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"Mengikut Perjanjian itu, tiap-tiap Negeri akan menerima 5% daripada nilai petroliam yang dijumpai dan diperolehi dalam kawasan perairan atau di luar perairan Negeri tersebut yang dijual oleh PETRONAS atau ejensi-ejensi atau kontrektor-kontrektornya".
- Tun Abdul Razak, Dewan Rakyat (12hb. November, 1975)

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Anwar mengaku tidak bersalah

kemaskini 6:31pm Ketua umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mengaku tidak bersalah di Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur hari ini atas tuduhan melakukan hubungan seks di luar tabii dengan pembantunya Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan penghujung Jun lalu.

Pihak pendakwa tidak membantah Anwar dibenar ikat jamin dan mencadangkan ketua umum PKR itu dikenakan jaminan RM20,000 dan menyerahkan pasportnya.

Hakim SM Komathy kemudiannya membenarkan Anwar dibebaskan dengan bon peribadi sebanyak RM20,000 tanpa penjamin.

Hakim menambah, Anwar tidak perlu menyerahkan pasportnya kerana mahkamah yakin mantan timbalan perdana menteri itu tidak akan melarikan diri.

Beliau juga menetapkan kes itu disebut pada 10 September depan di Mahkamah Tinggi untuk menentukan tarikh perbicaraan.

Anwar dihadapkan ke mahkamah susulan laporan polis yang dibuat oleh Mohd Saiful pada 28 Jun.

pertuduhan terhadap anwar ibrahim 070808Menurut kertas pertuduhan terhadapnya (lihat carta), Anwar didakwa melakukan jenayah tersebut pada petang 26 Jun lalu di sebuah bilik di Desa Damansara Condominium, Bukit Damansara.

Jika disabitkan kesalahan bawah Seksyen 377B Kanun Keseksaan, Anwar boleh dikenakan hukuman penjara sehingga 20 tahun dan sebatan.

Beliau keluar dari mahkamah jam 11.10 pagi dengan disambut kira-kira 500 penyokongnya yang berada di beberapa tempat, termasuk di perkarangan kompleks mahkamah dan di luar pintu utama.

Anwar tiba di kompleks mahkamah itu pada jam 9.38 pagi tadi untuk menghadapi tuduhan liwat.

Sementara itu, seorang peguam bela Anwar, Sankara Nair berkata anak guamnya gembira dengan keputusan mahkamah membenarkan jaminan peribadi.

"Ini adalah kuasa mahkamah. Kali ini mahkamah mengambil keputusan yang kuat dan adil. Keputusan jaminan hari ini adil," katanya.

Peluang anak guamnya "bagus" jika sistem kehakiman berjalan adil, tambahnya.

Berdasarkan pertuduhan yang dibuat, Anwar mempunyai alibi kukuh, katanya.

"Kita ada alibi. (Perkara) ini telah diberitahu kepada polis apabila kenyataannya (Anwar) dirakam pada 16 Julai di balai (ibu pejabat polis Kuala Lumpur).

"Jadi, kami tidak faham kenapa dakwaan terhadap Anwar dibuat," kata Sankara.

Menurut peguam lagi, pada tanggal dan masa Anwar dituduh melakukan kesalah itu, anak guamnya berada di kondominium berkenaan bersama lebih kurang lima orang lagi.

"Beliau ada di tempat itu (Desa Damansara Condominium), tetapi ramai orang di sekelilingnya disebabkan mereka ada pertemuan.

"Beliau telah memberikan nama orang-orang itu dan polis telah merakamkannya," kata Sankara.

Ditanya kemungkinan Anwar menghadapi dakwaan lain, peguam itu berkata: "Kalau ada dakwaan, biasanya (dibuat) bersama."

Setakat ini, Anwar diwakili sembilan orang peguam, diketuai Sulaiman Abdullah.

Selain Sankara, peguam lain termasuklah Sivarasa Rasiah, Saiful Izham Ramli, Amer Hamzah, Edmund Bon dan Leela J Jesuthasan.

Kumpulan peguam ini mungkin bertambah, kata Sankara.

Turut hadir di mahkamah pagi ini, peguam-peguam pemerhati bagi pihak Majlis Peguam dan badan-badan hak asasi manusia yang berpejabat di Washington, Paris dan Bangkok.


Laporan ini adalah dari Kak Salwa isteri Abang Bakaq aka penarik beca

Abang Bakaq ditahan di kediaman beliau di Taman Koperasi Polis Fasa 1 kira-kira jam 11.00 malam tadi. Empat orang polis lelaki dan seorang polis wanita berpakaian preman memperkenalkan diri bahawa mereka dari Bukit Aman. Kata mereka “saya datang kerana ada orang buat laporan polis terhadap Abang Bakaq dan blog yang di tulis. Abang Bakaq minta waran tangkap dari polis berkenaan,kata salah seorang dari polis tadi bahawa”polis Malaysia tidak perlu waran”.Hebat juga polis Malaysia ni kan,mungkin terlalu banyak tengok filem-filem aksi polis dari Hong Kong kot?

Jam 02.37 petang Kak Salwa di hubungi oleh Blak di hadapan kami dan ini berita yang kami terima dan diberitahu melalui perbualan telefon antara Blak dan Kak Salwa.

Pagi tadi beliau di hantar ke Balai polis Sentul dan pada jam 9 pagi tadi beliau di bawa ke Commercial Crime Division. Menurut kata Puan Salwa,Abang Bakaq mungkin ditahan sehingga esok atau sehingga siasatan selesai dijalankan.

Semoga Abang Bakaq dan juga isterinya Kak Salwa, tabah mengharungi dugaan ini. Doa saya dan juga rakan-rakan bloggers yang lain turut mengiringi Abang Bakaq sekeluarga. Ramai juga

Bloggers yang datang tadi dan pengalaman baru Nora bila dapat bersua muka dan mengenali bloggers dengan lebih rapat lagi. Kiranya macam majlis suai kenal para bloggers lah ni.

Esok pula,Nora ada kes mahkamah yang melibatkan kejadian di IPK tempoh hari. Berita ini diberitahu oleh penjamin Nora iaitu Encik Norazaidi pada jam 03.05 minit petang tadi dan Nora juga mohon doa dari allah swt agar jauhkan diri dari di aniayai dan menganiayai orang lain.

Berita yang baru Nora terima dari Blak sebentar tadi,Abang Bakaq di tahan reman sehari lagi.

Solidariti untuk Bakaq a.k.a Penarik Beca

Pagi-pagi lagi aku dapat tahu dari member, brader Bakaq kita kena tangkap. Dari apa yang aku tahu, dia kena tangkap pasai menghasut. Hasut apa? Hasut suruh orang merusuh? Berdemo? Kalau hasut orang suruh tolak Umno..ada la... Yang tu, aku pun buat.

Memang patut pun kalau suruh orang tolak Umno sebab perangai depa makin lama dah jadi macam binatang. Tak dak akai.

Ramai member-member bagi tau kat aku suruh slow sikit... hati-hati. Come on , brader! ini masa untuk kita terus melawan. Dan kali ini, jangan harap blogger kutu berahak saja yang lawan, manakala kerajaan PR buat tak tau pulak!

Baru dua tiga hari sudah, aku dok bersembang dengan kepimpinan PR Perak. Sebelum pilihanraya ke12 dulu, blogger kutu berahak ni la yang banyak membantu PR menumbangkan Umno. Blogger kutu berahak ni la yang peghabih duit simpanan, gadai gelang bini, untuk membantu PR. Tapi bila dah menang, sapa pun tak pandang blogger kutu berahak macam kami!
Pada 29/6 lalu, PKR menganjurkan Ceramah Ketuanan Rakyat kat Stadium Perak. Anwar sepatutnya hadir diceramah tersebut tapi dah kena tuduh pulak. Nasib baik Nik Aziz dapat cover.

Dulu, kalau ada mesej yang nak disampaikan, blogger la yang tolong sampaikan, tapi bila menang, ada panggil blogger bila buat sidang media? Sebaliknya depa panggil NST, Star, semua akhbar MSM. Suratkhabar ni ada buat promosi ka? haram tak dak.. Yang dok tolong promosi ialah blogger yang tak diundang.

Bila tiba malam ceramah, ada pemberita Harakah yang aku kenal datang jumpa aku mengadu sebab tak dibenarkan masuk, pasai tak ada kad media. Aku sendiri tak dibenarkan masuk kegrandstand untuk tangkap gambar! Sedangkan reporter dari akhbar-akhbar BN seronok duduk ambil gambar kat grandstand. Aku yang duduk dalam jawatankuasa sambutan pun tak boleh masuk!

Esoknya, ada cerita yang keluar dalam NST? Star? Berita Harian? Yang keluar hanyalah cerita-cerita dari blogger yang terpaksa merempat.

Tak cukup dengan itu, ada pemimpin PR yang menuduh blogger sebagai tukang fitnah, tukang hasut. Apa salah Bakaq? Pasai dia tentang muzakarah Pas -Umno? Yang tu aku pun buat. Apakah pasai dia kritik kepimpinan dia, maka dia dikatakan menghasut?
Pemimpin PR mesti buat sesuatu. Aku nak tengok sama ada kepimpinan PR akan bantu Bakaq atau nak jadikan Bakaq seteru depa. Kalau kepimpinan PR buat tak tau saja kat Bakaq, aku pun akan buat tak tau kat hangpa.

