Maka berkatalah wakil I'Da World:
Syarikat I'Da World Group Sdn Bhd memutuskan untuk membatalkan niatnya melaksanakan cadangan projek pembangunan bernilai RM313 bilion di negeri Kelantan.
"Jadi projek yang kita hendak buat di negeri Kelantan itu telah dibatalkanlah. Kita hendak tutup cerita ini. Saya pun dah malas dah. Kalau dia kata kita disenarai hitamkan, kita hendak tegakkan apa lagi?" kata pengerusi eksekutifnya, Abdul Rahim Abdul Wahab.
"Kita tarik diri. Minta maaflah. Mereka kata tidak mahu, apa lagi kita boleh buat?," katanya ketika ditemui media di pejabatnya di Kelana Jaya hari ini.
Abdul Rahim berkata syarikatnya juga belum mempunyai wang RM4 bilion yang hendak didermakan kepada PAS Kelantan.
Bagaimanapun, Abdul Rahim berkata, beliau akan meneruskan usaha untuk menjayakan projek di negeri-negeri lain.
Syarikat itu dilanda kontroversi ekoran tindakannya yang mengekut semua pihak kerana bermurah hati untuk menderma sebanyak RM4 bilion kepada PAS Kelantan bagi membangunkan negeri itu.
Ini termasuk Projek Super Mega Seri Tujuh (S7) yang membabitkan kawasan seluas 144,000 ekar atau 576 hektar melibatkan kos RM313.71 juta.
Cek replika sumbangan itu diterima oleh adik menteri besar Kelantan, Nik Din Nik Mat pada Ahad lalu.
Sementara itu, Abdul Rahim menjelaskan bahawa sumbangan RM4 bilion itu merupakan satu bentuk bayaran pendahuluan daripada jumlah keuntungan daripada projek yang hendak dilaksanakan itu.
"Tiap-tiap negeri, bila buat projek usahasama, 20 peratus akan diperolehi kerajaan negeri, 80 peratus kepada (rakan niaga). Jadi bila bercakap tentang RM300 bilion, 20 peratus itu lebih kurang RM60 bilion.
"Jadi dalam RM4 bilion tadi, sebenarnya (replika cek) itu tidak ada haribulan. Duit ini kita hendak beri bila kita dapat buat kerja (jalankan projek), dasar daripada 20 peratus tadi," tambahnya.
Katanya lagi, beliau telah berusaha untuk menjalankan projek tersebut sejak tahun 1998 lagi melalui sebuah syarikat dikenali Asas Naim Holdings.
"Pada masa itu Tuanku (Ismail Petra) masih sihat lagi," tambahnya.
Bagaimanapun, sumbangan RM4 bilion yang ingin disumbangkan kepada PAS seperti yang tercatat pada replika cek itu mencetuskan kontroversi.
PAS juga menafikan parti itu telah menerima cek sebenar atau sumbangan bernilai RM4 bilion daripada syarikat berkenaan.
TPU - UMNO dengan geng-geng Pencacai nak cakap apa pulak..?
fuuhh..puak2 PAS kalu skrg nak cite pasal duit, project, bukan berjuta2 lagi weih..
sejak serban join syaitan ni, now da pandai cakap berbilion2 weih..
kalu "derma" aje da RM4 billion, perolehan syarikat beratus2 billion pulak,..
ehhh..da batal pulak..
ps: aku rase nak batalkan la project RM3 trillion yg aku rancang nak buat project penanaman balak besar2an kat kelantan tuh..malas la aku nak cakap menda2 ni..tak jadi da...
spesis munkee kalo bercakap guna kpala lutut jee..
ehhh..munkee ada lutut ke???
pencacai mesti ckp dlm hati..perghhh wa kene tpu dgn utusan meloya laaaaa..
proses menutup bangkai babi busok yg tak berjaya
apakah ini membuktikan PAS Kelantan menolak pembangunan?
atau umno telah berjaya menggagalkan usaha untuk melonjakkan ekonomi Kelantan?
