"Mengikut Perjanjian itu, tiap-tiap Negeri akan menerima 5% daripada nilai petroliam yang dijumpai dan diperolehi dalam kawasan perairan atau di luar perairan Negeri tersebut yang dijual oleh PETRONAS atau ejensi-ejensi atau kontrektor-kontrektornya".- Tun Abdul Razak, Dewan Rakyat (12hb. November, 1975)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Razaleigh to go for No. 1
He also spoke out against the postponement of the party polls, and urged members to push for the reinstatement of December as the date of the annual general assembly.
Tengku Razaleigh also called on Umno grassroots to reject the latest transition of power plan involving Abdullah and party deputy president Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
"I reject this transition of power because it is extra-constitutional," the veteran Umno member told reporters at his home here.
He criticised the transition plan for being unethical as "it is not stated within the party's constitution".
"This is not a game, because the leadership of Umno is also the leadership of the country.
"We have to be more responsible than that. Don't allow people to laugh at us!" he said, noting that the flip-flop political agreement between Abdullah and Najib created great confusion among not only party members but among ordinary Malaysians as well and had turrned the whole country into an international laughing stock.
At the Umno supreme council meeting yesterday, Abdullah and Najib announced the decision to postpone the party's annual general assembly until next March to facilitate an earlier transition of power.
But Tengku Razaleigh said that if they both wanted a transition of power to happen, they should follow the party's code of ethics by holding an election to let the members decide.
"Why are we dilly-dallying?" he asked.
Tengku Razaleigh, or Ku Li as he is affectionately called, has offered himself to be a candidate for the Umno presidency.
He said he was confident of securing enough nominations from the divisions to be able to contest the top party post.
"That's why I am offering myself," he said.
'I'm praying very hard I'll get 140. Then there'll be no opposition," he quipped.
Tunda Pemilihan Beri Impak Negatif - Mukhriz
Beliau berkata, tindakan MT itu menyebabkan anggota Umno menjadi semakin bosan dengan kepimpinan parti kerana bagi mereka tidak ada keperluan munasabah Perhimpunan Agung Umno perlu ditangguhkan.
Katanya, beliau sendiri tidak faham kenapa penangguhan itu perlu dilakukan dan ia tentunya akan memberikan gambaran yang tidak sihat serta boleh menimbulkan kekeliruan dalam kalangan anggota akar umbi.
"Daripada maklum balas yang saya terima dari seluruh negara, penangguhan Perhimpunan Agung Umno itu memberikan impak negatif dan ramai yang mahu supaya MT membatalkan penangguhan tersebut," katanya.
Beliau ditemui pemberita selepas menghadiri majlis berbuka puasa bersama-sama anggota Umno Bahagian Temerloh dan Kuala Krau di sini.
Mukhriz berkata, penangguhan yang mengambil masa hanya tiga bulan dari tarikh asal itu juga tidak relevan dan tidak memberikan sebarang kelebihan dalam menguatkan semula parti.
-mSTAR Online
TP - Ala... sama je... tunda ke, tak tunda ke... memang dah negatif dah... yang paling baguih ialah percepatkan pembubaran United Nasional Malays Organisation... gerenti selesai masalah...
MCA Kekal Bersama BN
Setiausaha Agungnya, Datuk Seri Ong Ka Chuan berkata, MCA sebagai antara pengasas BN tidak perlu bertindak keluar daripada BN hanya kerana ada pemimpin Umno yang membuat kenyataan berbaur perkauman termasuk melabelkan kaum Cina sebagai pendatang.
Ong yang juga Menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan berkata, hanya segelintir pemimpin dan anggota Umno yang bersikap sedemikian manakala sebahagian besar pemimpin Umno dan parti komponen lain mengamalkan sikap toleransi serta mengutamakan perpaduan kaum.
"Kita tiada pilihan lain dan BN adalah yang terbaik dalam usaha memastikan perpaduan dan hak saksama semua kaum di negara ini terbela," katanya selepas merasmikan pejabat baru MCA Bahagian Kapar di Mutiara Point Jalan Meru di sini hari ini.
