"Mengikut Perjanjian itu, tiap-tiap Negeri akan menerima 5% daripada nilai petroliam yang dijumpai dan diperolehi dalam kawasan perairan atau di luar perairan Negeri tersebut yang dijual oleh PETRONAS atau ejensi-ejensi atau kontrektor-kontrektornya".- Tun Abdul Razak, Dewan Rakyat (12hb. November, 1975)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Hukuman Sebat Kartika: Tahniah TM Pahang..!
Tahniah TM Pahang atas ketegasan. nak harap UMNO..? mintak rayu lagi ade la... selagi boleh kawtim, kawtim... hukum tolak tepi... pejuang Agama Islam..? huh...!!!
Laporan Paling Bangang Dari Portal Media Perdana
Penulis blog hina Almarhum Sultan Iskandar ditahan
Oleh Azida Shaharuddin

Lelaki berusia 28 tahun itu ditahan di sekitar Kota Bharu, Kelantan, kira-kira jam 4 petang sebelum dibawa ke Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Muar.
TPU - Menyembunyikan diri..? ditahan disekitar Kota Bharu...??? what the "Ef You See Kay"...??? baca dekat sini cerita sebenar... IPPD Muar..? beb... jam 3:45 petang, 26hb. Januari, 2010 Aduka dibawa keluar dari IPPD Kota Bharu untuk dihantar ke Bukit Aman dengan menaiki kereta Waja (JSJ) diiringi oleh 3 orang pegawai polis.
Yang dibawa ke IPPD Muar tu sape...??? Buduh punya wartawan Berita Harian...!!!
Ketua Polis Johor, Datuk Mohd Mokhtar Mohd Shariff, ketika dihubungi mengesahkan penahanan penulis blog itu yang disiasat mengikut Seksyen 233(3) Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia 1998.

Mohd Mokhtar berkata, lelaki terbabit dibawa ke IPD Muar kerana laporan awal yang dibuat terhadapnya, diterima IPD berkenaan.
TPU - Mokhtar ni makan pil kuda ke..? macam ni gayanye Ketua Polis Johor..? nak translate macam mana ni..? salah bagi maklumat ke, salah terima maklumat..? kalau salah bagi maklumat, jahanam la institusi polis... kalau salah terima maklumat pulak... alamak... KP pun boleh salah terima maklumat..? intergriti..? huh... kacau... ini bikin malu institusi...
Selain itu, IPD Kluang menerima 23 laporan yang dibuat orang awam serta ahli politik berhubung kenyataan penulis blog berkenaan; IPD Batu Pahat (empat); Johor Bahru Selatan (tiga) dan satu di IPD Seri Alam.
Sehubungan itu, Mohd Mokhtar menasihatkan orang ramai supaya tidak membuat sebarang penghinaan, fitnah mahupun tuduhan tidak berasas di blog.
"Polis berkemampuan menjejaki pihak bertanggungjawab yang menyalahguna saluran multimedia," katanya.
Difahamkan, penulis blog yang beralamat di Seremban, Negeri Sembilan itu,

TPU - Kan aku dah cakap, wartawan media perdana ni bodoh...!!!
Penulis blog terbabit menerima lebih 1,000 komen susulan kenyataan itu, dengan sebahagian besarnya menyatakan rasa tidak puas hati dan ada yang mengugut untuk membunuhnya.
TPU - Jam 4:56 petang (26hb. Januari, 2010), rekod posting dan komen dari blog Aduka Taruna bermula dari hari posting "Dah mampos buat cara mampos la" adalah seperti berikut :
- 1 - Tajuk posting - Permohonan maaf kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia.
Jumlah komen - 761
2 - Tajuk posting - Domain free...
Jumlah komen - 93
3 - Tajuk posting - Aduss....
Jumlah komen - 20
4 - Tajuk posting - Yamaha bimbang Rossi sertai F1 1Malaysia.
Jumlah komen - 21
5 - Tajuk posting - Ketua Pemuda silih berganti, namun PASTI masih begini, di mana Tantawi?
Jumlah komen - 50
6 - Tajuk posting - Terkini: Pemulangan T Shirt PAS Reform
Jumlah komen - 48
7 - Tajuk posting - Penjelasan rasmi PAS Reform
Jumlah komen - 24
8 - Tajuk posting - Gua tidak terlibat sebesar zarah pun dengan PAS.