Pada bloggers yang lain, ini masa kita untuk bantu brader kita. Sapa yang ada maklumat, tolong sebarkan. Kita kena buat sesuatu untuk bantu brader Bakaq.

-Exclusive by mat saman kati

Sodomy II strengthens Anwar's support for Permatang Pauh by-election

AUG 7 – Conspiracy or not, the latest sodomy charge against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today is definitely additional ammunition for his Permatang Pauh by-election campaign.

Already gaining support from many quarters who find it repulsive that the authorities are charging the former deputy prime minister with sodomy again, Anwar is not the only one who is facing pressure to exonerate himself. The onus will be on Barisan Nasional to explain its stand.

As the case will only be mentioned on Sept 10, Anwar has ample time to garner more sympathy votes from his former constituents, particularly the 17,000-strong Permatang Pauh Umno members. There are 58,459 voters in the constituency with some 68 per cent Malay voters.

Anwar's wife, three-term MP Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail, who vacated the seat to make way for her husband to contest won the recent general election with a 13,000-plus vote majority.

Anwar's aim to return to Parliament is also to strengthen his plan to entice BN MPs and state assemblymen to cross over to his Pakatan Rakyat side. Until now, he's technically a "nobody", just a de facto this and that.

But after Aug 26, barring any untoward incidents, he will make his comeback as a legitimate lawmaker. If the crossover occurs, he's all prepared to become the next Prime Minister – at least that's what his supporters want to believe.

Quick thinking from Pakatan Rakyat leaders also contributed to Anwar's campaign strategy. Today, DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang announced that the PKR de facto leader would officially take over as the Parliamentary Opposition leader after polling day.

"This was one of the decisions taken unanimously by Pakatan Rakyat leaders of PKR, Pas and DAP at a meeting last night," he said.

While BN is still searching for its most formidable candidate to face off against Anwar, the federal opposition has already won the battle of public relations. Judging by recent surveys on the unpopularity of Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Anwar is also expected to win the battle of perception.

It was victory over perception that gained the opposition five states and 83 parliamentary seats, denying BN a two-thirds majority, in the March 8 general election.

The Sodomy II allegations do not seem to have swayed the public perception against Anwar but rather remind them of the cruelty imposed on him a decade ago during Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's administration.

Even the man who sacked Anwar from his government in 1998 couldn't believe the same charge, albeit different circumstances, was being used against his former political nemesis.

"Can it be that the present government is so stupid and unimaginative as to use the same 'ploy', especially after it was so happy over the release of Anwar? Surely it could come up with another story which would be more credible if it is deliberately plotting or conspiring against Anwar,' Dr Mahathir wrote in his blog last month.

Perhaps that's the reason Penang Umno leaders declared recently that they would not resort to Sodomy II as part of their election campaign, knowing it could easily backfire against the federal ruling coalition.

However, as the state opposition leader Datuk Azhar Ibrahim said, he couldn't guarantee BN campaigners from outside Penang would not.

Judging by Anwar's popularity in communicating simple messages of hope, including promises to reduce fuel prices and improve the economy, at his recent political roadshows, it is not far-fetched to think that his hometown audience will also be receptive.

A quick trip to the Permatang Pauh area, both the rural and semi-rural Penanti and Permatang Pasir state constituencies, shows the slow but steady development over the past 30 years. The urban Seberang Jaya constituency is bustling with commercial activities. Even Penang's Universtiti Teknologi Mara is located here.

To many locals, these are Anwar's contributions since he became MP in 1982. Politically he has fended off strong Pas challenges when he was in the BN government. Even when he was in jail, his wife Dr Wan Azizah managed to hold the fort for three terms, turning a strong BN stronghold into the opposition's.

Last Sunday night Anwar visited the constituency again, sharing with them details of the Sodomy II allegations which touched the audience's heart and confirmed their belief that the former deputy prime minister is indeed a victim of political conspiracy.

Anwar who has been lenient on Abdullah, usually mocking him only for his economic policies, came out strong against the Prime Minister yesterday when he accused him of being personally responsible for Sodomy II.

The battle lines have been drawn. Seizing upon Abdullah's current unpopularity, Anwar is assembling all available resources to create an impact for his homecoming by-election. With DAP leading the Pakatan state government in Penang, Anwar is also expected to get the fullest support from the same voters who chose his wife as their MP as well as those who may want to change their mind after voting BN in the recent general election.


SAPP grouses about BN’s inaction over no-faith move

KOTA KINABALU, Aug 7 — Expecting to be sacked and be seen as heroes by the Sabah electorate, the Sabah Progressive Party expressed disappointment over the Barisan Nasional’s delay in deciding on the rebel party's status for not having confidence in Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's leadership.

SAPP president Datuk Yong Teck Lee has refused to quit the ruling coalition despite having no faith in the Prime Minister, putting the decision in the hands of an embattled Abdullah who has faced calls to quit after the BN's dismal performance in the March 8 elections where it lost four more states and its customary two-thirds parliamentary majority.

"The SAPP three-paragraph reply to the BN show-cause letter was so simple and clear because it was a mere reiteration of SAPP's loss of confidence in the PM announced on June 18 and endorsed by the supreme council on June 20. What is so complicated that the BN needs to study in detail?" Yong said in the statement issued late yesterday.

"Surely, the PM was stingy with the truth by saying that they (BN) need to study the SAPP letter in detail."

He said the party was "totally disappointed that the BN leadership has again put off a key decision affecting Sabah just in order for them to finish a by-election campaign (Permatang Puah) first".

"It shows that the BN has put their political interests above that of the people in Sabah," the former Sabah chief minister said.

But he vowed that SAPP will forge ahead to pursue its struggle based on its eight-point declaration and to fight against rapid rising costs that is causing hardship to the people

The tiny Chinese-based party contribute two MPs and four assemblymen under the BN banner. One of the Sabah assemblymen is a deputy chief minister in the Borneo state.

SAPP had decided on June 18 to either push or support a no-confidence motion against Abdullah but it turned out to be anti-climatic when both its lawmakers did not turn up for Parliament when it reconvened on June 24. Another attempt to support a Pakatan Rakyat motion failed in mid-July as it was rejected as it did not call for a vote.


BN tetap berusaha walau apa jua cabaran - Najib

KUALA LUMPUR: Barisan Nasional (BN) akan berusaha sedaya upaya untuk merampas semula kerusi Parlimen Permatang Pauh pada pilihan raya kecil 26 Ogos ini walaupun apa jua sentimen pengundi di kawasan itu, kata Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Najib yang juga Timbalan Presiden Umno berkata para pengundi di kawasan Parlimen itu wajar diberi pilihan dalam menentukan siapa yang mereka mahukan sebagai wakil mereka di Parlimen.

"Setiap kali ada pilihan raya kecil kita akan bertanding... tidak pernah BN tidak bertanding dalam pilihan raya kecil. Pengundi wajar diberi pilihan siapa yang mereka hendak sebagai wakil mereka," katanya ketika ditanya mengenai keyakinan BN untuk menawan kembali kerusi itu pada pilihan raya kecil nanti.

Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) semalam menetapkan penamaan calon bagi pilihan raya kecil Permatang Pauh pada 16 Ogos ini manakala pengundian pada 26 Ogos jika terdapat pertandingan.

Pilihan raya kecil itu diadakan berikutan tindakan Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail mengosongkannya bagi memberi peluang kepada suaminya Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim bertanding di situ.

Setakat ini BN belum mengumumkan nama calon yang akan bertanding menentang Anwar di kawasan berkenaan.

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi semalam mengumumkan bahawa nama calon hanya akan ditetapkan selepas perbincangan dengan Umno Bahagian Permatang Pauh.

-mSTAR Online

Back to the future, but better prepared this time

Anwar leaves the court surrounded by a sea of Pakatan Rakyat allies and supporters.
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 7 — Today must have seemed horribly familiar to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as he faced sodomy charges for the second time in 10 years.

But having faced it before in 1998, the veteran politician is now better armed to meet the latest onslaught of what he claims to be a malicious attempt to assassinate his character just as he is about to contest a by-election in Permatang Pauh, Penang which will likely pave his entry into Parliament.

"In this country, with this charge, nothing surprises me anymore," Anwar told reporters inside Sessions Criminal Court 1 at the Duta Court Complex here this morning.

"Until last night, the prime minister was still talking about rape. And now, it's consensual," he added, referring to the sodomy charge against him, made under Section 377B of the Penal Code, which refers to a charge of sodomy by consent. In Malaysia, sodomy, regardless of whether it is carried out between consenting adults or otherwise, is a crime.

"If it is consensual, both should be charged," Anwar contended. Calling the charge "ridiculous", he said that after 1998 nobody believes in the charge anymore, "except Dolah".

Meanwhile, Home Minister Datuk Syed Hamid Albar, at a press conference nearby the court complex, commented that Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, a 23-year-old former male aide, should not be charged because he was the complainant.

In response to the minister's statement, Anwar's lawyer Sankara Nair fired back: "In many cases, the complainant is lying. If a complainant is lying, he should be charged. So why in this case do we believe Saiful, but not Anwar?"