Beliau berkata, pucuk pimpinan dan anggota MCA perlu menyedari hakikat bahawa Umno adalah antara gabungan terbaik bagi parti terbesar kaum Cina di negara ini berdiri di bawah pakatan BN.
"MCA tidak akan bergabung dengan PAS kerana kita tidak pernah menjalin kerjasama dan hubungan yang baik seperti hubungan MCAUmno," katanya.
Ong berkata, MCA juga tidak akan bergabung dengan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) kerana tidak mahu sejarah lama berulang iaitu ketika era penubuhan Independence Malayan Party (IMP) pada 1951 sehingga MCA tidak mendapat sokongan dan hilang arah perjuangan.
Katanya, berdasarkan sejarah, bekas Presiden MCA, Tan Sri Tan Cheng Lock menyertai parti IMP yang ditubuhkan Datuk Onn Jaafar selepas tiga minggu beliau keluar daripada Umno pada 1951.
Beliau berkata, bekas Presiden MCA itu memberi sokongan penuh kepada IMP kerana kawan baik kepada Onn tetapi parti itu mendapat sambutan sehingga dibubarkan pada 1954.
Ketika mengulas mengenai kemungkinan pelan peralihan kuasa berlaku lebih awal berikutan penangguhan Perhimpunan Agung Umno kepada Mac tahun depan, Ong berkata, perubahan dalam BN perlu bermula daripada sekarang bagi mengembalikan kepercayaan rakyat terhadap kerajaan.
Beliau berkata, BN perlu bersedia lebih awal dan bukannya merancang untuk menghadapi pilihan raya akan datang pada saatsat akhir.
"Kalau kita mahukan peningkatan, penjenamaan semula atau reform, inilah masanya," katanya kepada selepas merasmikan Gerai Sungai Lembing di Kuantan.
Ong berkata, parti komponen BN juga perlu bersatu dan mengelak daripada berpecah belah dengan bergaduh sesama sendiri.
"Pertelingkahan tidak relevan sekarang, apa yang penting ialah kerja keras dan positif," katanya.
-mSTAR Online
1000 in anti-ISA march tonight
The event which started at 7.30pm is part of a candlelight vigil organised by Hindraf against the ISA which allows for detention without trial.
Tonight's function will include calls for the freedom of all ISA detainees especially prominent blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin and five Hindraf leaders who were nabbed in February.
The Anti-ISA Movement (AIM) is also holding a similar event tonight in downtown Kuala Lumpur.
more to follow
Gerakan Kutuk Tindakan Ganas Terhadap Keluarga Teresa Kok
"Kami sangat terganggu dengan tindakan ganas kedua seumpama ini yang berlaku dalam tempoh kurang daripada dua bulan. Pada awal Ogos ini, molotov cocktail turut dilempar ke rumah yang pernah diduduki Presiden Majlis Peguam, Datuk S. Ambiga," kata Pemangku Presiden Gerakan, Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon dalam satu kenyataan.
Beliau berkata walaupun Gerakan mungkin tidak bersetuju dengan pendirian dan pendekatan Teresa dan pemimpin pembangkang yang lain mengenai sesetengah isu, namun Gerakan menghormati hak mereka untuk menyatakan pendapat.
Koh berkata mereka yang tidak bersetuju dengan Teresa, perlu berani untuk berdepan dengannya menerusi perbincangan atau perdebatan yang aman.
"Tiada siapa yang boleh bertindak mengikut undang-undang sendiri. Bertindak secara ganas seperti ini adalah perbuatan pengecut," katanya.
Tindakan ganas dan tidak mengikut undang-undang hanya akan memburukkan lagi suasana ketidaktentuan ekonomi dan politik semasa negara, tambahnya.
Belit Samy - YB Zuraida Bakal Di ISA kan???
Dalam kenyataan hari ini, Presidennya Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu berkata, kenyataan dua wakil rakyat itu mengelirukan rakyat tentang siapa sebenarnya yang bertanggungjawab merobohkan kuil Sri Mahakaliamman pada 9 September.
Kata beliau, MIC mahu kerajaan negeri berterus terang tentang perkara itu dan mendedahkan siapakah yng mengarahkan kuil itu dirobohkan.