Jumlah komen - 55
9 - Tajuk posting - Penutupan Shoutbox
Jumlah komen - 19
10 Tajuk posting - Sultan Johor is Dead. Bravo!
Jumlah komen - 83
11 - Tajuk posting - Pengumuman Penting
Jumlah komen - 29
12 - Tajuk posting - AdukaTaruna: Rintihan hati seorang isteri..
Jumlah komen - 28
13 - Tajuk posting - Bukan Gambar Aduka
Jumlah komen - 16
14 - Tajuk posting - AdukaTaruna: Terkini
Jumlah komen - 20
15 - Tajuk posting - UPDATED: Berita Palsu di Berita Harian Online
Jumlah komen - 27
16 - Tajuk posting - Kronologi Penyerahan Diri Aduka oleh Topeng Perak
Jumlah komen - 2
17 - Tajuk posting - Kami anak Minang berterima kasih dengan kenyataan Menteri Rais Yatim
Jumlah komen - 8
18 - Tajuk posting - AdukaTaruna: Menjunjung Undang-Undang Ke Bukit Aman
Jumlah komen - 0
Aduka Taruna dipercayai penulis blog keempat ditahan polis kerana menyiarkan kenyataan berunsur penghinaan atau hasutan.
Pada 0gos 2008, penulis blog `Penarik Beca', Abu Bakar Mohd Rashid, ditahan kerana meletakkan gambar anjing pada logo Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) dalam blognya yang disifatkan Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Musa Hassan, sebagai satu penghinaan kepada pasukan itu dan cubaan menghasut orang ramai supaya membenci polis.
Aduka On Trial: Dari Mahkamah
1.0 Bukan Annuar Musa dahulu pernah menabalkan Raja baru, satu tindakan yang jelas derhaka kepada Raja? Di mana tindakan ke atas beliau?
2.0 Ke mana tindakan kepada puak2 ini yang diambil oleh polis? ADakah kerana mereka UMNO, maka mereka bebas mengutuk Raja-Raja Melayu?

4.0 Bukankah Mat Taib pernah berbohong kepada Sultan Selangor SECARA BERTULIS sewaktu beliau bernikah dengan Ku Yah di Siam? Dimana tindakan pada Mat Taib?
5.0 Bukankah PAk Lah sendiri engkar keputusan Raja Perlis melantik Mat Isa Sabu sebagai MB Perlis, kemudian terpaksa tarik balik keengkaran beliau. Mana tindakan ke atas Pak Lah?
Ini bererti Aduka Taruna cuma mengikut contoh yang telah ditinggalkan UMNO semata-mata. Tidak lebih dari itu.
Tulang Besi
p/s - sekurang-kurangnya Aduka Taruna berani minta maaf secara terbuka.
Aduka Taruna: Menterjemah Keadilan, Menjunjung Undang-Undang
Dalam berita TV (aku tak tau TV berapa sebab dah lama aku tak tengok berita pengampu), kecoh isu Blogger Aduka Taruna (salah seorang penulis jemputan dalam website Perisik Rakyat) menghina Almarhum Sultan Johor. aku pun tak tau apa yang dilapor dalam berita malam tu & semua ni aku tau dari beberapa panggilan telifon dari kenalan & pembaca webite aku.
Apa yang pasti, bermula lebih kurang jam 8:20 malam hari sabtu, HP aku tak berenti-renti memekak & hampir semua pemanggil dok tanya khabar AT. ralat beb... lepas tu PinkTurtle pulak call & ajak kumpul geng-geng blogger yang dapat dihubungi untuk bincang masalah AT.
Dalam masa tak sampai setengah jam, kami dah berkumpul & keputusan yang dicapai ialah AT kena serah diri pada polis untuk mudahkan siasatan.
- "Yang salah tetap salah & yang benar tetap benar"
Lebih kurang jam 10:00 malam, PinkTurtle hubungi AT & bagi sikit penerangan & minta AT bertolak segera ke Kelantan (dari Negeri Sembilan) lepas AT bersetuju untuk serah diri & beri kerjasama pada pihak polis. sebab kenapa kami minta AT datang ke Kelantan dan serah diri di Kelantan ialah kerana isteri AT adalah anak jati Kelantan & lebih baik isteri AT berada dengan keluarga dia sepanjang AT berada dalam tahanan.