Anwar's courtroom drama today began a few minutes after 10am, when residing Sessions Court judge S.M. Komathy Suppiah stepped inside the smallish room crammed with lawyers, reporters and prominent members of Pakatan Rakyat, including the DAP’s Lim Kit Siang and his son Guan Eng; and Pas's Dr Lo' Lo' Ghazali, the MP for Titiwangsa, and Dr Dzulkifly Ahmad (Kuala Selangor MP).

When the court officer read the charge aloud to him, a smartly dressed and collected Anwar replied: "This is a malicious and treacherous slander. I am not guilty of the charge."

Speaking to reporters inside the courtroom while waiting for his release papers to be processed, he remarked on the difference.

"Before, when they charged me, I was in prison and had very limited access to lawyers," Anwar said in reference to Sodomy I.

Today, he has a battalion of lawyers at his disposal. The nine-member defence panel, led by an eloquent Sulaiman Abdullah, successfully argued their way to get him released on a personal bond without having to fork out any money or hand over his passport.

Anwar was amused by the prosecution's handling of the bail argument. They were unable to convince the judge why Anwar should not be allowed unconditional bail. Sulaiman had argued impassionatedly in support of his client's character and past co-operation with the police to assist in their investigations, which was attested by DSP Jude Pereira, the investigating officer in the Sodomy II case.

"I don't think they came prepared. I believe the A-G's Chambers are still under instructions. This is clearly a political game. The charge is clearly to embarrass me," said Anwar, adding "I'm not embarrassed by it."

Judge Komathy, in making her decision, said: "It is an elementary principle in the criminal justice process that a man is innocent until proven guilty. I do not think there is any likelihood that Datuk Seri will abscond. I'm going to release him on a personal bond for the sum of RM20,000 without surety."

The court gallery burst into raucous applause at her statement.

Anwar was pleased with the judge's decision. "She is a decent lady," he said, commenting on the way she had handled the court proceedings this morning, allowing both the prosecution and the defence team to argue the details of his bail.

Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail too commended the judge for her fairness, as did DAP supremo and Ipoh Timur parliamentarian Lim Kit Siang.

"I think it is as it should be," commented Lim senior to The Malaysian Insider on Komathy's decision to allow Anwar out on a personal bond for the sum of RM20,000 but without surety.

"Anwar should not have been charged in the first place. I will call on the Solicitor-General in the Attorney-General's Chambers to reconsider that they dump the prosecution altogether. It's not good for the country to have another cause celebre which puts our execution of justice in the dock," he added.

Gary Gray, a political officer holding a watching brief for the US Embassy here who was also in the courtroom, remarked: "We're obviously watching the case closely. We're very happy so long as the due process of law is followed."

However, Anwar himself at the end of today's court hearing, has already moved on to the next important step, campaigning in the upcoming Permatang Pauh by-election. Despite having the hometown advantage, he is not taking things lightly. He will be homeward bound this Saturday to begin what many are already calling the "Mother of All By-Elections".

klik picture to enlarge
Klik picture to enlarge.


Hasutan: Bakaq@~penarik beca ditahan

kemaskini 4:23pm Penulis blog Abu Bakar A Rashid ditahan dan disiasat bawah Akta Hasutan, dipercayai berhubung bahan-bahan tulisan di lamannya [ Penarik Beca ].

Malaysiakini petang ini difahamkan, beliau akan ditahan sehari lagi.

penarik beca sang kutu website blogspot 070808Abu Bakar, seorang wartawan sambilan, ditahan di rumahnya di Gombak menjelang tengah malam tadi oleh sekumpulan anggota polis, kata peguamnya Mohamed Hanipa Maidin.

Penulis itu, yang juga dikenali Bakar Haq, kemudian dibawa dan disiasat di ibu pejabat polis bahagian jenayah perdagangan, Kuala Lumpur hingga saat ini.

"Saya cuba menemui Abu Bakar tetapi tidak berjaya kerana pegawai penyiasat tidak membenarkan atas alasan masih dalam siasatan,” kata Mohamed Hanipa kepada Malaysiakini.

"Berikutan itu saya tidak tahu apakah tunduhan yang akan dikenakan ke atas Abu Bakar.

"Saya tidak tahu artikel mana yang didakwa mempunyai unsur hasutan itu dan siapa yang membuat laporan polis terhadap Abu Bakar."

Polis sebelum ini pernah menahan beberapa penulis blog termasuk pengendali Malaysia Today Raja Petra Kamarudin bagi siasatan bawah akta yang sama.

Mohamed Hanipa yang juga ahli jawatankuasa pusat PAS menambah, beliau juga tidak tahu sama ada Abu Bakar akan ditahan reman atau dibebaskan hari ini.

Peguam itu berkata lagi, penahanan Abu Bakar mungkin bermotifkan politik dan untuk menakut-nakutkan penulis blog.

"Tidak manis polis melakukan tangkapan waktu malam dan di rumah beliau pula.

"Sepatutnya polis memberi notis terlebih dahulu kepada Abu Bakar sebelum menahannya," katanya lagi.

Mohamed Hanipa berkata, penahanan tersebut bertentangan dengan janji perdana menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi untuk mewujudkan kebebasan bersuara di kalangan rakyat.


Liwat: Dr. Muhamad buat akuan bersumpah, pertahan hasil periksa Saiful

(Dikemas kini) KUALA LUMPUR: Dr. Muhamad Osman Abdul Hamid dari Hospital Pusrawi, doktor pertama yang memeriksa Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, pula mengeluarkan akuan bersumpah dengan mempertahankan hasil pemeriksaannya ke atas bekas pembantu peribadi, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim itu.

Ia merupakan akuan bersumpah ketiga melibatkan isu kontroversi dalam negara sejak dua bulan lalu, selepas dua yang sebelum ini berkaitan dengan kes pembunuhan wanita Mongolia.

Sambil menegaskan beliau mempunyai pengalaman lebih 30 tahun dalam bidang perubatan, Dr. Muhamad Osman, rakyat Myanmar berkata, Saiful pada peringkat awal telah diserah untuk menemui seorang doktor wanita.

Bagaimanapun oleh kerana Saiful mahu dia hanya diperiksa doktor lelaki, dia diserahkan kepada Dr. Muhamad Osman.

"Melalui pengalaman saya, saya telah berhadapan dengan banyak kes yang serupa, yang diadu oleh pesakit (Saiful) dan oleh itu, saya telah menjalankan pemeriksaan yang sesuai ke atas pesakit dan saya telah merekodkan penemuaan-penemuaan saya dalam fail pemeriksaan perubatan standard hospital," kata beliau dalam akuan bersumpah bertarikh 1 Ogos lalu.

Akuan bersumpah itu ditandatangan di hadapan Pesuruhjaya Sumpah, Mohd. Annuar Mohd. Salleh.

Kata Dr. Muhamad Osman, kemudiannya beliau difahamkan fail pemeriksaan perubatan ke atas Saiful telah disebarkan dalam media dan internet.

"Saya terkejut dan hairan apabila mengetahui fail perubatan dengan kandungan yang sama tanpa sebarang pindaan ditemui dalam media," katanya lagi.

Kata Dr. Muhamad Osman, beliau mengetahui sebaran laporan itu selepas mula bercuti.

Dr. Muhamad Osman bercuti selama dua minggu dan sepatutnya kembali kerja pada Isnin lalu tetapi pengurusan Hospital Pusrawi memaklumkan beliau tidak kembali melaporkan diri sehingga semalam.

"Untuk rekod, bagaimanapun, saya ingin mengesahkan bahawa saya perdirian teguh dengan penemuan-penemuan saya (ke atas Saiful)," katanya.

Pada minggu lalu, Hospital Pusrawi menjelaskan Dr. Muhamad Osman hanya melakukan pemeriksaan biasa terhadap Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan tetapi bukan aspek yang berkaitan liwat.

Malah, pusat perubatan swasta itu turut menafikan ia pernah mengeluarkan sebarang maklumat rasmi mengenai laporan perubatan Mohd Saiful yang mengadu telah diliwat bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Pengarah Pusrawi, Wan Mahmood Wan Yaacob berkata, Dr. Muhamad Osman merupakan seorang pegawai perubatan am yang bertugas di klinik kemalangan dan kecemasan hospital itu dan bukannya seorang doktor pakar.

“Dr. Mohamad Osman telah menasihatkan pesakit Mohd. Saiful supaya diperiksa lanjut oleh doktor pakar di hospital kerajaan.

“Tidak ada pemeriksaan dilakukan selanjutnya berkaitan dengan aduan liwat,” kata beliau ketika membacakan kenyataan lima perenggan.

Pusrawi melahirkan pandangan selepas kelmarin laporan perubatan yang tidak disahkan daripada hospital itu mendedahkan pemeriksaan ke atas Mohd Saiful, 23, empat jam selepas beliau membuat laporan polis terhadap Anwar pada 28 Jun, didakwa tidak mempunyai bukti berlakunya perbuatan liwat.

Dalam akuan bersumpah itu, Dr. Muhamad Osman memberitahu, beliau tidak tahu siapa yang membocorkan laporan pemeriksaan ke atas Saiful.