Beliau berkata, menurut Ahli Parlimen Ampang Zuraida Kamaruddin, binaan itu diroboh oleh jawatankuasa kuil berkenaan bagi menjalankan kerja pengubahsuaian, tetapi Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kesihatan, Pekerja Estet dan Kerajaan Prihatin Dr Xavier A. Jayakumar pula berkata, lima hingga enam pegawai penguat kuasa Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya terlibat dalam kerja merobohkan kuil itu.
Kerajaan negeri yang diterajui PKR tidak sepatutnya mengalihkan isu ini dengan mendakwa MIC membuat tuduhan tidak berasas, kata Samy Vellu.
-mSTAR Online
TP - Sapa belit sape nih??? korang baca laporan awal kat bawah ni...
KUALA LUMPUR: MIC hari ini membidas tindakan Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya (MPAJ) yang meroboh sebuah kuil Hindu di Ampang awal bulan ini.
Presiden MIC, Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu dalam satu kenyataan hari ini berkata, Majlis Kerajaan Tempatan perlu memberi notis dan tanah yang mencukupi untuk sesebuah kuil dipindahkan sebelum mengambil keputusan merobohkannya.
Beliau mengulas laporan akhbar hari ini tentang perobohan Kuil Sri Maha Kaliamman di Kampung Tasik, Jalan Baru, Ampang, pada 9 September lepas.
Ahli Parlimen Ampang, Zuraidah Kamarudin apabila dihubungi berkata, kuil berkenaan tidak sepatutnya diroboh dan terdapat prosedur tertentu yang perlu dipatuhi sebelum kerja meroboh dilakukan.
Katanya, MPAJ meroboh kuil tersebut tanpa kebenaran kerajaan negeri.
Beliau berkata, kerajaan negeri sedang berbincang dengan MPAJ berkenaan isu tersebut dan tindakan lanjut akan dibuat selepas siasatan menyeluruh diadakan.
"Kita telah berjumpa pihak pengurusan kuil berkenaan dan penduduk Hindu setempat dan telah menerangkan keadaan sebenar kepada mereka.
"Mereka faham dan bersetuju untuk bersabar sehingga siasatan selesai dijalankan," katanya.
-mSTAR Online
TP - Oi Samy..! Lu pun mau jadi Khir Toyo ka? YB Zuraida... Standby... ISA... mangsa putar belit ke-2 selepas Teresa Kok...
Ku Li: Reject delay of party polls
“This is extra-constitutional. If there is a transition of power, according to the party constitution, it must be done every three years at all levels,” he said.
He said that the plan for Prime Minister and Umno president Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to hand over reign to his deputy Najib Abdul Razak was akin to “passing property” from one to another.
He told a press conference at his Kuala Lumpur residence this afternoon that the new Umno plan unveiled by the party's supreme council yesterday was not acceptable because office bearers should be decided by party members according to party rules.
“If Umno members still believe in the struggle and if they still love the party, to which I have no reasons to doubt, I’m sure they will reject the plan.
“This is not a sandiwara nor a game; First it was on, then off; December, then March, then June. Decide! It is not a small thing. The whole country is waiting to see what happens to the leadership of Umno and the country,” he said.
Tengku Razaleigh stressed several times during the 50-minute press conference that the transition plan was undemocratic and had made Malaysia an international laughing stock.
He said that public anxiety was on the rise as a result of the confusion being caused by the transition plan.
“Even I am getting a bit confused,” he said.
Still Gunning For No 1
To a question, Tengku Razaleigh said he is still seeking nominations to contest as party president, regardless whether Abdullah would be defending his post or not.
“I’m praying that I will obtain 140 nominations (to win by default),” he said in jest.
Abdullah is currently under pressure to quit before the party polls and is said to be able to obtain the mandatory 58 nominations from 191 Umno divisions, which will start meeting on Oct 9.
Abdullah now has up to Oct 9 to decide on his fate.
Asked if he would ever reconsider offering himself as a candidate for the party elections, he replied, “I was the first to offer myself (for the post). I don’t normally make ‘flip-flop’ decisions”.