Jam 11:00 malam, pergi ke bank untuk bankin sikit duit pada AT yang kami kumpul kejap tadi untuk isi minyak & belanja sepanjang perjalanan. sebaik duit dimasukan, aku terus maklumkan pada AT dan pesan pada AT, tak payah balik rumah, gerak terus ke Kelantan.
Jam 11:30, AT bertolak dari Negeri Sembilan dengan isteri dia dengan sehelai sepinggang.
Sejam sekali kami berhubung untuk pastikan AT selamat dalam perjalanan & alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan dengan baik.
Isnin 9:00 pagi -
AT sampai ke Kelantan dengan selamatnya dan jam 10:30 pagi dah berada dirumah aku & setengah jam kemudian disusuli oleh geng-geng blogger yang berkumpul semalam. lepas berbincang lebih kurang & buat beberapa panggilan talifon, makan tengahari, lebih kurang jam 2:00 petang kami ke Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPPD) Kota Bharu di Pengkalan Chepa.
Sampai di IPPD, jumpa dengan pegawai bertugas, jelaskan pada dia hal-hal berkaitan dan tujuan datang ke IPPD. pegawai bertugas berhubung dengan beberapa pegawai atasan maklumkan kehadiran "Subjek" untuk menyerah diri.
Pegawai bertugas hubungi KP Johor, Bukit Aman dan lain-lain untuk makluman dan arahan tindakan lanjut mengikut prosedur menyerah diri. arahan seterusnya dari Bukit Aman ialah procede terima.
Jam 4:30 petang AT secara rasminya ditahan selepas menyerah diri di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Kota Bharu bagi membantu siasatan keatas lebih 40 laporan polis terhadapnya yang didakwa menghina Allmarhum Sultan Johor. Pegawai yang diberi tanggungjawab untuk mengendali kes AT di Kota Bharu ialah Tuan Ramdzan.
Lepas "subjek" diterima, prosiding siasatan dimulakan. beberapa barangan AT dirampas (sebenarnya bukan beberapa pun... HP je yang kena rampas sebab AT datang sehelai sepinggang dari Negeri Sembilan). geng-geng blogger yang lain balik dulu manakala aku dan sorang lagi sahabat blogger stay di IPPD teman isteri AT yang diminta untuk menunggu sebentar sementara siasatan awal dijalankan.
Bersambung - "Rumah Mentua Aduka digeledah tanpa waran".
*aku nak gi mahkamah. pagi ni AT akan dibawa kemahkamah untuk mendapatkan perintah tahanan reman.
Bagaimana Mahathir Kalah Bertarung Dengan Seorang Yahudi Bernama Soros
“I am sure you still can get your 20%. You called me a Moron . How can a Moron make so much money.. By allowing short selling and borrowing millions of share from your banks we fund managers made millions out of your inexperience and poor regulations. You lose all Malaysians’ money, therefore you are the Moron … Now you know too late and start crying over spilt milk.”Soros menyalahkan Kerajaan Malaysia kerana tidak tahu membuat peraturan yang berkesan menyebabkan “Fund Managers” seperti George Soros dapat membuat keuntungan yang berlipat-lipat kali ganda.
Soros juga menyalahkan Dr Mahathir kerana telah menghabiskan lebih USD 30 billion melalui projek-projek korupsi dan tidak berfaedah. Bagi Soros, itu adalah sebab sebenar ekonomi Malaysia jatuh pada tahun 1997.
Tujuan saya mengeluarkan surat ini adlaah untuk menunjukkan bahawa kaum Yahudi sememangnya makmur dengan perniagaan pasaran dan spekulasi dunia. Namun, umat Islam sendiri tidak mampu untuk membangun ekonomi dengan bijak dan memandang ke hadapan. Juga, Umat Islam tidak mampu untuk mengeluarkan diri mereka dari kengkangan korupsi dan nepotisma.
Akhirnya, segala korupsi dan nepotisma hanya akan memenangkan serta menguntungkan musuh Islam. Kalau kita hendak menang dalam berlawan dengan musuh Islam, Yahudi dan Nasrani, maka kita harus mampu memerangi korupsi dan nepotisma dalam masyarakat dan kerajaan kita dahulu.