Katanya lagi, pada awal bulan lalu, beliau telah dikunjungi seorang pegawai polis bernama ASP Rosmi Mat Derus dari Cawangan Jenayah, Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Brickfields.

"Saya telah ditemu siasat dan disoal berkaitan dengan perkara-perkara menyentuh pemeriksaan perubahan pesakit (Saiful), yang saya telah memberikan kerjasama yang baik," katanya.

Kenyataan itu ditulis dengan tangan dan apabila ia ditaip beberapa fakta yang tidak dibincangkan telah disertakan dalam kenyataan yang ditaip.

Dr. Muhamad Osman menyebut bahawa beberapa perenggan pada muka terakhir telah dimasukkan menggunakan Bahasa Malaysia.

Beliau berkata, pertemuan kedua polis itu disusuli dengan kunjungan DSP Choo dari Bahagian Jenayah, Ibu Pejabat Kontinjen Kuala Lumpur.

Dr. Muhamad Osman memberitahu, memandangkan keselamatan diri dan keluarnya beliau memutuskan untuk kembali ke Myanmar - kira-kira seminggu selepas kunjungan DSP.

-mSTAR Online

TP - klik [ sini ] untuk dokumen akuan bersumpah Dr.Muhamad Osman

Sebutir Peluru Hidup dan Ucap Selamat Hari Jadi

ADA dua perkara yang mungkin tidak disedari oleh ribuan mereka yang berhimpun di kompleks Mahkamah Jalan Duta hari ini untuk memberi sokongan moral kepada Anwar Ibrahim dan sekaligus mengecam tindakan pendakwaan ke atasnya berhubung kes liwat yang dilihat sebagai sengaja untuk menganggui prosesnya perjalanannya menunju ke Parlimen.

Dalam keadaan berasakan di kompleks berkenaan berlaku sebaik Anwar keluar dari mahkamah untuk pulang tiba-tiba sebutir peluru (dipercayai pistol) telah terjatuh dekat arah Nurul Izzah dan bergolek menghampiri kaki ibunya Dr Wan Aizzah Ismail yang juga sedang mengiring Anwar untuk keluar.

Kehadiran perluru berkenaan menjadi tanda tanya, apakah ianya sengaja dilempar ataupun tercicir dari mana-mana anggota polis atau mereka yang membawa senjata berkenaan? Kejadian ini turut disedari oleh ahli Parliemn Batu, Tian Chua yang kemudian memaklumkan kepada polis untuk mengambil dan menyiasatnya!

Sementara itu di dalam mahkamah semasa prosiding berlangsung, hakim SM Komathy Suppiah secara tidak sengaja atau sedar telah mengucapkan selamat hari jadi kepada Anwar Ibrahim. Kejadian ini berlaku ketika hakim berkenaan menyemak butiran diri Anwar dan menyedari mengenai hari jadi anwar jatuh pada 10 Ogos. 10 Ogos nanti Anwar genap 62 tahun.

"Selamat hari jadi," begitulah kira-kira lapaz hakim berkenaan kepada Anwar.

Tanpa prejudis kalau sifat hakim berkenaan ia memberi gambaran bahawa beliau seorang yang berpegang kepada fakta dan peka dengan tarikh. Apakah dengan memberi gambaran mesra begitu hakim berkenaan tidak akan melakukan tindakan ataupun aksi-aksi yang pernah berlaku ke atas hakim yang membiarkan Anwar dalam kes seumpama itu sebelum ini?

Dan semasa berarak untuk peluang saya berjumpa dengan seorang peguam senior yang mengenali hakim berkenaan. Peguam ini membuat sedikit ulasan dan memberi pandangannya berdasarkan pengalaman mengenai hakim itu.

Biarlah saya tidak mencatat apa-apa di sini tentang apa yang diucapkan itu bagi mengelakkan timbul prejudis. Tegasnya bagi saya ulasan peguam berkenaan memberikan harapan tinggi bahawa proses perbicaraan kelak (kalau berlaku) ianya tidak akan meributkan! Dan memang menjadi harapan semua agar Anwar mendapat keadilan. Keadilan paling awal ialah dengan membuang atau pun membatalkan pendakwaan berkenaan!


DSAI di Mahkamah

Assalamua'laikum to all,

DSAI telah dibawa ke Mahkamah Sesyen Jenayah 1 di Tingkat 4 Kompleks Mahkamah Jln Duta. KL. Keadaan penuh sesak. Tuduhan Seksyen 377B Kanun Keseksaan telah dibaca yang DSAI meliwat Saiful pada 26 Jun 2008 jam 3-4pm di Desa Damansara Kondominium.

Peguamcara Negara Dato Idrus Harun menawarkan jaminan sebanyak RM20,000-00. Peguam utama Hj Sulaiman membantah dan memohon DSAI dilepaskan atas bon peribadi.

Hakim Puan S.M. Komathy Suppiah bertanya kepada Pegawai Penyiasat DSP Jude Pereira yang memberitahu Mahkamah DSAI telah memberikan kerjasama yang baik sepanjang siasatan.

Hakim Puan Komathy bertanya kepada Peguamcara Negara apa komen beliau tentang S. 388 Kanun Acara Jenayah untuk melepaskan DSAI atas bon peribadi. Dato' Idrus tak berikan sebarang ulasan cuma menyatakan pertuduhan di bawah Seksyen 377B adalah tidak boleh dijamin terutamanya kes ini adalah serius.

YA Puan Komathy menyatakan bahawa prinsip perundangan ialah seseorang dianggap tidak bersalah selagi tidak dubuktikan. Oleh itu Hakim membenarkan DSAI dilepaskan dengan bon peribadi RM20,000-00. Bon peribadi maknanya seseorang tu tak perlu berikan duit kecuali kalau dia gagal hadir pada tarikh yang ditetapkan.

Sebenarnya ini satu sejarah kerana jarang kes seumpama ini diberikan bon peribadi. Saya rasakan Hakim Puan Komathy ni agak berani. Tapi apa yang dibuat adalah menurut undang-undang.

So all out nampak kita di Permatang Pauh.


-Zulkifli Noordin

Liwat: Doktor Pusrawi pertahan laporan

Dalam akuan bersumpahnya yang bertarikh pada 1 Ogos lalu, Dr Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid berkata, beliau tetap berpegang kepada hasil pemeriksaannya ke atas Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

Dr Mohamed Osman yang memeriksa Saiful beberapa jam sebelum dia (Saiful) membuat laporan polis, berkata beliau tetap berpegang dengan hasil pemeriksaannya itu.

saiful bukhari pusrawi hospitalPada 28 Jun lalu, Saiful membuat pemeriksaan kesihatan di Hospital Pusrawi dan kemudiannya di Hospital Kuala Lumpur, sebelum membuat laporan polis, mendakwa dia diliwat oleh ketua Umum PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Di Pusrawi, Saiful diperiksa oleh Dr Mohamed Osman. Dalam laporan perubatannya, yang dibocorkan kepada pihak media, doktor tersebut menyatakan beliau tidak menemui sebarang bukti berlaku liwat.

Dr Mohamed Osman juga mendakwa beberapa perenggan dan perkataan telah ditambah kepada kenyataannya kepada polis berkaitan perkara sebut.

Sebelum ini, Hospital Pusrawi menyatakan bahawa Dr Mohamad Osman tidak membuat sebarang pemeriksaan berkaitan liwat ke atas Saiful.

Tersebar di media

Dalam akuan bersumpahnya itu, Dr Mohamed Osman berkata, Saiful pada mulanya menemui seorang doktor wanita tetapi kemudiannya dirujukkan kepada beliau kerana Saiful mahu diperiksa oleh doktor lelaki.

Katanya, berdasarkan pengalamannya, beliau pernah berdepan dengan ramai pengadu seumpama itu. Oleh itu, beliau menjalankan peperiksaan yang sesuai ke atas pesakit tersebut.

Dr Mohamed Osman berkata, beliau telah menjalankan pemeriksaan rektum dan mencatatkan laporannya dalam 'folder pemeriksaan perubatan standard' Hospital Pusrawi.

Katanya, beliau kemudiannya terperanjat apabila mendapat tahu bahawa laporan pemeriksaan tersebut telah tersebar luas dalam media dan internet.

Menurutnya lagi, beliau hanya mengetuai tentang kebocoran laporan perubatan tersebut selepas beliau pergi bercuti. Menurut pihak hospital tersebut, Dr Mohamed Osman bercuti sejak pertengahan bulan Julai lalu.

Sehubungan itu, Dr Mohamed Osman menegaskan bahawa beliau tidak tahu siapakah yang bertanggungjawab membocorkan laporan tesebut kepada sebarang pihak ketiga.

Dalam akuan bersumpahnya itu juga, beliau mencerita tentang tiga pertemuannya dengan dua pegawai polis yang mengambil kenyataannya.

Laporan bertaip

Katanya, pada bulan Julai 2008, kenyataannya diambil oleh ASP Rosmi Mat Derus dari jabatan siasatan jenayah (CID) balai polis Brickfields.

Menurutnya, ASP Rosmi menulis kenyataannya, setebal kira-kira sembilan atau sepuluh halaman, dalam bahasa Malaysia dan membawa salinan yang telah ditaip pada minggu berikutnya untuk ditandatanganinya.