Tengku Razaleigh said that he has not been campaigning because party rules forbid him from doing so, but he would reveal his plan to revive the economy soon, which he will implement if made prime minister.
He claimed that his plan would increase per capita gross domestic income from US$4,000 to US$10,000 in less than five years.
Tengku Razaleigh also brushed aside Kelantan Umno liaison chief Annuar Musa’s claim that the transition plan has the full backing of the state.
“I didn’t attend the meeting, nor did several other division leaders. How can it be unanimous?” said Tengku Razaleigh, who is also Gua Musang Umno division chief and the constituency’s MP.
He said it was likely that there were attempts by certain state leaders to pander to those in Kuala Lumpur and that the grassroots did not agree with the plan.
Upko wants Registration Dept to rectify mistake
Upko deputy president Datuk Wilfred Bumburing said that taking away the citizenship of a locally-born bumiputra and forcing them to take permanent resident status was a shocking display of incompetence from a department rigged with controversies.
“This action by the NRD infringes the basic rights of Malaysians in Sabah and if it is not rectified, Upko must seriously review its position in Barisan,” he said.
He said this in reaction to the dilemma of a 78-year-old Sino-Kadazan woman Yong Lee Hua @ Piang Lin who lost her identity card in May but NRD issued her a Red IC and asked her to apply for citizenship again.
“This to me is the last straw with the mess of NRD that is making locals foreigners and foreigners citizens,” said Bumburing who believes that a Royal Commission of Inquiry should be set up to investigate NRD’s alleged issuance of ICs to foreigners.
Yong, a resident of Penampang holding a native certificate issued in 1963, lost her original IC on Feb 12 and made an application for a replacement but was issued a Red IC a few months later with NRD officials saying that it was normal procedure. However, the mother of seven children went back to the NRD with prove of citizenship documents including her passport and driving licence.
To her shock, an official at the NRD office admitted that there might have been a mistake but advised her to apply for citizenship instead of rectifying it. Her bank accounts have since been frozen.
“There is something really wrong at the NRD. This is not the first case,” added Bumburing, whose party helped highlight Yong’s plight while reflecting on worries that citizens were losing their Malaysian status in a state where there are allegations that foreigners are getting Malaysian identity cards illegally.
Last year an 18-year-old local girl from Sandakan whose Malaysian identity card was issued to another person was asked by the NRD officers to obtain a new identity. Her plight was highlighted and she eventually got back her identity.
-The Star Online
Kok's family home attacked
However, no one was hurt in the incident. Teresa's parents are living in the house at Jalan Ipoh together with her younger siblings.
The family has lodged a police report over the attack which took place at 2.55am.
At a press conference this afternoon, Teresa’s father, Kok Kim Tong narrated the incident to reporters holding a mock bottle in his hand.
Teresa’s parents and her siblings were in the house at the time.
“About 2.55am, we heard a loud ‘bang’ and my son (Sow Kuen) went to check and saw a man wearing a red t-shirt riding off on a motorcycle.
A warning letter containing threatening words and vulgarities was also attached to one of the bottles which was left outside the house.
Kim Tong, 74, said that he was woken up by his son and immediately alerted the police who arrived 20 minutes later.
“We smell kerosene from the two bottles thrown into our compound. They were similar to this one,” added Kim Tong, lifting the bottle he was holding.
Nails Inside Bottle's
He also said there were nails inside the bottle. However, the petrol bombs did not explode.
Kim Tong said he was informed by the police that had the bottles exploded, the nails would act like bullets and could be deadly. Teresa’s mother, Poon Seh Kwon, 71, was at her husband's side during the media briefing.
“I don’t think I have enemies. I am retired. If there’s any, it (would probably be) brought by Teresa, I would not know,” Kim Tong even managed in a lighter vein, drawing laughter from those present.
Teresa told reporters that her family members are very shaken and now fear for their lives.
"I view this act as most despicable and criminal designed to instill fear, anxiety in me and to prevent me from performing my duties as an elected representative.
"I also attribute this despicable act to certain media groups and blogs that have deliberately demonised and portrayed me as chauvinistic, anti-Malay and anti-Islam," she said.
