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"Mengikut Perjanjian itu, tiap-tiap Negeri akan menerima 5% daripada nilai petroliam yang dijumpai dan diperolehi dalam kawasan perairan atau di luar perairan Negeri tersebut yang dijual oleh PETRONAS atau ejensi-ejensi atau kontrektor-kontrektornya".
- Tun Abdul Razak, Dewan Rakyat (12hb. November, 1975)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Women in Netherlands Prove Feminism Wrong

My mother took a KLM flight recently. During the flight, she had a chance to chat with one of the Dutch stewardesses. And, among the things she learned is that almost all of the stewardesses on board are part-timers. They all work for KLM but on part time basis. Meaning the KLM stewardesses were allowed to work less than 35 hours a week for KLM.

My mom also learned that most of these stewardesses opted for part time employment because they have more time to spend with their families and children. Given the reputation that Dutch women have, they are very family oriented and they place very heavy emphasis on taking care of their families.

It reminded me of an article in the Economist I once read that state Netherlands has the highest rate of women employment, but majority of women in Netherland’s workforce are part-time.

A few reports that i read maybe useful to bring light to this issue:

a. Dutch women settle for part-time work - Radio Netherlands

b. Part-time working in the Netherlands - Social and Cultural Planning Office of the Netherlands

Surprisingly, part-time employment for women are practiced not only in fringe industries orareas of the economy, but also in mainstream industries such as the KLM example I quoted above.
Why Feminism is Proved Wrong in Netherlands?

The Dutch adopt full gender equality policy when it comes to employment and salary. They do not discriminate against gender or even sexual preference. They even recognize gay marriage.

The Dutch also do not consider fornication or adultery as a form of felony. They are just like any other liberal country that adopts feminism as their ideology. In Netherlands the husband cannot stop his wife from having sex with another man. It is against the law for the husband to do that. They are that liberal.

However, in spite of all these liberties, Dutch women out of their own willingness chose to work Part-Time for the sake of caring for their children and families.

This destroys every single notion laid out by the feminists that women’s happiness is found outside of the home. This also destroys the myth that women have been traditionally oppressed and repressed because they are forced to be homemakers and not allowed to have any sort of careers.

The Dutch example proves that it is women’s nature to tend and care for the family. It means that all this while, women had CHOSEN out of their own willingness to be homemakers and not forced upon.

Next after Netherlands, it's Australia.

Malaysian Perspective

Ever noticed why our own feminist organization does not take the time to make real and beneficial like this? When was the last time you heard Sisters in Islam organized a seminar or conference on Part-Time employment for women?

Instead, they chose to organized seminar by inviting various “Islamic” scholars but completely bypassing scholars from Al Azhar.

I think mothers in Malaysia only have Muslimat PAS to really fight for their cause. Feminists in Malaysia do not really care about mothers. They only care about their liberal agenda.

In the case of Sisters in Islam, they only care about undermining Islam by advocating their “anti patriarchy” agenda.

Women in Malaysia must rise up and demand the right to work part time. It will increase women's participation in the workforce, plus it will help to reduce crime and deliquency since the family institutions will be better taken care of.

Also, with the advent of technology i.e. cellphones, faxes, broadband internet, blackbarries etc, part time employment for women can be done in the most efficient and effective way.

I mean if KLM stewardesses can work part-time, why can't Malaysian women/mothers?

Tulang Besi


zali said...

Parlimen Padang Serai, N.
Gobalakrishnan didakwa di Mahkamah
Majistret di sini hari ini di
bawah Seksyen 353 Kanun Keseksaan
kerana menghalang tugas penjawat

Kesalahan tersebut didakwa
dilakukan di hadapan Institut
Kemahiran Belia Negara (IKBN)
Kubang Semang dalam daerah
Seberang Prai Tengah kira-kira
pukul 11 pagi semalam. - Utusan

ai say man...meleset
plak...ingatkan dah kena :

seksyen 332 kanun keseksaan -
'dengan sengaja menyebabkan
cedera bagi menakutkan penjawat
awam daripada menjalankan

apa pun tahniah la hero tamil pas
nih...selamat jadi hero di asrama!

Forum Pakatan Rakyat said...

Sudah2 la tu zali...sy harap die dpt penghakiman dr mahkmah yg adil

Anonymous said...

si zali ni memang dari dulu kini selamanya pegampu..