Dr Mohamed Osman mengakui bahawa beliau tidak memahami kebanyakan yang ditulis dalam kenyataan tersebut, kerana beliau tidak fasih berbahasa Malaysia.

Bila ditunjukkan salinan kenyataan yang bertaip itu, beliau terpaksa membuat pindaan-pindaan dengan bantuan pegawai polis berkenaan.

Katanya, beliau bertanya mengapa nama Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim terdapat pada beberapa perenggan, sedangkan ia telah pernah disebut sepanjang beliau memberi kenyataan, atau pun diberitahu oleh pesakit (Saiful) identiti orang yang didakwa melakukannya.

Katanya, ASP Rosmi menjawab Anwar adalah tertuduh dan menganggap ketika itu, beliau (Dr Mohamed Osman) sudah pun tahu yang Anwar adalah orang yang dituduh selepas membaca akhbar.

Menurut Dr Mohamed Osman lagi, seminggu kemudiannya, DSP Choo dari bahagian CID balai polis Dang Wangi, juga mengambil kenyataannya.

Kes berprofail tinggi

Katanya, pegawai berkenaan memintanya menceritakan semuanya sekali lagi, dan beliau menceritakan semua yang diketahuinya secara terperinci mengenai keseluruhan prosedur berkaitan dengan pemeriksaan yang dijalankan ke atas pesakit tersebut.

Menurutnya, mereka berbicara dalam bahasa Inggeris dan DSP Choo menulisnya dalam Bahasa Malaysia.

Kenyataan bertulis tersebut kemudiannya diterjemah kepadanya dalam bahasa Inggeris dan beliau kemudiannya diminta menandatangani empat hingga lima halaman.

Menurutnya lagi, di peringkat permulaannya, DSP Choo memberi tanggapan bahawa beliau akan didakwa jika enggan bekerjasama dengan pihak polis.

Katanya, siasatan polis yang berterusan serta kes berprofail tinggi itu, begitu mengganggunya sehingga beliau bimbang dengan keselamatan dirinya dan keluarganya.

Kira-kira seminggu selepas pertemuan kali ketiga dengan pihak polis, beliau memohon untuk bercuti dan meninggalkan Malaysia bersama keluarganya.

Dr Mohamed Osman dijadual kembali semula bertugas di Hospital Pusrawi pada 1 Ogos - kebetulan pada hari dia menandatangani akuan bersumpahnya - tetapi tidak dapat dihubungi.

Semalam, Mstar online memetik Pengarah Hospital Pusrawi, Dr Kamaruddin Ahmad sebagai berkata, Dr Mohamed Osman mungkin bimbang untuk kembali bertugas.

Abdullah loses more with sodomy case

AUG 7 — When Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim lashed out at Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and accused him of engineering the sodomy charge against him to shore up his frail political position in Malaysia, he was only half correct.

That Abdullah is not in a good spot is without doubt. Only 43 per cent of Malaysians approve of his performance, down from the dizzy heights of 91 per cent when he led the Barisan Nasional to victory in the March 2004 general election, a recent survey by the Merdeka Centre indicates.

He presides over an economy that is slowing; over a population that it deeply polarised along racial and political lines and over a country that is unsure how to navigate the new contours of freedom and space.

But the numbers also show that Abdullah has more to lose than gain by seeing Anwar dragged to court. A dipstick survey of 352 Malays over the weekend showed that 70 per cent of those polled did not think that any benefits will flow to PM even if Anwar was charged and convicted of sodomising his former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

Their sentiment is not surprising given the residual suspicion of the Sodomy I case 10 years ago and the systematic manner in which Anwar's camp has managed to paint the fresh sodomy investigation as another attempt to keep him from claiming the top political prize in the country. Never mind that some of his statements have a sniff of hyperbole.

The dipstick survey shows that 72 per cent of respondents do not believe that Anwar sodomised Saiful and 69 per cent would not support the decision to arrest and charge the former deputy prime minister with sodomy.

The sample size of 352 is too small for it to be representative of the thinking of the majority but it gives an indication of the views held by some Malays. Against this backdrop, Umno politicians also know that Abdullah could end up being the big loser when the court room drama unfolds.

A Cabinet minister wondered: "We don't really need this at this time. Why didn't Pak Lah just indicate to the authorities that he did not want this case to proceed.''

Abdullah's supporters said that the PM has tried to keep an arm's length from the police investigation into the case, not wanting to intervene when government officials and Cabinet colleagues complained about the slow pace of the police probe and the seeming disregard by the police for the need to win the public relations battle.

When the Attorney-General's Chambers decided to charge Anwar today, several government officials sighed. They wondered why the authorities summoned him to court a day after the Election Commission had set Aug 26 for the Permatang Pauh by-election. They argued that this would only reinforce the perception that the timetable of the case was being dictated by political considerations.

Would it not be better if the court date was pushed back? they asked. Abdullah listened and appears to have done little else.

A senior Umno official told The Malaysian Insider: "The PM believes that based on the evidence provided, this is the right thing to do. This is not about political points.''


Liwat: Anwar mengaku tidak bersalah, bebas dengan bon peribadi

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim melambaikan tangan kepada kira-kira 2,000 penyokongnya ketika meninggalkan perkarangan
mahkamah pagi ini. -foto REUTERS

(Mutakhir) KUALA LUMPUR: Bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mengaku tidak bersalah di Mahkamah Sesyen di sini hari ini terhadap tuduhan melakukan seks luar tabii terhadap bekas pembantu peribadinya, Mohamad Saiful Bukhari Azlan pada Jun lepas.

Anwar, 60, dituduh melakukan perbuatan itu terhadap Saiful, 23, pada antara 3.01 petang dan 4.30 petang 23 Jun 2008 di unit 1151 Desa Damansara Condominium, No 99, Jalan Setiakasih Bukit Damansara di sini.

Pertuduhan adalah mengikut Seksyen 377B Kanun Keseksaan yang membawa hukuman penjara sehingga 20 tahun dan sebat.

Anwar dibebaskan atas bon peribadi RM20,000.

Menurut peguam Anwar, Sankara Nair, Anwar ada alibi yang kukuh pada masa kejadian (26 Jun) pada jam 3 petang seperti yang didakwa oleh pembantunya, Saiful.

Dalam pada itu, Anwar memberi kenyataan kepada media bahawa beliau gembira dibebaskan dan menegaskan pertuduhan yang dikenakan ke atas beliau adalah pertuduhan jahat Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

"Saya gembira untuk dibebaskan dan ingin saya tegaskan pendakwaan ke atas saya hari ini berniat jahat dan dirancang oleh Abdullah," ujar Anwar.

Laungan "reformasi" bergema sebaik sahaja Anwar memberikan kenyataannya.

Kes itu akan disebut semula pada 10 September dan kemungkinan akan dipindahkan ke Mahkamah Tinggi.

Anwar meninggalkan perkarangan mahkamah pada pukul 11.35 pagi sementara di luar mahkamah, kira-kira 2,000 penyokong Anwar mula bersorak dengan laungan "reformasi".

Terdahulu, Anwar tiba di mahkamah Jalan Duta pukul 9.42 pagi tadi.

Dalam pada itu tinjauan mStar Online pada 7.30 pagi mendapati unit polis trafik mengawal lalu lintas sejak pagi tadi di sekitar jalan menuju ke mahkamah.

Sementara itu di hadapan masuk, pasukan FRU mula mengambil tempat berkawal di perkarangan mahkamah. Para wartawan sudah berkumpul di luar mahkamah.

Anwar diwakili pasukan sembilan peguam termasuk R. Sivarasa, Sankara Nair, Saiful Izham Ramli dan Sulaiman Abdullah.

Anwar dijangka didakwa di bawah Seksyen 377A ataupun Seksyen 377C Kanun Keseksaan, berkaitan dengan perbuatan persetubuhan yang bertentangan dengan aturan tabii.

Jika sabit kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 377A, tertuduh boleh dihukum penjara maksimum 20 tahun dan dirotan manakala Seksyen 377C pula membawa hukuman tidak kurang lima tahun dan tidak lebih 20 tahun dan boleh dikenakan hukuman dirotan.

Seksyen 377A dan 377C tidak membenarkan jamin diberikan. Bagaimanapun di bawah Seksyen 388 Kanun Prosedur Jenayah, mahkamah boleh membenarkan jamin.

Semalam, di satu sidang akhbar dengan ditemani ahli keluarga termasuk isteri Datuk Seri Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail dan beberapa pemimpin PKR dan pasukan peguamnya, Anwar memberitahu, beliau menerima sapina daripada polis kira-kira sejam selepas Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) mengumumkan tarikh pilihan raya kecil Parlimen Permatang Pauh.

Sehubungan itu, Anwar yang juga Penasihat PKR berkata, beliau tetap akan bertanding dalam pilihan raya kecil tersebut walaupun ditahan dalam lokap sementara menanti perbicaraan kelak.