Segala cakap2 Mahathir yang anti Yahudi dan Anti Barat semuanya sia-sia kerana kekotoran yang dilakukan Mahathir telah menyebabkan musuh kita mudah mengalahkan kita.
PAra Sahabat Nabi SAW miskin dan papa kedana tapi mampu menjatuhkan Empayar PArsi dan 4/5 Empayar Rom Timur dalam masa kurang dari 20 tahun.
Selamat Membaca
Tulang Besi
The Corruption Of Mahahir (SOROS REPLY TO MAHATHIR) - Adapted from Bangkok Post (Not published locally)
I have always said Dr Mahathir is a menace to his own people… Now only you can see the effects of his foolishness when the ringgit has halved its value overnight and your economy goes kaput. Single handedly you have caused hardship to millions of your own people. You have built useless mega projects at tremendous cost to the country.
The telecoms tower in Kuala Lumpur and the highest building in the world show how stupid you are. Not only does it cause massive traffic jam, it has totally no purpose. If you need high ground for telecoms antennae a nearby mountain is there for free.
This tower has no purpose from the ground up to 300 metres. The satelites make this totally unneccesary..
A fool and his money are soon parted. The only thing is you are the fool and the money belongs to Malaysians. You make 20% in every project, you have real estate in Japan and billions of shares corruptly acquired.
Your 3 sons are worth 8 billion US$. Where do they get this money? Of course, corruption. You are known as the Marcos of Malaysia, having enriched yourself to the tune of billions.
You dare to shed crocodile tears during UMNO delegates meeting about the ills of corruption. Yet you are the most corrupt of all the prime ministers before you. A thief is crying thief and hopes people look the other way. Who dares to say anything when the chief is caught with his hands in the candy jar?
You said wisdom is not the monopoly of the West. So is foolishness. You have more foolishness than most people would believe. Billions are used to build two high rise Petronas buildings that benefit nobody. It now stands tall, a symbol of stupidity and irresponsibility.
Instead they just add on to traffic jam. What is this reclamation of 10 islands off Kedah? Totally absurb and stupid. Of course your benefit is 20%. And the bridge across from Malacca to Sumatra across international waters? Why not build a bridge to the moon?
I am sure you still can get your 20%. You called me a Moron . How can a Moron make so much money.. By allowing short selling and borrowing millions of share from your banks we fund managers made millions out of your inexperience and poor regulations. You lose all Malaysians’ money, therefore you are the Moron … Now you know too late and start crying over spilt milk.
In Australia you are known as the recalcitrant ego maniac; in UK the corrupt bastard because of your stupid purchase of our movie studio and the 290 million ringgit Lotus racing car plant and the shady Pergau dam loans from the UK . They are useless to us and you still want to buy them. What about buying British reject submarines through your agent, of course. The agent/ broker is designed to make millions out of Malaysian government. Your purchase of our battleships is at least 50% more than others are paying.
Your purchase of 9 hospitals from UK lock, stock and barrel does not support your local architects or your industry and the British send you obsolete medical equipment. The design is atrocious, one end to the other is half a kilometer and there is no CT-scan, an absolute necessity.
In the Uk your face appears in no less than 17 newspapers as a corrupt dictator. In Malaysia you are known as the (IBM) International Big Mouth. In Japan they call him the ’smallest one’ (brain size). In Pacific island the Santa Claus (giving advice left and right).
In South America they call him the parrot (he talks a lot but does not know what it is about). In Manila the living Marcos.In Malaysia they are spending millions to lure tourists and you talk rubbish scaring every foreigner away. “When he is dumb he is doubted a fool, when he opens his mouth it removes all doubt.” While I agree the West does not have the monopoly to wisdom, your actions are not the wisest either.
Your EAEC has totally no support even in Asean. Your South-South dialogue mets with the same fate and what is this I hear of the Bridge from Malaysia to Indonesia covering 20 miles across International shipping lanes? How crazy can one get?
Even the Japanese don’t have the money. This world’s stupidity seems to be concentrated in one man’s mind – yours.
The multimedia super corridor – MSC -. Well in USA its most stupid concept because we Americans, would have thought of it light years before. Even if it makes money, we can copy this concept can’t we?