atau ada muslihat umno disebalik isu ini?
lihat saja begitu pantas SPRM bertindak!
heh,he hj rahim dah kantoi! malunya tak terhingga.
almaklum negeri dah kurang berkat;
buat projek ape pun tak menjadi kecuali pembenaan kuil-kuil Buddha .. besar-besar pulak tu
Projek Air Thames dulu pun bising bagai nak rak waktu nak sign, sampai sekarang hidup rakyat Kelantan masih hidup dengan air tiub
Penyokong Setia PAS Pilah Tongah
4billion?? bank negara pun baru ada 300billion. tipu je ni
Biasa la org UMNO ni.Melalut mcm org gila..RM4 Billion? keh keh keh .Hanya syarikat syarikat besar spt TM,TNB,Petronas aje yg mampu buat projek projek sebegitu besar.
yg xleh bleh skali pasal kes ni bila nik ajis mula2 xngaku kenal I'DA World, lpas tu tubik jah gmbr nik ajid dgn org2 ida world, cepat2 pusing citer..kahakhakaahhahakha...
ngecing pah ceroh...hahahahahha
haha..pah ceroh ngencing tubek pulok replika cek besa. Hoh xngaku lagi...
Dulu mengaku tak kenal...pas tubek gamba mengaku tau plok.. DASAR ulama dlm semak!
Orang awam ni boleh dosa kering je dok mengata sana sini. Baik baca sahaja dan kritik dengan membina. Apa kelas kritik macam tak pernah sekolah, sia-sia lulus srp.
nicky ajis cakap tak kenal ida world tu sbb umno..
Rm4 billion tu sbb UMNO..
suma sebbb UMNO..
muke mcm ayah pin jer conform ahli amno
Hj Rahim jangan ingat rakyat Kelantan bodoh. Tipu Nik Din boleh lah
Wednesday, February 29, 2012马华是反佛教!
在此, 我要誠恳所以書面將实事发生在马耒西亜吉隆坡甲洞帝沙再也 (暹寺) 三宝寺. SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION NO: 19 JALAN 38 DASA JAYA KEPONG 52100 SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 的遭遇公告大家, 我很不满意, 马华公会鹅唛區会及三宝寺理事主席那督叶金福律师, 是因為他应用悪毒傲慢的手段帶領一般外人耒挑衅践踏浄土及电招警方人员到甲洞三宝寺的神聖之地亳无理由的要警方人员强硬扣留出家人耒逹到耻辱佛教信仰者
我耒至梹城, 初出道, 暫住甲洞三宝寺俢行, 只因看不过眼叶金福律师的為人, 无礼傲慢不可一视的态度对待壇主, 稍为講他几句而己他却採用如此下流的手段伤害出家人, 的确令人不敢恭维.
一校之長, 其学生如有犯错, 警方人员都必須先见校長去了觧实况, 才可行动, 這是一般常规.但遺憾的是. 他叶金福身为律师却反其道而行, 不依佛理而轻视佛教的精神一味要显示他是马华公会鹅唛區会及甲洞三宝寺理事会的主席, 强求要警方人員扣捕我和尚, 耒逹到其目標, 但还好,基於宗教敏感,連巫裔警方人員也懂得和尊重別人的文化習俗,不敢軽举妄动, 否則后果不敢設想.
