. The truth is our leaders never admit that we have become a corrupted nation since long time ago, because they are scaring their political popularity will decrease among Malaysian. What a great leader we have!?
The government made lots of promises to stamp out graft and bribery but we can clearly see that there has been no improvement in the perception of corruption. We Malaysian citizens are sincerely hoping that there will be a better future for our children, please don’t disappoint us! Proper action must be taken immediately to stop this "disease"!
Let me tell you the story about our neighbour. Singapore is now the world 3rd least corrupted country. Can you see the differences between us? In fact, the independent that Singapore is enjoying now was given by Malaysia, but Singapore’s government became more matured ever than Malaysian government. Look what has happened to our beloved country! Tun Dr.M, Pak Lah and Dato Seri Najib, look what you have done!
Even though Malaysia suffered a major blow in terms of combating corruption today when it fell to its worst ranking and score in 15 years in Transparency International's corruption perception index for 2009. But these politicians won’t change their old habit, they will still comparing ourselves with Ghana, Afghanistan and other third world nations. The truth is our leaders never admit that we have become a corrupted nation since long time ago, because they are scaring their political popularity will decrease among Malaysian. What a great leader we have!?
The government made lots of promises to stamp out graft and bribery but we can clearly see that there has been no improvement in the perception of corruption. We Malaysian citizens are sincerely hoping that there will be a better future for our children, please don’t disappoint us! Proper action must be taken immediately to stop this "disease"!