Why do you want to spend your hard-earned money doing questionable projects? It will be like the Bakun project. Abandoned fund wasted and another white elephant. I always say politicians should not be involved in business. Your ministers are also businessmen and almost every official is enriching himself. Look at Rafidah Aziz, selling thousands of Approved Permits (APs) for cars each worth 20-30 thousand Malaysian dollars. Why not your government sells them and makes the money?
She has acquired millions of shares meant for bumis for free before she agrees to list them. Look at your Selangor Chief Minister collecting millions for approving high rise buildings from businessman. He is worth a few billions. Unfortunately he was caught with a few millions pocket money in Australia . Every Chief Minister is awarding useless projects to his cronies then collecting secret pay offs on the side.
The Land development Boards and the Economic Development Boards are used to bailout any loses suffered by politicians. The profits they keep, the loses they force the Government bodies to absorb. How can your poor ever close the gap when every good deal is snatched by your politicians? How can your country get out of poverty if all the billions of corruption money is taken out of the country?
Look at the Sarawak Chief Minister selling billions worth of timber concessions under the table; selling every piece of state land to businessman without tender; using his own companies to obtain lucrative government contracts; selling approval signatures for a fee ‘you pay I approve’. He has 8 billion US > stashed overseas. Thousands of acres of land are given to one or two companies while thousands of poor people still live in cardboard makeshift homes; have no water and shit into the river..
Thousands of acres of land are sold to companies for plantations while the native don’t have even one acre to their name. He is selling sand near the beaches to one company for earth filling and then ask the government to spend millions to protect the coastline when erosion occurs.
He lost 300 millions of the sarawak government money trying to make computer chips. He has built a port in Northern Sarawak town in water so shallow it needs dredging every year.
The Prime Minister built highways without tender, your cronies get the deal and the price double.. Your Langkawi airport runway is built is double the cost by your own company Ekran.
The Malaysian nation has lost at least 30 billions during your last 10 years of corrupt rule. One billion lost from the purchase of phantom skyhawk war planes nobody has ever seen (are they still in the Nevada desert USA ?). 3 billion lost from the London tin scandal (you thought you could corner the London tin market without knowing the Americans have a stockpile! Stupidity at its best. 6 billion Perwaja steel mill where nobody even know where the money goes, 3 billion bank Bumiputra scandal where George Tan bribed all the bank officials to lend him the money.. 6 billion forex lost by Bank Negara (the fool and his money are soon parted) and 6 billion to build three of the world’s tallest buildings (built by Japanese and Koreans and furniture imported from France – not Malaysia ) and 1 billion lost from purchase of British warship including fees paid to the broker and under the table… Add the 10 billion you stole and 5 billion taken by Ministers.
In the 1997 the World Journalists meeting voted Dr Mahathir the Prime Minister of the Decade. It sounded strange to everybody until it was revealed those who voted against are threatened by IRD officers and with losing their jobs. In New York the United Nations 1997 meeting, the most corrupt Prime Minister of the decade is President Suharto and second Dr Mahathir (Actually Dr Mahathir should take first place but bribed the Indonesian to take honour of Number One.
There are Fifty thousand of your university students not given places in Malaysia but are good enough for places overseas resulting in billion of dollars lost. The British and the Australians are thinking how stupid. Your best students are sent overseas raising their standards while as in most countries the best are kept in local universities and the rejects sent overseas..
A university student in Hong Kong is much more prestigeous than any Australian counterpart.. You have been colonised by the British so long you cannot even educate your own people. Look at Hong Kong or Singapore , less than 5% study overseas. All the money saved. Your country could save billions if every student overseas is recalled to a local university, and at the same time raising your own standards.
Your people are still without shoes, without land to farm, without homes, bathing in rivers shitting in hole in the ground, without water and electricity. Your cities are concrete jungles without greenery and open spaces. Your KL is jammed with traffic. Yet you still keep on building high rises. You should come down from the clouds and stop daydreaming and firmly plant your feet in the ground.
Your schools are cramped 500 students to an acre and thousands of acres are given free to some politician who leaves them idle.
Your parks are being taken by politicians to build shophouses and every cabinet minister is a landgrabbing businessman who build roads only
to their cronies’ land.