Teresa, 43, said the attack could be related to her recent detention under the ISA on Sept 12 for allegedly raising Islamic issues. She was subsequently released on Sept 19.
During her detention, Teresa also lodged police reports against Umno-owned daily Utusan Malaysia, its senior editor Zaini Hassan and former Selangor menteri besar Dr Mohd Khir Toyo for accusing her of involvement in the issues.
Also present at the Kok family home to show support this afternoon were Teresa's fellow parliamentarians Lim Kit Siang, Lim Lip Eng, Tian Chua, Zuraida Kamaruddin, Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad and lawyer Sankara Nair.
Asked if she worries for her safety in future, Teresa said she is seeking police protection for her family.
“I hope the police can give extra protection to my family members and also to all political leaders. If this can happen to me, it can also happen to anyone,” she asserted.
Leaders Condemn Attack
Meanwhile, DAP stalwart Kit Siang expressed shock and anger over the attack.
“I call on all Malaysians especially political leaders from both sides, and the Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar himself, media and bloggers to come out with clear cut condemnation over this irresponsible act,” he said.
He pointed out that differences should be resolved in a civil manner, adding that Pakatan leaders hope to meet the home minister and Deputy IGP Ismail Omar to discuss the attack on Teresa’s family.
Batu MP Tian Chua described the attack as a political attempt to divert public attention to some issues that did not even exist in the first place.
“Teresa has become a target for intimidation and repression,” he said.
Kuala Selangor MP Dzulkefly described the attack as “the politics of fear and intimidation”.
“This is not the way we should move forward (as a society) as this is against the spirit of Ramadan. The incident should not have taken place because we have laws in this country. But what they did was they just took the law in their own hands,” he said.
Gerakan acting president Dr Koh Tsu Koon also joined the opposition in condemning the latest barbaric act.
“(Although) Gerakan may not agree with the stand or approach of Teresa and other opposition leaders on certain issues, we strongly defend their right to freedom of peaceful expressions,” he said in a statement today.
Anyone disagreeing with her stand should instead be brave enough to engage her in peaceful debate or discussion, he said.
“No one should take the law into their own hands. Resorting to violence is actually an act of cowardice,” stressed Koh.
According to Koh, this was the second incident involving petrol bombs in two months. In early August, Molotov cocktails were thrown unto the former residence of Bar Council president S Ambiga after the controversial forum on inter-marriages.
Last May, the DAP headquarters in Ipoh was also attacked with two Molotov cocktails being hurled into their office.
Bukan Kerana Saya: Muhyiddin
Beliau menjelaskan, pandangannya tentang kepimpinan Perdana Menteri selama ini yang kadangkala terasa lebih tajam dan pedas bukan berniat untuk menyinggung perasaan tetapi adalah untuk kepentingan masa depan parti
"Apa yang diputuskan itu bukan kerana desakan saya. Saya kira Perdana Menteri mengambil kira semua perkara.
"Kita harap apa yang diputuskan oleh Pak Lah dapat diterima dengan baik oleh semua," katanya kepada pemberita pada majlis tahlil di surau Jalan Bakri di sini, malam tadi. Beliau berkata demikian semasa ditanya pemberita mengenai adanya tanggapan bahawa keputusan Perdana Menteri itu adalah disebabkan oleh desakan-desakan beliau selama ini.
Pada mesyuarat khas Majlis Tertinggi (MT) Umno semalam, Abdullah yang juga Presiden Umno mengumumkan MT membuat keputusan menunda tarikh perhimpunan agung parti itu yang sebelum ini dijadualkan Disember ini ke Mac tahun depan bagi melicinkan proses peralihan kuasa yang lebih awal.
Muhyiddin yang juga Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri menyifatkan keputusan itu akan melenyapkan soal ketidaktentuan politik negara sehingga membuatkan pelabur di dalam dan luar negara mengambil sikap tunggu dan lihat untuk melabur di negara ini.
"Proses peralihan kuasa ini akan memberi panduan lebih jelas kepada mereka dan tidak timbul lagi soal tidak ketentuan dalam negara ini," katanya.