  • Kronologi detik Anwar muncul di mahkamah hari ini
  • Penyerahan sapina terhadap Anwar tidak dirancang
  • Abdullah nafi dakwaan Anwar pengaruhi siasatan polis

  • -mSTAR Online

    Statement of Pakatan Rakyat Leadership Council

    7th August 2008, 9:30 am, High Court, Jalan Duta, KL

    The Pakatan Rakyat Leadership Council held a special meeting last night (6 August 2008). We reached the following agreements:

    a) We consider that the case against Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim is blatant political persecution, and that it is not only Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim being tried but the whole nation is on trial.

    b) In case of Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim is detained or denied bail, then Datuk Seri Wan Azizah, the PKR President will act as coordinator for the council.

    c) We fully endorsed Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim as the Pakatan candidate in the Permatang Pauh by-election and we will form a joint machinery to give him our fullest support.

    d) We agreed that when Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim successful in entering the Parliament, he will be proposed to be the Opposition Leader effective on 27 August 2008.

    YBhg Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail (President KeADILan)

    YB Dato' Husam Musa (Vice President PAS)

    YB Lim Guan Eng (Secretary General DAP)

    Anwar charged, out on RM20,000 bail

    KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 7 — Eight years and one day shy of his first sodomy conviction, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim again denied another similar accusation today when he was charged for having carnal intercourse against the order of nature at the Sessions Criminal Court 1.

    Sessions Court judge S.M. Komathy Suppiah allowed Anwar to be released on a personal bond set at RM20,000 without surety after his defence lawyers pleaded for him to be released on personal bond under Section 388 (ii) of the Criminal Procedure Code while the prosecution argued for bail to be set at RM20,000. The judge set mention of the case for Sept 10.

    Anwar's legal team comprises lead counsel Sulaiman Abdullah, R. Sivarasa, Sankara Nair, Saiful Izham Ramli, Leela Jeyaman Jesuthasan, Edmund Bon, Amer Hamzah Arshad, Lateefah Koya, Mohd Razlan Jelaludin. The prosecution is led by Mohd Yusuf Zainal Abiden, the Attorney-General’s Chambers prosecution chief, and Solicitor-General Datuk Idris Harun.

    Holding watching brief for the Bar Council are George Varghese and Rajpal Singh. For the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), Forum Asia and the Human Rights Watch are lawyers Roger Chen Weng Keng and Sahadeva.

    Anwar was charged following a complaint by 23-year-old Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, his former aide. The charge carries a punishment of 20 years’ imprisonment and possibly whipping if found guilty.

    A big crowd and heavy police presence as Anwar arrives in court. — Pictures by Choo Choy May


    Chronology of Anwar’s tumultuous decade

    AUG 7 — Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has had a roller-coaster political career from a decade ago — sacked as deputy prime minister, jailed on corruption and sodomy charges, and then returning to the political stage.

    Here is a chronology of recent events:

    Sept 2, 1998: Anwar Ibrahim, then deputy to Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, is sacked and slapped with sodomy and corruption charges that he said were politically motivated.

    April 14, 1999: Found guilty of corruption and sentenced to six years in jail.

    Aug 8, 2000: Found guilty of sodomy and sentenced to nine years in prison.

    Sept 2, 2004: Released after Malaysia's highest court overturns sodomy conviction.

    March 8, 2008: Leads a resurgent opposition to stunning victories in general elections, seizing five states and a third of parliamentary seats

    April 14, 2008: Ban on holding public office, relating to his corruption conviction, expires.

    June 28, 2008: Mohamad Saiful Bukhari Azlan, a 23-year-old male aide, lodges a police report claiming Anwar sodomised him.

    July 16, 2008: Anwar arrested amid a tussle over fixing a date for police interrogation, and spends night in custody before being released.

    July 31: Announces he will contest parliament by-election for the Permatang Pauh consituency in his home state of Penang, after his wife resigns the seat to make way for him.

    Aug 6: Anwar says he will be charged with sodomy the following day.

    Aug 6: Election Commission officials announce Aug 26 by-election date.


    Meliwat: Anwar didakwa pukul 10 pagi ini, dibela sembilan peguam

    (Dikemas kini) PETALING JAYA: Bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berkata, beliau akan hadir di Mahkamah Majistret Kuala Lumpur pagi ini untuk menghadapi tuduhan meliwat.

    "Esok saya akan menghadapi pertuduhan fitnah yang saya tidak lakukan, tuduhan yang digunakan untuk aibkan sama seperti pada tahun 98 dan 99," kata beliau pada sidang akhbar kira-kira pukul 3.15 petang semalam di Ibu Pejabat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) di sini.

    Dalam pada itu tinjauan mStar Online pada 7.30pagi mendapati unit polis trafik mengawal lalu lintas sejak pagi tadi di sekitar jalan menuju ke mahkamah.

    Sementara itu di hadapan masuk, pasukan FRU mula mengambil tempat berkawal di perkarangan mahkamah. Para wartawan sudah berkumpul di luar mahkamah.

    Anwar akan diwakili pasukan sembilan peguam termasuk R. Sivarasa, Sankara Nair, Saiful Izham Ramli dan Sulaiman Abdullah.

    Anwar dijangka didakwa di bawah Seksyen 377A ataupun Seksyen 377C Kanun Keseksaan, berkaitan dengan perbuatan persetubuhan yang bertentangan dengan aturan tabii.

    Jika sabit kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 377A, tertuduh boleh dihukum penjara maksimum 20 tahun dan dirotan manakala Seksyen 377C pula membawa hukuman tidak kurang lima tahun dan tidak lebih 20 tahun dan boleh dikenakan hukuman dirotan.

    Seksyen 377A dan 377C tidak membenarkan jamin diberikan. Bagaimanapun di bawah Seksyen 388 Kanun Prosedur Jenayah, mahkamah boleh membenarkan jamin.

    Semalam, di satu sidang akhbar dengan ditemani ahli keluarga termasuk isteri Datuk Seri Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail dan beberapa pemimpin PKR dan pasukan peguamnya, Anwar memberitahu, beliau menerima sapina daripada polis kira-kira sejam selepas Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) mengumumkan tarikh pilihan raya kecil Parlimen Permatang Pauh.

    Sehubungan itu, Anwar yang juga Penasihat PKR berkata, beliau tetap akan bertanding dalam pilihan raya kecil tersebut walaupun ditahan dalam lokap sementara menanti perbicaraan kelak.

    Dengan suara yang kelihatan 'agak sedih' di peringkat awal ketika membacakan kenyataan akhbar yang disediakan, Ketua Umum Pakatan Rakyat itu mengulangi bahawa tuduhan yang bakal hadapi esok - kali kedua dalam tempoh 10 tahun - merupakan satu lagi konspirasi politik kerajaan.

    "Keputusan (membawa ke mahkamah) tidak mungkin berlaku tanpa arahan peribadi Perdana Menteri.

    "Saya mendapat maklumat siasatan (dakwaan meliwat ini) menghadapi banyak masalah kerana tidak cukup bukti," katanya.

    Anwar menambah, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi menggunakan kesnya itu untuk mengalih perhatian daripada masalah-masalah yang dihadapinya.

    "Hari ini Perdana Menteri ada krisis kepimpinan dan keyakinan semakin merudum," katanya lagi.

    Terdahulu, Ketua Jabatan Jenayah Bukit Aman, Datuk Bakri Zinin mengesahkan bahawa pegawai penyiasatnya, ASP Jude Pereira telah pergi ke rumah Anwar untuk menyampaikan sapina tersebut.

    Ketika ditanya apakah kandungan sapina berkenaan, Bakri bagaimanapun enggan mengulas.

    "Maaf saya tidak boleh mendedahkan apa kandungan sapina tersebut," kata beliau ketika dihubungi mStar Online hari ini.

    -mSTAR Online

    Sufiah setuju rawatan Islam

    Sufiah setuju rawatan IslamKUALA LUMPUR: Wanita genius matematik, Sufiah Yusof, 23, yang terjerumus ke kancah pelacuran akhirnya bersetuju menerima pelawaan Kumpulan Penyokong dan Pengasuh Profesional Islam (Pisang) menjalani rawatan mengikut kaedah Islam untuk kembali ke pangkal jalan, sekitar Oktober depan.

    Pengarah Perancangan dan Strategi Pisang, Hanafi Abdul Malek, berkata persetujuan Sufiah menemui wakil Pisang bagi mengikuti sesi kaunseling dan rawatan selepas Aidilfitri ini, membuka laluan untuk membantu wanita itu yang kini menjadi pelacur kelas atasan di kota London.

    Menurutnya, Pisang sentiasa menggunakan pendekatan tidak mendesak atau memaksa yang mungkin menyebabkan Sufiah terpanggil untuk berjumpa wakil kumpulan itu sekali lagi selepas pertemuan pertama April lalu bagi menjalankan rawatan komprehensif merangkumi kaunseling dan perubatan Islam.

    Katanya, Pisang akan menjalankan rawatan secara kaunseling dan rawatan berlandaskan hukum agama terhadap Sufiah iaitu dengan perubatan ruqyah menggunakan bacaan al-Quran dan doa supaya wanita berketurunan Melayu itu meninggalkan kerjaya mengaibkan itu.

    “Kita menggunakan doa yang disertai kaunseling agar dapat melembutkan hati Sufiah selain memujuknya tanpa gopoh. Dia seorang wanita dewasa yang pintar, sudah tentu kita tak boleh sewenang-wenang memarahi atau mendesaknya.

