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- Tun Abdul Razak, Dewan Rakyat (12hb. November, 1975)

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Swirling rumours as Sept 16 looms - Pak Lah Megren...

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 3 — An anonymous text message purporting to highlight key dates leading up to the plans by the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) alliance to take power by Sept 16, has begun making the rounds, but opposition leaders have denied being responsible for the message.

Ending with the words "from pkr", the message claims that some Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties from Sabah and Sarawak will begin an exodus from the ruling coalition by Friday.

And by Saturday, BN parties from peninsular Malaysia, with the exception of MCA and MIC, will also signal their exit from the coalition, the message alleges.

The text message goes on to state that 10 unnamed BN MPs will then join PR parties by Sept 7.

By Sept 10, which is next Wednesday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi will have resigned, paving the way for Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to fulfill his pledge to take over the federal government by Sept 16.

PKR vice-president R. Sivarasa disclaimed responsibility for the message, pointing out that "anonymous SMSes shouldn't be taken seriously", and that the details and the sort of ideas listed in the message did not give it any credibility.

"People have been enthusiastic about Sept 16, so maybe this is born out of someone's exuberance, but I wouldn't treat it with any credence. It's not like there's been an avalanche of such messages," he added.

Influential Sabah Umno MP Datuk Anifah Aman, who has been continuously mentioned in crossover speculation, called the text message "fictitious" and said that "anybody can have a dream but they are dreaming too far".

He said that among East Malaysian MPs, "nobody really cares about Sept 16 because we are busy visiting our respective constituencies during the fasting month and preparing our debates for the budget".

Anifah also poured scorn on the takeover plans.

"They are always crying out for democracy, transparency and justice, but is this the way? What will people think of them going through the backdoor? That's not democratic anymore."

Anwar, PKR's presumptive candidate for prime minister, has continuously asserted his plans to form the federal government by Sept 16 and there has been recent talk of entire BN component parties crossing over.

There has also been speculation that Anwar is seeking an audience with the King, although he has responded to this by saying "not yet".

"It is a good guideline for us. We will try to follow," quipped PKR information chief Tian Chua, who also denied the message was from the party.

"Obviously, we cannot reveal our plans," he told The Malaysian Insider.

Umno's Jerlun MP, Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir, described the message as humourous.

"It is typical Anwar Ibrahim delusions of grandeur," said the Umno youth exco member, adding that he too had received the message.

"I don't see it happening. I have been very vocal against the government, but I personally have no plans to defect," said the son of former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Gerakan information chief Chua Chong An said he does not take the message seriously.

"I have been receiving a lot of messages regarding 916, but I don't take them seriously," he told The Malaysian Insider.

On whether Gerakan will leave BN on Sept 6, he said: "No such thing. Just ignore the rumours."

With Sept 16 looming, there has also been intense speculation about who would be members of an Anwar Ibrahim Cabinet.

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng touched off a round of speculation this week when he said in an interview with a Chinese-language newspaper that his father, Kit Siang, would get a senior appointment.

This resulted in speculation that Kit Siang would be appointed deputy prime minister in an Anwar Cabinet.



Anonymous said...

Lim Kit Kiang TPM,..???

Satu kemenangan besar buat Melayu PKR,.

Apa pula portfolio dia?? Menteri Pertahanan,..?? Menteri Pelajaran,.??

Kalau saya cina pun saya akan sokong DSAI 200%,..

Mr Joker said...

k.i.t - lenkali kalau tak paham bahase inggeris, pegang kamus sambil baca. senang nak rujuk tang mana tak paham...

hang ni wat malu diri sendiri je, dah la tak paham bahse inggeris, hang pi komen pulak kat sini, orang yang baca terang je sengih sambil dalam hati mmanggil hang - "lembu betul budak nih"...

nak rumput segar?

Anonymous said...

Thank You TP,.

From now on we will debate in English,.

Can you just explain to me what's the most suitable post for DAP's senior leaders?

What make you think DAP will take less important post to govern this country if PR comes into power(highly unlikely)??

Mr Joker said...

ha... baguih... hang debat la sorang-sorang. aku tak de masa nak layan orang yang sengaja nak putar belit apa yang berlaku...

daripada aku layan soklan bodoh ngko yang x de fakta, baik aku layan mende lain...

soklan tu boleh ngko ajukan terus pada pimpinan PAS, PKR & DAP. link ke weblog depa ada kat tepi tu aku letak...

Hang pi study perlembagaan Malaysia baru hang pikir balik soklan hang tu...

lagi skali... jangan wat malu diri sendiri...

sahur tadi hang makan rumput segar ka, rumput kering?

Anonymous said...

I'am sorry,..I thought u will answer me in english,..even simple one that's okay for me,..

Your attitude are laughable and people know who's the real moron here,..

Tok Sidang said...

Aku follow debat antara TP dan Antisodomy & k.i.t,
Sudah terang lagi bersuluh,bhsa TP sgt kasar,celupar dan kurang ajar,.

Mengaku ingin mendaulahkan Islam tapi diri sendiri sgt tidak berakhlak,org beginilah yg menyebabkan umat islam dipandang rendah.

Syabas antisodomy & k.i.t

Korang memberi pendapat sambil menjaga menjaga bahasa,.tapi TP sungguh memalukan bangsa dan agamanya,..

Mr Joker said...

Selamat datang tok sidang...

syabas kerana anda menyokong mereka-mereka yang bersekongkoldengan kemungkaran.

tahniah... umat islam dipandang rendah bukan kerana bahasanya, tetapi kerana amalannya...

kunun mendaulatkan Islam tetapi terang-terangan menebar fitnah sesama Islam.menghina nabi & rasul juga menolak hukum Allah.

teruslah bersekongkol dengan kemungkaran, muga hati anda akan terbuka.

budakmelayu said...

salam,..maaf mencelah

sya tidak menyokong mana2 pihak,..sya tinjau blog ni hanya utk suka2,.smbil tu cari maklumat apa yg patut.

saya agak bersetuju dgn tok sidang krn bg saya bahasa TP ni dah "lancang",.. menyamakan manusia dgn binatang amat melampau dan sgt dikesali,..saya rasa TP harus minta maaf.

sya tujukan teguran ni buat semua blogger,tak kira yg penyokong PR atau BN,..

bertentang pendapat perkara biasa, tapi dlm berdebat, adab dan tatasusila harus dijaga.

Mohon maaf sekali lgi,wassalam

Mr Joker said...

ini halaman saya, ini blog saya, lancang mulut aku yang hangpa risaukan, lancang mulut pemimpin hangpa diamkan...