Muhyiddin berharap anggota Umno akan terus bertaut kepada parti dan dapat memberi tumpuan kepada usaha memperkukuhkan parti dan meningkatkan kepercayaan dan keyakinan rakyat kepada kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN).
Mengenai penangguhan Perhimpunan Agung Umno ke Mac depan, beliau berkata, keputusan itu adalah munasabah dan berharap anggota parti tidak mempertikaikannya.
"Saya kira ia munasabah dan kita harap ia tidak dipertikaikan dan diterima dengan baik oleh semua ahli parti," katanya.
-mSTAR Online
Umm... No.
The script, which originally scheduled polls for December, will still proceed, with divisional elections beginning on Oct 9, according to a decision taken at an unexpectedly short emergency meeting of Umno's supreme council. Prior to the meeting, there was a brief meeting between Abdullah and Datuk Seri Najib Razak, his deputy in party and government.
According to Umno officials, Abdullah did not say unequivocally that he would not seek re-election in the next polls. But in elliptical Malay style, he intimated it. Meeting reporters later, he said that he would make a statement on or before Oct 9, the day Umno divisions begin meeting to nominate party leaders. “I am not under any pressure and it will be my decision. It will be my decision alone but you can go on guessing.”
The original handover plan was for Abdullah to leave in June 2010. The new plan was, apparently, presented to the supreme council by Abdullah and Najib after their earlier meeting. According to a close ally of the premier, Abdullah is set to announce before Oct 9 that he would not seek re-election, paving the way for Umno's 191 divisions to mostly nominate Najib for party president.
This outcome will almost definitely cripple former Finance Minister Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah's chances of obtaining enough nominations to make a bid for the party presidency. That is not to say that the prince will not try. “I think I speak for the country when I say we are embarrassed at the sight of two grown men playing this endless children's game of ‘yours and mine’ with the most important job in the country,” Tengku Razaleigh said in response to the new plan. “Instead of a national economic plan or any kind of reform, we have a ‘transition plan’ to save two individuals from the inconvenience of facing elections,” he said. “Their personal careers appear more important than the future of the country.”
Still, the new transition plan could bolster the chances of International Trade and Industry Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin in his quest to replace Najib as Umno's deputy president. Muhyiddin was one of the first Umno leaders to speak out against Abdullah in the immediate aftermath of the March 8 general election and has consistently maintained that stand until yesterday. That sort of directness is rare and is expected to win him the appreciation of many Umno delegates. But he could be challenged - and indeed is likely to be. Among his possible challengers: Malacca Chief Minister Datuk Ali Rustam and Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Zahid Hamidi.
Anwar will be better PM than Najib
In the same survey, Malaysians also appear more divided than ever over their support for the country's political leadership.
There are also sharp differences in preferences between the different races, with a majority of non-Malays supporting Anwar, while more Malays preferred Najib.
Between Sept 11 and 22, Merdeka Centre carried out a leadership performance perception on a cross section of 1,002 people of voting age from the three main ethnic communities in the country.
Among the questions asked was: "Between Najib Razak and Anwar Ibrahim, who do you think makes a better prime minister?"
Najib garnered a 33.8 per cent average total support among the three major races. Anwar edged him by a margin of less than six per cent — he garnered an average total of 39.3 per cent.
The difference is more conspicuous when the show of support is broken down according to the ethnicity of those polled.
The split was apparent among racial lines, with Najib drawing as much as 47.3 per cent support from the Malay community. Anwar trailed with just 32.5 per cent.
The opposition leader gained greater support among non-Malays, receiving the support of 37.4 per cent of Chinese voters and a whopping 85 per cent from the Indians.
In comparison, Najib only won the approval of 18.4 per cent of Chinese voters and just five per cent of Indians thought he would make a better prime minister.
Of note was the high percentage of voters who remained non-commital. More than 40 per cent of Chinese voters polled expressed no preference.
Based on the poll results, Malay support for Najib is significantly stronger than that for Anwar.
Political analyst Tricia Yeoh says the party factor is a very strong featuring factor with the non-Malay communities.