    “Kalau dulu dia langsung tidak mahu berkomunikasi dengan sesiapa walaupun melalui e-mel, alhamdulillah dia kini sudah mula menghantar e-mel kepada kami,” katanya yang baru selesai menghadiri majlis perasmian ibu pejabat Pisang di Kota Kinabalu, semalam.

    Menurutnya, Pisang juga menyediakan perkhidmatan merawat mereka yang terkena sihir, khidmat kaunseling dan bimbingan menggunakan kaedah rawatan Islam selain perkhidmatan penerbitan dan penterjemahan.

    Hanafi yang juga Pengerusi Yayasan Sahabat Insan dan Iman Malaysia (Sidim), berkata tidak adil bagi mana-mana pihak memarahi atau menghukum Sufiah kerana setiap manusia pernah melakukan kesalahan.

    Malah, katanya, Sufiah terharu dan gembira apabila pihak Pisang dan Kesatuan Melayu United Kingdom sudi membantunya secara sukarela selain sentiasa memahami situasi yang dilaluinya.

    Dalam pertemuan terakhir dengan Sufiah April lalu, wanita itu turut terharu apabila diberitahu masyarakat negara ini sentiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan dan mengikuti perkembangannya di London sejak dia diterima memasuki Universiti Oxford pada usia 13 tahun.

    “Kami tidak pernah mendesak Sufiah, sebaliknya memahami masalah dihadapinya serta memberikan ruang kepadanya sehingga beliau benar-benar bersedia.

    “Sufiah dapat menerima kehadiran kami kerana kami tidak pernah memarahi atau mengutuknya seperti dilakukan segelintir masyarakat tempatan yang melemparkan pelbagai tohmahan, termasuk menuduhnya tidak bermoral.

    “Jadi, persetujuan Sufiah untuk bertemu kami Oktober ini menandakan beliau sudah bersedia dan satu perkembangan baik dalam usaha Pisang membantunya,” katanya.


    Idris and Yusuf to prosecute in Anwar's case

    Idris and Yusuf to prosecute in Anwar's caseAnwar’s legal team to tackle charge head-on
    Anwar to be charged with sodomy
    Pak Lah: I am not involved in sodomy charge
    Saiful thankful Anwar finally brought to justice

    KUALA LUMPUR: Solicitor-General Datuk Idris Harun and the Attorney-General's Chambers prosecution chief Datuk Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden will lead the prosecution against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today.

    Idris, 53, confirmed that he would be there together with Yusof to prefer a charge of sodomy against Anwar.

    “I will be there tomorrow (today),” he said, declining to comment further on the matter.

    Idris has been thrust into the limelight as the Government had decided that Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and Inspector- General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan should not be involved in the newest sodomy case against Anwar.

    This was because the former deputy prime minister had accused the two of fabricating evidence against him when he was assaulted while in the police lock-up in 1998.

    There is nothing curious about the S-G making the decision to prosecute because he is legally empowered to perform any of the functions performed by the A-G, as provided for under Section 40A of the Eleventh Schedule to the Federal Constitution.

    Under Section 376(2) of the Criminal Procedure Code, the S-G shall have all the powers of a Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) and shall act as Public Prosecutor in the absence or inability of the A-G to act.

    Idris, an honours law graduate of Universiti Malaya, was appointed Malaysia's 16th S-G on April 27, 2006.

    He was a parliamentary draftsman before that appointment and has largely done civil work in his 28 years in the Judicial and Legal Service.

    He has also served as a DPP with the Royal Customs & Excise Department between 1992 and 1993.

    Idris has also held the post of head of the prosecution unit of Kuala Lumpur and served as senior federal counsel for the Anti-Corruption Agency.

    Anwar’s legal team to tackle charge head-on

    The group of lawyers defending PKR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim say they are ready to tackle the sodomy charge head-on, including the political conspiracy theory.

    They also expressed their disappointment that neither they nor Anwar had seen the copy of the police report lodged by his accuser Mohd Saifuil Bukhari Azlan or the medical report.

    “The legal team has not been given anything by the police or the prosecution. Nothing. But we will fight hard with the few resources as we are going against the might of the state, “ said lead counsel Sulaiman Abdullah.

    Sulaiman said that the political underpinnings of the criminal case were “undeniable.”

    “The sequence is clear. Datuk Seri announced he is running for the Permatang Pauh by-election. The Election Commission fixes nomination day (on Wednesday) and almost immediately he (Anwar) is summoned to appear in court.

    “The nexus between the one and the other is unmistakable. Datuk Seri is facing the dual burden of the allegations and the fight to save the nation.

    “He has not flinched and will face this trial fortified with prayers from his family and friends,” he said yesterday at a press conference called by Anwar.

    Anwar will be represented by three other main lawyers besides Sulaiman, namely PKR vice-president and Subang MP Sivarasa Rasiah, Sankara Nair and Saiful Izham Ramli.

    Four or five more lawyers would be on stand-by as back-up.

    Sankara Nair said that Anwar would likely be charged under Section 377B of the Penal Code for voluntarily committing carnal intercourse against the order of nature.

    “This is a non-bailable offence but normally bail is granted by the court for sodomy and rape offences, except for Anwar. They don't like to give,” he quipped.

    Sankara Nair also said there was no previous indication that Anwar would be charged today until he received the phone call at 8.47am yesterday from the police.

    “I was told to bring my client to court at 10am to be charged. I then received a fax at 10am and then Brickfields CID Chief Deputy Supt Jude Pereira personally handed over the notice to Anwar at 12.20pm. We are ready to battle it out,” he said.

    Anwar to be charged with sodomy

    PETALING JAYA: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will be charged today with sodomy and the legal battle will have serious implications on his comeback bid in the Permatang Pauh by-election, which he engineered by getting his wife to resign the seat.

    Nomination Day is set for Aug 16 and polling day 10 days after that, but the question now is whether the PKR adviser will be on hand to personally campaign or will he be locked up as a sodomy is a non-bailable offence.

    Reacting to the Election Commission announcements on the date and the authorities’ decision to charge him, Anwar accused the Government of conspiracy to fix him to prevent him from making a political comeback.

    He even held Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi personally responsible. Anwar cited the timing of the EC’s announcement and when the police served him with the notice that he is to be charged for sexually assaulting his former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari.

    Brickfields CID chief Asst Supt Jude Pereira was at the PKR de facto leader's house in Bukit Segambut at about 12.15pm, five minutes after the EC issued its statement.

    However, Abdullah denied Anwar’s claims, and stressed that he had reminded police not to charge Anwar if they did not have enough evidence.

    Pak Lah: I am not involved in sodomy charge

    KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has denied being involved in the fresh sodomy charge against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and to sabotage the PKR adviser’s attempt to return to Parliament.

    “How can I insist that he be charged? If there is no evidence the police are not stupid to charge him,” the Prime Minster said when commenting on Anwar’s accusation that he (Abdullah) had planned the sodomy charge.

    Abdullah dismissed Anwar’s claim that the charge was an attempt to deflect public’s attention from the Government’s problems.

    “The Government’s problem is a huge problem and this one is not going to deflect other kind of problems we are having at the moment. I don’t see that,” he told reporters after chairing the Barisan Nasional supreme council meeting yesterday.

    He said he had never given the police the impression that he wanted Anwar to be charged.

    “I am not one to ask people to charge (other people). I did say that if you have something to charge and you have evidence then charge. If you don’t have evidence then drop the charge, drop the whole thing and the investigation.

    “So that is up to them to see and decide on the basis of their investigation whether there is enough evidence to charge or not,” the prime minister said.

    Abdullah also said that if the police had enough evidence, they were duty bound to charge Anwar because they had to protect the rights of Anwar’s accuser Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

    “Don’t forget that there is another person, Saiful. You seem to forget Saiful and you think Anwar is more important. This is the issue of the law,” he said.

    On Anwar’s claim that the charge was meant to sabotage his election campaign due to its timing which coincided with the Election Commission’s announcement of the Permatang Pauh by-election date, Abdullah said that he was not the one who announced the date and he did not ask for the charge to coincide with it.

    “But the story of the charge against him is not new and emerged even before (Anwar’s wife and PKR president Datuk Seri Dr) Wan Azizah (Ismail) resigned (as Permatang Pauh MP),” he said.

    On whether Saiful would also be charged if he was a willing partner, he said:

    “You better read your law. If there is rape the accused will have to face action. This is a matter for the law. But I am not lawyer and I won’t get involved. We’ll see what happens in court.”

    Asked about possible street demonstrations, he said: “Anwar should tell them not to resort to demonstrate.”

    Saiful thankful Anwar finally brought to justice

    PETALING JAYA: Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan is thankful to Allah that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will finally be brought to face justice.

    His lawyer Zamri Idrus said in a statement that Mohd Saiful, who was Anwar’s former aide, would give full co-operation to ensure that the judicial court process ran smoothly.

    “Mohd Saiful also hopes that all Malaysians will pray that the legal process is carried out smoothly so the truth can be proven in a just manner,” he said yesterday.

    Zamri also said he would hold a watching brief for Mohd Saiful today.

    In another development, the doctor who examined Mohd Saiful has failed to report for work after going on leave and cannot be contacted, said Hospital Pusrawi.

    The hospital’s medical director, Dr Kamaruddin Ahmad, said Dr Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid was supposed to return to work three days ago after his two-week leave.

