“Indians came to Malaysia as beggars and Chinese especially the women came to sell their bodies”It’s a fact that ethnic Indian and Chinese are from India and China respectively, but not as beggars and to 'jual tubuh' (flesh trade). The statement of our lovely Prime Minister’s special officer Nasir Safar is humiliating Indians and Chinese in Malaysia. Nasif Safar released a grateful statement for the deal right after Najib back from China and India for business to urge them to come and invest in Malaysia.
The most shameful part was when the PM’s special aide rubbished all the MIC and MCA members in the hall when the time he released the racial slurs. Just imagine what the UMNO members are talking at the back. Shame on you! You are cheating millions of non-Malays with your empty 1Malaysia. Remember that the fact remains that without the Chinese and Indians Malaysia will still be a backward hamlet.
The Malays should be thankful for the other races for building up the country's economy to what it is today instead of being so inward looking & over defensive. Malaysian Indian and Chinese was the generator of the economy from those days until now. I hope Malays stand up on their own feet instead of clinging to the crutches if they want to be respected. What makes the Malays so special that they should be treated as more equal than other races.
I just wondering how could Malays are so poor whereas they are the majority, they have the largest market, they have the largest human capital and they have everything they want! Look at Robert Kuok, Ananda Krishanan, Vincent Tan, Tony Fernanderz, and lots more, all of them are from the minority ethnic Chinese and Indian. They are only few Malay millionaires in the list. Who to blame? Blame yourself!
Today, the Chinese and Indian families that already lived here in this land for several generations had been insulted terribly. This is what UMNO doing since long time ago, and definitely this is what MCA and MIC laps up, licking obediently from the floor that UMNO walks on. MIC and MCA members are paralysed by fear of the possible loss of patronage from their UMNO masters. These are Malaysian Chinese and Indians who will sell their dignity. I spit on them!
Such incident is not new in Malaysia. The racists are everywhere and grown by UMNO itself. 1Malaysia is just another lips service. Nasir Safar was sent by her boss Najib, how could Nasir says his view was not representing his boss? Isn’t it funny? This is 1Malaysia, stop the political gimmicks!