"It is possible they view Najib as continuing to perpetuate the same kind of politics that has plagued
"Anwar will need to fight for Malay support most prominently since Najib may continue to be seen as the final bastion of support for the Malay position," she added.
Another political analyst, Khoo Kay Peng, sees it differently.
"No doubt Najib commands higher support among the Malay community because of the status of Umno as a Malay party. It has been representing the Malays for a long time. But at 47.3 per cent, the support is not really very high for Najib. It's not much off Abdullah's support," he said.
Based on the same Merdeka Centre report, Abdullah still enjoys 50.7 per cent support from the Malays.
"The key is that Najib does not get much support from the Chinese and Indians. Najib is still seen as a Malay leader.
"If you want to be the prime minister, you must have support from across the board," he said.
"Anwar stands a much better chance because he gets support from over 30 per cent of the Chinese and the Indians, predominantly from the Indians, which is consistent with past reports," he pointed out.
In a toss up between who will become the next prime minister, he felt it would definitely be Anwar.
But for Khalid Samad, the Pas MP for Shah Alam and an ally of Anwar, the results are frightening for the Pakatan Rakyat alliance.
He said the results of the survey showed government media propaganda still held sway, especially among the rural Malays.
He is concerned that much of the Malay media has portrayed a negative impression of Anwar as being an "immoral guy" and being a stooge of the
"Basically, Umno-Barisan Nasional has been quite successful in conning Malays into believing that Anwar is selling out the Malays and that is the reason for the low percentage of support for Anwar," said Khalid.
"These are not very encouraging results if it is representative of the entire population. It means there is a problem. Anwar will have to work harder.
"It's important he should have at least a 50-50 situation among Malays. That would suffice," he stressed.
But he does not think that the sample poll is a true reflection of the voting populace.
"I don't think that Anwar in the actual situation is that far behind Najib. I would expect 47 per cent for Najib and 45 per cent for Anwar.
"The difference, almost 15 per cent difference in support from Malays, gives the impression that if Pakatan Rakyat comes to power, the position of the Malays will be jeopardised.
"But no one race will lose out under Pakatan leadership," he said.
Aku Tak Tau La...Hang Pi Tanya Botak...
Sehubungan itu, Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berkata, beliau telah menyerahkan surat rayuan yang diterimanya daripada Presiden MIC, Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu baru-baru ini untuk membebaskan pemimpin pertubuhan haram berkenaan kepada Syed Hamid.
''Ini adalah perkara yang di bawah Kementerian Dalam Negeri dan saya telah pun serahkan surat kepada menteri yang berkenaan,'' katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang akhbar selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat khas Majlis Tertinggi (MT) UMNO di Menara Dato' Onn di sini hari ini.
Ahad lalu, Samy Vellu berkata, lima pemimpin Hindraf yang ditahan mengikut ISA sejak 13 Disember tahun lalu sepatutnya dibebaskan tanpa sebarang syarat.
Menurut Presiden MIC itu, penahanan lebih lama R. Kengadharan, 41, M. Manoharan, 47, V. Ganabatirau, 35, P. Uthayakumar, 47, dan K. Vasantha Kumar, 35, akan menambah kebencian masyarakat India terhadap kerajaan.
-Utusan Malaysia Online
TP - Kalau bab tangkap, memang PM boleh masuk campur... bab nak lepas balik... PM tolak dekat TPM, TPM tolak dekat Menteri, Menteri tolak dekat Timbalan Menteri, Timbalan Menteri tolak dekat EXCO, EXCO tolak dekat Polis, Polis tolak dekat Persatuan, Persatuan tolak dekat Kelab, Kelab tolak dekat Ku Li...... Ku Li cakap - Malaysia Republik Banana a.k.a Sarkis
Media asing mula ragui Anwar
Menteri Penerangan, Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek berkata, setelah kegagalan menubuhkan kerajaan baru pada 16 September lalu, masyarakat luar mula meragui kredibiliti Anwar.
Menurutnya, sandiwara Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) itu membunuh kredibilitinya sendiri pada pandangan masyarakat antarabangsa.
-Utusan Malaysia Online
TP - Maklumat ni Mat Strawberry dapat dengan menggunakan sistem penyampaian "AUTOMATIK".