我明白, 他马华公会區会主席那督叶金福律师大动肝火, 生氣一位担任該 (暹寺) 甲洞三宝寺將近20年的壇主, 也是自筹建三宝寺最大的功臣, 其因是师父惊觉到一个新耒的叶金福律师满囗仁義道德, 說一套做一套, 排除異己, 而理事会成员多數为其親戚家族当任, 再加上处理 (暹寺) 三宝寺钱財不透明, 除此之处, 他的行动想把佛教的浄土变为政治活動埸所, 公家修道之地, 当作私人財產。
师父看在眼裡, 以大局为重, 而善意的给予劝告, 却引起他马华公会鹅唛區会主席叶金福律师, 闷闷不乐, 坐立不安, 无法无天的反而处处为难, 并不友善的加以迫害壇主离开 (暹寺) 三宝寺
他马华公会鹅唛區会主席叶金福律师, 這种司马昭之心, 伪君子作风, 人人都知--------。你能花言巧語, 蒙蔽誤导群衆一時, 但不能欺骗一世. 佛教的因果肯定報应。
最后我也顺此祝願他醒觉, 諸悪莫作, 衆善奉行。
Dear Devotees into the Dhamma,
I sincerely shall use the language to make publicly the bitter experience that actually has happened in the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION NO: 19-21 JALAN 38 TAMAN DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA.
I am not satisfied with the Gombak MCA Division chairman (Yip Kum Fook) and the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSSOCIATION chairman (Yip Kum Fook) because he used vicious and arrogant means in bringing in a group of individuals from other places to provoke and trample the sacred ground and without any sound reason called in the police to forcefully detain the monk so as to humiliate worshippers of Buddhism.
I strongly would like to ask here that what great sin and crimes had he committed to the extent of you Yip Kum Fook lawyer by means or by crooks called in the police to detain a monk like him?
I came from Penang, I was a newcomer and I temporarily put up at the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION to study and learn to practice Buddhism. While at the temple, I could not bear with the way Yip Kum Fook lawyer behaved, your uncourteous, arrogant and unexcelled attitude in treating the Temple abbot.
Because I said a few words about your behavior to you Yip Kum Fook, you resorted to such dirty means to hurt a monk. It is indeed unacceptable and cast a very bad example.
For a school principal, if his and her student has committed an offence, the police must as a matter of courtesy meet up with the principal, try to understand the actual situation, before the police take any actions. This is the usual practice.
But it is sorry to say, that Yip kum Fook lawyer who himself is a lawyer chose to have done.
Otherwise, he did not act in accordance with the teaching of Buddhism and looked down on the spirit of Buddhism for the sole purpose of showing off that he is the powerful chairman of MCA Gombak Division and the chairman of the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION. He demanded the police to detain the monk so as to realize his motive.
It is very fortunate that due to the fact that religion itself is a sensitive matter, even the Malay policemen understood and respected the religion, culture and customs of other communities, so they did not rush into taking any actions. Otherwise, the consequences would be catastrophic.
I understand why Yip Kum Fook lawyer was furious and flared up. The main reason is as follows. The abbot of the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION. He has been the abbot for 20 years. He was the architect and played the pivotal in raising fund the public to build up the Temple.
Continued next………
The abbot was alarmed to find out that a new person like him Yip Kum Fook lawyer; the chairman of MCA Gombak Division did not walk the talks. His talks were beautiful decorated with humanity, virtue and morality.
But in practice, he always marginalized and pushed out those who did see eye to eye with him. The Temple committees were instead made up mostly of his relatives. Moreover, the Temple fund was not managed in a transparent manner. Ultimately, his true motive was to turn the pure and sacred ground into a political stepping stone and political ground and from a place of worship into a personal property.
The abbot was well aware of what had taken placed, but in order to look preserve the whole wellness of the temple, he gave him Yip Kum Fook lawyer well-intentioned advices. But such an advice was not well received, it made Yip Kum Fook lawyer unhappy, restless and ran wild. Instead of heeding the advice, he made use of every opportunity to create problem and to persecute the abbot and monks so that they could no longer stay and left the temple.
Yip Kum Fook lawyer and the chairman of MCA Gombak Division whose villain’s design is obvious and whose style is hypocritical is known by everyone… your sweet words can deceive and mislead some people some of the time, but you cannot do it all the time. The karma or preordained fate of Buddhism will definitely befall.
As my last word, I would like to take this opportunity to bless him, may Yip Kum Fook lawyer wake up to reality, repent before it is too late. Do whatever is good, shed the evil.
Your Dhamma,
Ven. Phra Piya Dhamma
Penang, Malaysia.
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