The Malaysians’ Prayer
“Ya Allah, we thank you for your gifts of timber, oil and grain. But then the devil sent us corrupt Mahathir without a Brain And look we are back to square one again So just take Dr Mahathir back to Hell And we will be alive and well.”
In China people have been shot for embezzling one thousand dollars. With 8 billion you have stolen therefore you would be shot 80 thousand times.. Now you are leading an anti-corruption campaign. We all know what you should do. Look yourself in the mirror. You see the crooked you.. Then use your left hand and handcuff your right hand. You have put the opposition leader and his son in jail when they said in parliament you are the richest PM in the world. And his colleague Mr Karpal Singh too for 2 years.
So I get a reward or bribe if I now say you are the poorest PM in this world? Your 3 sons are sitting in the board of directors of more than 200 companies. They must have been educated in Harvard school of business and obtained distintions? Or is it “you don’t know me, you don’t do business in Malaysia ” law that applies.
Billions of ringgit of Employee’s Provident Funds and public Petronas funds are used to bail out your sons who make losses investing in every venture you thought you could make money. How unethical and corrupt. Every one of your politicians are sitting on the boards of tens of companies making thousands without any effort, lending their VIP names to borrow millions from local banks without collateral..
Now these have become non performing loans. Now you want 20 million Malaysians to sacrifice for the folly of ONE man? Why not the fool resign and admit he wasted and took most of the money.
Waktu Wacana Kalimah Allah di Rumah DSAI, Zulkifli Nordin Senyap Sunyi
Di bawah ini saya bawakan tulisan dari Ali@BaganUtama. Selamat Membaca :
Tulang Besi
Ust. Abdul Ghani Samsudin "menasihati" Ust Harun Din
oleh : ali
Salam Jalan Raja Laut. Pada hari Selasa 19 Jan 2010 yang lalu telah berlangsung "roundtable talk" di rumah Anwar Ibrahim mengenai isu kalimah ALLAH oleh bukan muslim. Den maleh nak cito yang lain-lain. Anda boleh rujuk [link ini], [link ini] dan [link ini] untuk berita lanjut. Apo yang den nak paparkan ialah bilo time Ust. Abdul Ghani Samsudin berpeluang

Cayala Tuan Ibrahim
Lagi satu den nak highlight, den respek dengan ucapan Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man di rumah Anwar Ibrahim pada malam tu. Cantik hujah dia.
Khalid Samad vs Zulkifli Nordin
Semua orang tahu Zulkifli Nordin telah menghina Khalid Samad pada 4 Jan 2010 dengan melabel beliau sebagai politikus hingusan. [klik link] Tetapi bila di rumah Anwar, Zulkifli Nordin senyap menikus. Apepasal kau tak tunjuk hero kau depan orang ramai pada malam itu. Khalid Samad punya syok berhujah, para hadirin menjangkakan "hero Melayu" Zulkifli Nordin akan bangun membidas hujah Khlid Samad. Jangkaan meleset bai. Zulkifli Nordin memilih untuk senyap. Eh bai tunjuk la jantan kau sikit. Hilang respek den dengan Zulkifli Nordin ni. Kau ni rupanya sama taraf dengan den. Tunjuk hero dalam blog. Den blogger cikai, kau pun nak ikut samo cikai. Memang mangkuklah sapo yang bawak dia naik jadi Yb pada Mac 2008 hari tu.
Conversation satu hala boleh la bai
Rupanya Yb mangkuk ni cuma tunjuk hero dalam blog dan ceramah je. Satu hala. Cuba buat dua hala macam dalam forum, memang out la bai. Malam tu pun tak terlawan dengan hujah Khalid Samad. Senyap sunyi bai. Lain kali jangan cakap besar. Biasanya hujah Zulkifli Nordin didalam blognya penuh dengan sentimen dan emosi. Berfakta la sikit. Lihat Khalid Samad, penuh fakta dan hujah. [klik link] Zulkifli Nordin dalam isu kalimah ALLAH bukan sahaja melawan Khalid Samad malah keputusan Partinya sendiri.
Peguam den
Hari ini dalam blognya, Zulkifli Nordin mengatakan Khalid Samad menghina Islam kerana menghina Enakmen Negeri Selangor. [klik link]Eh bai, Enakmen yang dimaksudkan oleh