    “I think he is afraid to return to duty,” said Dr Kamaruddin when contacted by mStar yesterday.

    Any action, he said, would only be taken once the hospital has spoken to Dr Mohamed Osman.

    Dr Mohamed Osman, a Myanmar national, was put under the spotlight when his medical report on Mohd Saiful was leaked on the Internet on July 29.

    The report stated that there was no sign that Mohd Saiful was sodomised as alleged in his police report in June.

    The hospital had since denied that they had performed a sodomy examination on Mohd Saiful.


    Police: Don't listen to rumours

    Tan Sri Ismail OmarAbdullah: I didn't order police to charge him
    Saiful: I want truth told
    I will turn up, says Anwar

    KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will be charged with sodomy today, more than a month after a police report was lodged against him by his former aide.

    He was informed of the court action against him by Brickfields Criminal Investigation Department chief Deputy Superintendent Jude Pereira.

    The police officer served the Parti Keadilan Rakyat de facto leader with a notice about noon yesterday.

    Pereira and a sergeant went into Anwar's bungalow and came out 20 minutes later.

    Moments later, Deputy Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar, in a faxed statement, said a notice was served on Anwar.

    "Police have completed the sodomy investigation in accordance with the country's laws.

    "The investigation paper was forwarded to the Attorney-General's Chambers and a decision was made to charge Anwar."

    Anwar was told to present himself at the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex today at 10am.

    Speaking to the New Straits Times later, Ismail urged city folk to go about their business as usual today.

    He said there would be added police presence in various parts of the city but no roads would be closed. "We urge the public not to listen to rumours. The added police presence is simply to thwart any untoward incidents."

    Anwar's former aide, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, 23, had lodged a report in June claiming that he had been sodomised by his former boss.

    Anwar was arrested on July 16 and detained for a night at the Kuala Lumpur city police headquarters where he had his statement recorded.

    His detention was hotly protested after it was alleged that police had used rough-handed tactics when effecting the arrest.

    During his detention, the former deputy prime minister was taken to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital where he underwent a medical examinaion.

    He, however, refused to give a blood sample for DNA tests claiming that the evidence could be fabricated.

    Anwar was released on bail the next day and was told to report to the city police headquarters on Aug 18. But he has now been served with the notice to appear in court today.

    Abdullah: I didn't order police to charge him

    KUALA LUMPUR: The prime minister said he did not instruct the police to charge de facto opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim with sodomy.

    "How could I insist that he be charged? The police are not stupid to charge just because so and so might have said something to that effect," said Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

    "And I am not one to ask people to charge. If you have something to charge, if you have evidence to charge, you charge. If you don't have, drop it. That's what I said," he said after chairing the BN supreme council meeting yesterday.

    Abdullah said the case was going to court as the authorities had decided they had a case against Anwar. He said it was up to the police to decide, on the basis of investigations already carried out, whether there was enough evidence for them to prefer charges.

    "If they think there is enough evidence to charge, they will have to charge," he said while stating that Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar had told him about the police decision to charge Anwar today.

    Abdullah said people should not forget there was another party in the case -- the complainant, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

    "Another person looking for justice is the victim. You seem to forget Saiful. You think Anwar is more important.

    "This is an issue of law. Somebody feels that he needs justice and he makes a report to the police. And the police, therefore, have a duty to conduct investigations, to question him, to invite others to assist in the investigations.

    "If there is nothing, no evidence whatsoever, drop the charge. Drop the whole thing, the investigation. Don't do it. If there is evidence to charge, they have to charge. You can't stop them from doing that. They have to think of Saiful."

    Abdullah also replied to a claim by Anwar that he had planned for Anwar to be charged today to deflect attention from the problems the government was facing.

    "Why should I try to deflect from the problems of the government? They are huge problems.

    "This (issue) is not going to deflect the kind of problems that we are facing at the moment."

    He called on Anwar to prove his innocence in court and ruled out the possibility of street demonstrations similar to the last time Anwar was arrested in 1998.

    "Why should there be demonstrations? Anwar should tell them (his supporters) there is no need to demonstrate -- ' I (Anwar) am going there (the court). I am going to face them. I am going to show them this is all nonsense' -- that's what he (Anwar) should do.

    "Not resort to demonstrations to stop the process of law," he said.

    To another claim by Anwar that the charge was being made out against him to sabotage his by-election campaign, Abdullah said: "We (the BN) did not announce (the election date). Neither did I ask for it to coincide this way."

    Abdullah said that if the Election Commission did not announce a date anytime soon, Anwar would be making another allegation against the government.

    He said if the commission did not call the by-election within 60 days, Anwar would then ask why it was being delayed. "There will always be something (ada saja)."

    Abdullah noted that Anwar's sodomy investigation had been going on for some time.

    He said some had claimed that Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail had resigned so that the authorities would not charge Anwar with sodomy.

    "There are some people who say this. There is never one version of the story. There are at least two versions. Sometimes three, four, five or 10 versions."

    Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar also denied that the government was attempting to derail Anwar's plans to contest the Permatang Pauh by-election.

    "He should see this as an opportunity to clear his name in court. I ask everyone not to politicise the case or debate it any more as this would be sub judice," he said at the closing of the police force's Quran reading competition at the Police College in Cheras.

    Saiful: I want truth told

    KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's accuser, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, is relieved that his complaint is finally being taken to court.

    The 23-year-old, who had been in protective custody since he lodged the police report against his former boss in late June, had earlier also accused Anwar of delaying police investigations.

    Yesterday, in a statement faxed by his lawyer Zamri Idrus, Mohd Saiful said he would give his full cooperation during the trial.

    He also called on Malaysians to pray that the court process would proceed smoothly and that the truth would be revealed.

    Zamri, when contacted at his Johor Baru office, said his client had conveyed the message to him after being notified that Anwar had been summoned to court.

    Zamri said he would be present at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court here today to hold a watching brief on behalf of his client. He, however, could not say if Mohd Saiful would be present in court.

    During the course of the investigations, Mohd Saiful had, through a website, challenged Anwar to swear on the Quran that the sodomy allegation did not take place.

    I will turn up, says Anwar

    KUALA LUMPUR: While claiming that there is a political conspiracy against him, Pakatan Rakyat de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said he would still turn up in court today to face the sodomy charge levelled against him.

    "The same day they announced the date for the by-election, a subpoena was served against me," he said at the Parti Keadilan Rakyat headquarters yesterday.

    Anwar is contesting the Permatang Pauh by-election on Aug 26. This followed a move by his wife, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, to vacate the seat last week to pave way for his return to politics.

    Although he said the trial would be nothing but an attempt at character assassination, Anwar gave his word that he would show up in court at 10am.

    "Up until today, the police have yet to show me the report filed against me by my accuser, Saiful Bukhari, on June 28.

    "There has also not been any communication between the police and my lawyers as to which courtroom the case will be heard and the exact nature of the charge. But I will still turn up," he said, adding that his lawyers were confident the case would be thrown out of court, due to the lack of evidence.

    "However, if I am put on trial, that means that an enormous injustice is about to be perpetrated upon the Malaysian people, worse than those actions taken during the judicial crisis in 1988 and my previous sodomy charge in 1998, this time by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahamad Badawi."

    Anwar's words yesterday also marked the first time, he has publicly and directly attacked Abdullah, to the extent of accusing Abdullah as the chief architect of the conspiracy against him.

    On the Permatang Pauh by-election, Anwar, who last won the seat with a 23,515 majority under the Barisan Nasional banner, said he was confident that he would be able to retain the seat with a comfortable majority.

    "Even if I should be denied bail, the election campaign will continue. Dr Wan Azizah and my other opposition colleagues will make sure the job gets done, provided the Election Commission can uphold the integrity of the election process."

    Anwar said his campaign theme would be "Change!"

    Among the topics he planned to touch on were the country's economic situation, good governance, racial unity and restoring the country's international image.


    Bakar@~penarik beca ditahan polis

    Blogger yang menggendalikan blog ~penarik beca, ditahan polis malam tadi.

    Menurut isterinya, empat orang polis datang kerumah mereka dan menahan Bakar (nama sebenar Penarik Beca) bersama-sama dengan telefon bimbit dan laptopnya.

    Hanifah Maidin, peguam yang akan mewakili Bakar menghubungi polis sebentar tadi dan disahkan bahawa Bakar a.k.a Penarik Beca ditahan dibawah Akta Hasutan.

    Kepada rakan-rakan blogger dan pembaca blog, marilah kita menyatakan sokongan kepada Bakar dan tidak akan tunduk diatas segala tekanan yang diberikan oleh pemerintah terhadap blogger!

    EXCLUSIVE ( MUST READ!!!) : What the IGP and AG do not know......yet

    trafik agak sesak dalam blog ni...kalau tak dapat tengok attachment dibawah, korang klik di [ sini ] - blogmaster Topeng Perak

    Today, 7 August 2008, the government is going to charge Anwar Ibrahim for the alleged crime of sodomy. What they do not know yet is that we have a few surprises in store for them. One of them is the documents below. They will most probably deny Anwar bail just so that they can keep him in jail the entire duration of the trial. These documents, however, prove that there is no case against Anwar and the police are trying to build a case around fabricated evidence.


    Klik pada gambar untuk paparan yang jelas.