Mat Strawberry tak perlu menghantar mana-mana penyiasat untuk mendapatkan maklumat diluar negara kerana sistem "AUTOMATIK" yang digunakan oleh Mat Strawberry dapat menyampaikan segala maklumat secara "AUTOMATIK".
Bila Mat Strawberry bercakap, "AUTOMATIK" air liur akan memenuhi hujung bibirnya...
Tiada pertemuan dengan MB Selangor - UiTM
Naib Canselornya, Datuk Seri Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Abu Shah menjelaskan, apa yang berlaku sebenarnya ialah tiga pelajar iaitu Yang Dipertua Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) dan dua rakannya telah dijemput melalui panggilan telefon untuk hadir ke satu majlis berbuka puasa di kediaman rasmi menteri besar itu baru-baru ini.
Beliau berkata, ketiga-tiga pelajar berkenaan bersetuju menghadiri majlis tersebut atas niat baik untuk berbuka puasa.
''Pada majlis itu juga, mereka telah dipanggil oleh Menteri Besar dan beberapa ahli Exco Kerajaan Negeri Selangor untuk berbincang dan menjelaskan isu-isu yang berbangkit,'' kata beliau dalam kenyataannya di sini hari ini.
Beliau mengulas laporan sebuah akhbar yang menyatakan Abdul Khalid telah mengadakan pertemuan dengan enam perwakilan tertinggi UiTM bagi membincangkan isu kemasukan 10 peratus pelajar bukan bumiputera yang dicadangkannya.
-Utusan Malaysia Online
TP - Pulak Dah??? betol Ku Li cakap - Ini negara Republik Pisang..! 1 dunia tengok Malaysia macam tengok Sarkis. Malaysia ada PM Sarkis, TPM Sarkis, Kabinet Sarkis, MB Sarkis, TMB Sarkis, EXCO Sarkis, Politikus Sarkis, Penyokong Sarkis dan berbagai-bagai lagi produk keluaran Politik Sarkis Malaysia...
Bakal PM Sarkis jugak ka?
Death of M'sian: Guyana to sue firm
Hep Kai Kan, 60, an on-site supervisor for the company, was crushed to death by a falling tree on Tuesday in the company's forest concession in Guyana's north-western Amazon jungle.
Police said that he was killed by a tree that was being cut. However company spokesman Lennox Cornette said the tree being cut crashed into a second tree that then killed Kan, 60.
In the former case a court could rule it was the company's fault, while in the latter case it could be argued that the death was accidental.
Nadir said the timber company would be prosecuted for failing to immediately report the incident, in keeping with Guyana workplace laws.
"This was not done and I don't see any reason why we should not move to prosecution," Nadir told AFP.
If found guilty, the employer - the company manager in the capital Georgetown - could be sent to prison for three months and fined up to US$250.
27 September 2008 Today Is Raja Petra Birthday 今天是柏特拉的生日
27 September 2008
Hari ini adalah Hari Jadi Blogger Terkenal dan juga Mangsa Kekejaman ISA, Raja Petra Kamarudin.
Saya berharap agar RPK dibebaskan secepat mungkin!
RPK Malaysian will stand behind you!
For your information:
1) Lets Join Haris Ibrahim Campaigne...
Hartal ISA : International attention and intervention
2) Lets sign the petition...
Helen Ang has a challenge for all of you :
The petition is hitting 30,000. Can People’s Parl give it a final push today and tomorrow, so that we can send a 50,000 big birthday card to RPK on Sept 27?
All those of us who’ve signed, pls get ONE more person to do the same.
I would agree that the Zaid paragraph could have been better framed but I believe it was written from the HEART.
Next week, then, we put our HEADS together and pull together a co-ordinated (under-one-roof) programme to pressure for RPK’s release. But for now — today and tomorrow — just go for 50,000-thinking-of-them as a morale booster to Raja Petra and all the others in Kamunting, for whom we’re lighting a candle this weekend.
3) Lets join ISA candlelight vigil campaigne...
ISA candlelight vigil schedule (Penang)
4) You are welcome to leave your wishes for RPK...
-Go! Malaysian...